#microformats 2024-09-03

2024-09-03 UTC
fluffy, [snarfed], [snarfed]1, [sebbu] and barnaby joined the channel
When does one add the `lang` attribute to items? When it's detected in the parent document (and if so, does it cascade to every element until it specifies otherwise)? Looking at https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing and I don't see a mention
[preview] Tantek Γ‡elik
jacky, only explicitly on the element
then https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fslatecave.net%2Fblog%2Ffixing-pwm-flicker%2F is wrong because it's not defined on the element, it's defined at `<html>`
[preview] [Slatian] Fixing PWM flicker on the Arduino UNO R3
jacky, ah, "lang" has not yet been adopted as an mf2 parsing feature, it's still undergoing experimentation
ah drat
I wanted a πŸ†
okay I can do that πŸ€”
that aside, this _kinda_ makes me want to expose what extensions are "enabled" in the output, similar to the `debug` block used by pin13
ooh that's a good idea
barnaby joined the channel
> or from the HTTP `Content-Language` header
Interesting add for the parser
another good reason why "directly on the element of the property" is probably what we're only going to add, because it's more predictable/simpler for authors and parser writers to work with dependably
I _do_ have a means of pulling from a network request in this library if needed but that'd require a little changing to support something like the header
that said, this should fix up that person's issue nicely
yeah this was a _great_ revisit; fixed up some more bugs with this
now I gotta update `http://rust.microformats.io` too πŸ¦”
tbh I'd move it to GitHub but the person who made the original crate isn't responsive (but I have push permissions to other ones)
to2ds joined the channel
regarding jf2, is there a place for tests that isn't https://github.com/dissolve/jf2_validator/tree/master/samples/jf2 but simiilar to https://github.com/microformats/tests (wanting to do tests against more HTML to confirm alignment)
SyniToxi and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky, I'd start up level from the jf2 spec and see if you get different results
to2ds joined the channel
if not, then there may be an uplevel need to point the spec to a test suite repo that can be collectively maintained
like testing the examples in there? sure; I did convert some of those cases but couldn't hurt to do them all
no I mean what does the jf2 spec itself link to
[Bruno_Pulis] joined the channel
well the example files point to that repo by dissolve
https://jf2.rocks/ is the validator/implementation reports page
tangentially, if this was a thing https://github.com/indieweb/jf2/issues/50, this would make this implementation a lot easier because I could just convert it on the fly from mf2 to jf2
[preview] [snarfed] #50 Mf2 conversion algorithm
well, getting back to community maintenance, jf2.rocks links to this repo for fixes: https://github.com/dissolve/jf2.rocks β€” so perhaps the next steps is to contact dissolve (maybe file an issue on the repo?) and ask if they'd consider migrating it to the microformats org
and then assuming that goes well, do the same with the test suite etc.
[preview] [dissolve] jf2.rocks: code for jf2.rocks template
I do not see that links from jf2.rocks! I even looked at the source lol
but agreed!
it's at the bottom
" This site is open source and available on GitHub " where "GitHub" is a hyperlink to that repo
_oh_ I was looking at the spec page πŸ™ƒ
alright cool ty
gRegor, SyniToxi and barnaby joined the channel
Re: lang, the inheritance was part of the brainstorming and (I think) implemented by the other parsers that tried out experimental language parsing: https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-brainstorming#Language_inheritance
Additional details probably in github issues: https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/issues/96
[preview] [voxpelli] #96 Experimental language parsing
yeah lang "inheritance" is very hard to get right, and predict as an author. it's one of the "not great" mechanisms in HTML πŸ˜•
Hey Loqi :)
much simpler if we encourage authors to use the lang attribute explicitly on elements where they want it to explicitly show up in the parsed mf2 output
Not great, but generally working on php-mf2 afaik :)
I think it's been years since we've really discussed or iterated on that, so fresh eyes is good.
It's still an experimental flag in php-mf2, we just enabled that flag at some point on the test parser sites
SyniToxi and to2ds joined the channel