#social 2014-10-21
2014-10-21 UTC
Loqi joined the channel
jtauber and Tsyesika joined the channel
evanpro joined the channel
tantek btw - freshly posted by adactio on IndieWeb building blocks they got numerous folks up & running with social personal sites last weekend in Nürnberg: https://adactio.com/journal/7698

elf-pavlik joined the channel
oshepherd joined the channel
jasnell joined the channel
Arnaud I added a link to today's agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-10-27

RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/21-social-irc

Zakim joined the channel
jtauber Zakim, what's the code?
elf-pavlik stuck on gas station, can do only IRC and not sure for how long on this hot spot :(

jtauber Zakim, [IPcaller] is me
MarkCrawford joined the channel
elf-pavlik if we mute/unmute this way it will not get into minutes!

MarkCrawford Zakim, +1.703.670.0920 is me
MarkCrawford zakim, +1.703.670.aabb is me
AdamB evan: first item approving last weeks minutes
AdamB ...pretty important resolutions in the minutes ....
harry joined the channel
AdamB ... any objections to approving?
AdamB .... minutes have been approved
Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
AdamB RESOLVED: Approval of Minutes of 14 October 2014
AdamB evan: like to talk about upcoming face to face ... unfortunately have 2 diff schedules
AdamB ... will use Arnaud version
AdamB .... first covering overall direction as a group, where we are going
AdamB ... discussing AS 2.0 and moving that forward
AdamB .... new efforts coming up around Social API and Federation protocol ... F2F best time to discuss those
AdamB Arnaud: first would like to ask people ...schedule of tpac provides 11am to 5pm for adhoc group breakouts ... put together on F2F page for two possible options to choose from
AdamB ... ... as a working group we should decide our approach ... on that list is straw man to start discussion
AdamB ... think we should choose between these 2 options
elf-pavlik q+ re: any news from OpenSocial?

AdamB ... could mix for example, could do option 1 on monday and option 2 on tuesday
AdamB evan: one way to max. productivity by taking first day to address 3 major goals of this group
AdamB ... if conversation goes well on monday will likely have tuesday then to do more break out sessions
AdamB evan: suggesting option 1 on monday and 2 on tuesday
Shane and jkorho joined the channel
AdamB proposal of: option 1 on monday and tuesday do more break out sessions during the mid day break
elf-pavlik q-

jtauber +0
elf-pavlik +0

MarkCrawford +1
harry joined the channel
MarkCrawford WG dinner on Monday or Tuesday?
MarkCrawford Tuesday is AC dinner
Shane Zakim, ??P18 is me
Shane Zakim, mute me
Shane Hi all, sorry I'm late
AdamB evan: given this structure can we break up the day on monday in to 3 blocks
MarkCrawford MTWThF
AdamB evan: are ok with leaving agenda for day 2 relatively open and putting that together at the end of day 1
MarkCrawford Can we have some time for use case presentation from the SocialIG?
AdamB arnaud: seems to make sense
AdamB evan: some have been discussing proposals ... this is the optimal time to start making suggestions for presentations etc
AdamB ... asking that folks that are willing to do that to post to the email list and will fit in to those slots on afternoon of monday
AdamB ... 5-10 minute presentations
elf-pavlik harry, anyone from OpenSocial in https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2014/registrants#SW ?

MarkCrawford q+
AdamB arnaud: referencing marks question about giving some time to social IG use cases
AdamB MarkCrawford: have narrowed down the use cases ... continuing to work them ... would like to share them to the WG
AdamB ... important for us in the IG to report back on where we stand at this point
AdamB evan: sounds great, make time on tuesday morning on that?
AdamB MarkCrawford: that should work, schedule around use case task force leader availability
AdamB evan: lets plan on tuesday barring any objections
MarkCrawford q-
KevinMarks I may be remote too

AdamB Arnaud: remote participation .. elf and shane remote is all right now? are there others planning to call in?
Shane I've not checked the times yet for whether I can remote, I think there will be issues with timezones, but we shall we
Shane *see
elf-pavlik q+ re: who will participate on Wed in Schema.org and Social WG? https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#Schema.org_and_Social_WG

AdamB Harry: all the rooms have polyphones ... can put a bridge booking request in now
AdamB evan: sounding like a general framework and with the chairs can resovle the schedule
AdamB tantek: think its fine to just add directly to wiki
AdamB ... for remote participation I can setup a audio/video broadcast using Talkie RTC session
KevinMarks talky++

AdamB evan: will be able to show screen?
Shane Yeah talky has show screen
AdamB tantek: it can pick from multiple inputs
elf-pavlik talky sounds great!

AdamB ..including screen share
AdamB waht about the network issues ?
AdamB slow network?
AdamB tantek: also setup an etherpad (sp?) especially if we start doing breakouts
AdamB ... can be hard to follow IRC
Shane During indiewebcamps etherpads have been extremely useful
AdamB evan: sounds great, lets do both
Zakim elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss who will participate on Wed in Schema.org and Social WG? https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#Schema.org_and_Social_WG

elf-pavlik ^

AdamB tantek: this is all in addition to IRC
bblfish joined the channel
KevinMarks kmarks2 is apparently my username, but when I try to reset I get stuck

AdamB harry: in response to elf-pavlik question .... breakout session on wednesday to talk about Schema.org and Social WG
KevinMarks I'm happy to start a new account but it didn't like me trying that with an email it had seen (kevinmarks@gmail.com)

AdamB evan: I will be there
AdamB ... def some coordination needed there
elf-pavlik evan: could you add yourself to that section in a wiki?

