#microformats 2024-09-18

2024-09-18 UTC
let's see
Looks like there's been a couple small backcompat fixes merged in php-mf2 since its last release
3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 38
I need to write up what I was thinking with the set of labels we have then go through and use the labels 😕
gRegor, many of these have already been implemented behind flags in php-mf2
e.g. https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/3 (and others, sharing this link so context of those numbers ^ is clear)
[preview] [voxpelli] #3 Parse language information
anyway curious what you (gRegor) think of trying to wrap-up those 5 issues
before cutting a new release
Thanks, I'll take a look
xgpt joined the channel
currently pointed to has http authentication enabled and appears dead to the world.
was trying to edit the wiki, said to come here to ask for an account, probably won't see the reply because i'm trash at checking IRC. just wanted to edit this page : https://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email to correct the link to 'wikinomics' to shift it to point to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikinomics as whatever website it's
thanks for the heads up!
edited /wiki-better-than-email (+150) "web archive of wikinomics site, Wikipedia page"
(view diff)
last site on their page was 2010-06-10 Technical difficulties
I missed a PHP MF2 discussion? Darn that in office time
No one asked but I would love to see metaformats support for PHP 😊
[schmarty]: Here here
awesome thanks
[schmarty] not opposed! Would suggest behind a flag so we can actively experiment
Like I wonder if Twitter has become irrelevant enough to ditch Twitter cards metacrap from metaformats
On a long enough timeline all proprietary markup dies
tmk discord uses twitter cards meta tags :( or maybe it also uses opengraph?
Uses like parses or uses like publishes?
Yeah only case we care to make that decision to drop us presence of Twitter metacrap without OGP metacrap
drop is*
for the embeds
i assume slack does the same thing
I think [aciccarello] expressed interest in adding metaformats to php-mf2
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I was the one to implement the node version. I'm not experienced with pho though.
I do have thoughts on the algorithm though
Oh, nice!
Maybe it was someone else, or I just mixed up which parser
I will say, meta formats has been a really nice way to normalize data for link previews
[morganm], [marksuth], [Zegnat] and to2ds joined the channel
I've been annoyed by "remove workarounds for old versions" PRs before now. This looks like a real structural issue, but a bit of a messy one.
On the twitter cards issue, a lot of sites do still publish them, but I think most of them also have facebook's proprietary markup too. That might be something to settle empirically if someone is crawling a lot of pages.
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, omz13, JSharp and voxpelli joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Yeah, resolving those dead-ends in PHP development are tricky to deal with. Another one percolating right now is how the behavior of `fgetcsv()` has to change because the default value for the `$escape` parameter
er, the `$escape` parameter was a bad idea/implementation, made worse by the choice of default value, that is.
[fluffy] and jacky joined the channel
agreed, supporting Twitter cards metacrap isn't about "supporting Twitter" nearly as much (or at all) as it is about broadly finding useful metacrap in a world when tons of publishers still publish it
lazcorp joined the channel
!tell vika if you'd like to help get the rust library for microformats to 100% supports; it's finicky about the custom date time parsing that's part of value class parsing, lemme know! the only ones failing that are ignored are listed here: https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/blob/next/library/src/parse/test/suite/ignored_generated_tests.txt?ref_type=heads
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
to2ds, [manton] and [benatwork] joined the channel