#microformats 2024-08-01

2024-08-01 UTC
muskrat, Cendrine, [tantek], [Arunkumar_Govi], IWSlackGateway, barnaby, greenfork, capjamesg, ancarda, lazcorp and Guest6 joined the channel
is confused about u-syndication.
I want to copy some older posts from one domain to create new posts on another domain. I do not want to have to edit the head of the original post to indicate `rel-canonical`, nor do I really want to edit the HEAD of the new post. Can I use `class="u-syndication"' on the link from the new version to the old version?
Or should I be using `rel="canonical"` on the link to the old post? Unfortunately, http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-canonical does not have any examples I can look at.
let's start with what is the goal (goals) you're trying to accomplish? (for yourself, for your readers, for search engines, users thereof)
I think what I want to achieve is not to penalise search by having duplicate content.
ugh, yeah I wish I understood that better. I can't even get Google to properly index old posts at all that are not duplicated anywhere. It's just throwing my stuff away from its index 😞
[aciccarello] joined the channel
do you plan to eliminate the older domain or do you want search to actually preferentially treat the older domain as "canonical" and direct people there?
I like the "originally posted" way of doing this, visibly
I will not delete the original. I have a link that currently reads `<a href="https://www.eatthispodcast.com/our-daily-bread-01/" rel="canonical">Listen to The Abundance of Nature here</a>` on my "other" domain.
The old post remains the canonical source.
Do search engines understand Originally posted?
I mean use the rel-canonical in a visible link like that in an "Originally published <a href rel=canonical>on the Eat This Podcast</a>"
good for humans and machines
Oh yes, it will be visible, and I can add the additional text. Thanks for the help.
[manton], [Joe_Crawford] and hawbringer joined the channel