#microformats 2024-10-14

2024-10-14 UTC
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[preview] [nex3] #492 Parsing a page with mf2 annotations using the meta parser
how do you handle nested microformats that are not enclosed in a property
[Murray] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Isn't an h-entry child of an h-entry a collection?
it is like h-entry inside of h-feed
but is h-entry inside of h-entry this by the spec? and do we want to support it as reply context?
[pfefferle]: I'm still confused about what they are trying to indicate
I use h-cite with e-content. So, isn't the simpler question if that is an issue?
I think it is using h-entry as a more complex link!?!
amiga_mike joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I understand.. that's just a secondary question of whether it is an issue
that's why I ask: do we think that this should be supported or so we only support if the h-entry/h-cite is encapsulated in an attribute (u-repost-of, -u-in-reply-to, ...)
Yeah the only use-case I've seen for an actual h-entry inside an h-entry is a "local comment" on a blog post where that's the original copy of the comment
Otherwise if it's referring to a post elsewhere (like a reply context) the nested thing should be an h-cite
[tantek]: Your thoughts on e-content rather than p-content in an h-cite? The microformats wiki expressly says p, and I think that's part of it
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2024-10-13 at 9:14pm UTC
explore the possibility of expanding metaformats legacy parsing rules to include 'wp-block-...' class names to imply an h-entry for default Wordpress (including .com) blog posts like https://librefm.wordpress.com/2024/10/13/whats-new-with-libre-fm-this-week-2024-10-13/
[tantek] but in this actual case, not the nesting was the problem, but the missing attribute
the h-entry was a direct child of the main h-entry
GWG sounds like a better detailed question for #indieweb-dev since we're talking about specific indieweb use cases
[pfefferle] what do you know about the wp-block-* classes? Are those pretty stable and all in "core" (rather than split across core & themes)?
[tantek] wp-block-* are the core block classes
if a plugin introduces own blocks, the recommendation is to use a plugin "namespace" for that
so the `wp-block-*` classes should be fairly stable
are themes allowed to introduce or overload or re-use wp-block-* class names?
[will], sebbu2, [Joe_Crawford] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
you are able to extend/modify blocks, but this is mostly about style not so much about renaming classes
that's good to hear. perhaps exploring a backcompat parsing of various wp-block-* classes as h-entry equivalents has some potential then
gRegor, [qubyte], barnabywalters, to2ds and [KevinMarks] joined the channel