#microformats 2024-09-06

2024-09-06 UTC
SyniToxi, pavel, ChrisFu, [qubyte], GWG, [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford], yeah, but the goal is to describe what's inside <code>, just like you do for adresses or whatnot
so that you know "this is a function" "this is a class" "this is an operator" etc...
and it *should* be integrated into thoses well-established toolchains later, my main entry-point would have been LSP
isn't that what syntax highlighting already does?
not exactly, it's mostly visual/styling, it doesn't distinguish some of the different types of data
it's like the difference between using regex and DOM to parse html ;)
This seems like a whole lot of extra work to add double parsing
That is, every programming language already has a grammar to fully parse it!
So it you want to extract its semantics, use its grammar
ChrisFu joined the channel
AST are notoriously unreadable
pretty printing is just styling and no metadata
i want something in the middle
ChrisFu joined the channel
https://microformats-staging.indieweb.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing this is coming up in search results on Google but has a broken TLS cert
argh how
that was from the migration years ago
maybe because it's linked from the logs? 🙃
ChrisFu, barnaby, m5zs7k_, srijan and SyniToxi joined the channel
what is jf2
I'm still figuring it out too Loqi so no worries
Loqi doesn't answer what is in this channel
ChrisFu, [morganm] and barnaby joined the channel
I'm still figuring it out and I'm one of the editors
just noticing this line re: jf2 feed
• *photo* _MUST_ be a single string value if present on the top level feed object, its author property object, or any direct child entry object and _MUST_ be a valid [https://jf2.spec.indieweb.org/#bib-url].
(sorry for the HTML for IRC folks)
[preview] Kyle Mahan
the first sentence fragment makes sense but the following reads like it's meant to be another bullet point?
[aciccarello] and [0x3b0b] joined the channel