2024-12-06 UTC
glacier, gRegor, g1, GWG, [bneil], IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
# 06:33 [snarfed] has anyone ever wanted to disable mf1 backcompat in an mf2 parser?
Kupietz, Guest6 and [qubyte] joined the channel
# 14:15 Loqi [preview] [microformats] php-mf2: php-mf2 is a pure, generic microformats-2 parser for PHP. It makes HTML as easy to consume as JSON.
gRegor, eitilt and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 17:21 [snarfed] re h-full, sure, but I expect most/many mf2 consumers at least look for specific types they're interested in, so h-full wouldn't bother them too much...?
# 17:21 [snarfed] the real problem is the h-entry content there, at least for me
gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
# 18:21 [tantek] I wonder if we could tweak it with some backcompat algo tweaks, e.g. if there's *only* a synthetic e-content (no author or name properties) then perhaps we should drop the entire synthetic h-entry?
# 18:21 [tantek] [snarfed] do you think such "reduce noise" efforts would be sufficient?
# 18:21 [tantek] or would this end up being a continuous patching exercise?
# 18:33 Loqi [preview] [tommorris] #59 Ignore Tailwind's h- prefixes
sebbu joined the channel
# 18:37 gRegor [snarfed], is the problem the lack of the mf1 entry-title?
# 18:38 gRegor The entry-content looks mostly correct, though it includes the little holiday promo at the bottom which it probably shouldn't
# 18:54 [snarfed] yeah I don't have a crisp clear problem statement here, I just don't like it 😎
bebethatmustbeme joined the channel
# 20:26 gRegor Hm, not sure. The Flipboard link there isn't in the source HTML
# 20:27 gRegor Oh, you mean in just the link preview, nevermind
# 20:29 gRegor So with bsky, BF has to construct the link preview?
# 21:01 gRegor Gotcha. I think using content.value as the description would work better, at least no HTML would appear in it.
ehmry and gRegor joined the channel