tantekedited /rel-contact (-327) "conflicting issue resolved a while ago, simplify description to where HTML includes rel="contact" by reference" (view diff)
Askan, [Askan], taism, wolfkitty42, kagami, barnaby, Youkyouk and Zlatko joined the channel
lsolesenTrying to get my head around rel-me and rel-author. On https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the markup for the author includes rel="me". But is rel="me" really reserved for https://www.larsolesen.dk/ - the main site for the author? and really on https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the rel should be rel-author for a main link. But what about the Linkedin page and the other pages referenced under the author, should there be
lsolesen[edit] Trying to get my head around rel-me and rel-author. On https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the markup for the author includes rel="me". But is rel="me" really reserved for https://www.larsolesen.dk/ - the main site for the author? and really on https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the rel should be rel-author for a main link. But what about the Linkedin page and the other pages referenced under the author, should t
lsolesen[edit] Trying to get my head around rel-me and rel-author. On https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the markup for the author includes rel="me". But is rel="me" really reserved for https://www.larsolesen.dk/ - the main site for the author? and really on https://www.motionsplan.dk/rm-beregner/ the rel should be rel-author for a main link. But what about the Linkedin page and the other pages referenced under the author, should t