#microformats 2024-08-31

2024-08-31 UTC
[qubyte], to2ds, mattbcool[d], [Pierre_Carrier] and maj joined the channel
Hi, is it ok to ask a question about how to use h-feed and h-entry here?
[schmarty] joined the channel
maj, it is, however you may find more answers in #indieweb-dev (unless your question is a generic microformats parsing related question)
I have a section and h1 with multiple sections each with an h2 and each of those h2/sections have multiple sections with h3's in them. Is it ok to put an h-feed on the main section or h1, put h-feed and h-entry on the sections with an h2, and h-entry on the sections with an h3?
I have a page with some text, then a list of programming languages, each language has to sub-lists for active and archived projects, active and archived each have a list of specific projects. Should I only have one h-feed in my main tag and an h-entry on each of the projects or should I nest h-feed's inside of other h-feed's?
Also the sections have the h* tags inside of them as the first text. should I put the h-feed on the section tags and the h-entry on the h* tags or something else like the h-entry and sub h-feed on the section tags?
Sorry for the long explanation.