AdamB harry: its an open space 1hr session. good to be there from beginning but can drop in at any time
AdamB arnaud: tpac registry is officially closed but can register on site
AdamB harry: our social group space is completely booked
AdamB harry: space is booked because of observers ... members have priority over them
AdamB tantek: regarding about participation ...since we are full for monday and tuesday if you are attending as observer please join as member
KevinMarks is trying to join but w3c password process designed by Kafka

AdamB ... for folks that do plan on wednesday session about schema and social wg .. for those attending from social wg strongly encourage them to join
AdamB evan: this wraps up tpac conversation
jasnell joined the channel
AdamB ... next want to talk about AS 2.0 working draft
AdamB jasnell: first cut working draft are in and been working with harry fixing up details on html validation. hopefully those are resolved
AdamB ... one question about the Actions draft
Arnaud if you're not registered but plan to attend, please add your name to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-10-27#Participation

elf-pavlik q+ re Reference issues inline in the spec. https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/29

AdamB ... way the docs are right now the first public working draft points to the editor draft
AdamB I missed the question
AdamB due to noise
AdamB harry: still trying to aim for thursday pub date ... because all 3 drafts are linking to each other the linking validation fails
AdamB ... wouldn't be good to publish all 3 together would have re-write links
KevinMarks I am logged in now, but boy that was hard

elf-pavlik tantek, core has section on PotentialAction which uses terms from Actions Vocab

AdamB ... in terms of just pure publication have them heavily linked and not on w3c space makes publishing little bit trickier
elf-pavlik just remove PotentialAction section?

AdamB jasnell: actions piece is still an open question ... def. interesting in working on but was missing clear use cases so objection was raised due to that
AdamB arnaud: minutes from last week show that clearly
elf-pavlik s/remove/move to dedicated spec/

AdamB ... there is interest in group but non documented yet
AdamB jasnell: base on that we don't have documented ones for AS either
MarkCrawford implementations are not necessary until we get further along
elf-pavlik +1 tantek

AdamB jasnell: does look to be a public link issues from publishing perspective
KevinMarks +1 on links having to resolve

AdamB ... could just publish with actions but that still doesn't commit the wg to do anything with it
AdamB harry: we hit a hitch in w3c because of the links not resolving .. in general want them to resolve properly
AdamB ... it might slow things down past thursday
AdamB evan: is it reasonable to kick out actions for the first version
AdamB jasnell: could do that .. basic actions has been in AS since the begining
Shane That makes sense to me
AdamB ... could do that if that is what this group wants
elf-pavlik +1 move actions to dedicated spec

MarkCrawford as an editors draft, why can't we publish w/o the links to gain a broader audience for the work and get more feedback?
AdamB evan: from my view ... since some discussion and not competely essential to core would suggest trim them out now and address later on
Zakim elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss Reference issues inline in the spec. https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/29

elf-pavlik ^

elf-pavlik i got impression last week that James agreed

elf-pavlik <wilkie> elf-pavlik: jasnell said that they would be included in the spec as yellow highlighted sections that link to the github issue I believe

AdamB harry: its not a modularity issue but a links not resolving ..other issue was AS namespace referenced within
MarkCrawford Harry - does the resolving links requirement apply to all versions, or just final?
AdamB ... lot of links get 404 errors which is not acceptable
AdamB ... could monkey patch the links out
AdamB jasnell: the AS namespace is personally owned by ??? is maintained by AS on github
AdamB ... i have access to that domain. larger question is do we want to keep that domain / namespace or not?
Shane Would it be better to move them to the w3 domain, perhaps wiki?
AdamB thanks harry!
Shane Zakim, ??P4 is me
Shane Zakim, mute me
oshepherd elf-pavlik: No, http://w3.org/<blah>

AdamB evan: two big issues: 1. adding or removing actions 2. removing AS in the namespaces
elf-pavlik evanpro, can we come back to my question after you ack me?

elf-pavlik q+ re Reference issues inline in the spec. https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/29

AdamB tantek: given existing impl have not had to know anything about actions that the spec rec doesn't need to refer to it either. that is what i mean by modularity failure
AdamB ... its like a layering failure
Tsyesika joined the channel
Shane I think the activitystrea.ms should redirect to a page on w3.org, it is unlikely it will dissapear then
AdamB ... no reason core spec should have to mention it at all. so suggestion its completely commenting out from spec.
AdamB .. lets pospone any first draft issues
Lloyd_Fassett Zakim +Lloyd_Fassett
AdamB harry: namespace is pretty close to a blocker
AdamB harry: could remove them, comment them out but that is weird cause they are referenced
AdamB .. could replace with w3c ones
AdamB ... or could update domain so they don't 404
AdamB jasnell: does have access so can do it
AdamB ... just need to have the time
AdamB evan: its more about the 404 than the namespace issue
AdamB harry: its kind of weird ... its been done but not common
evanpro Can we use http://www.w3.org/Social/WG ?

AdamB ... should at least dedicate real thought sometimebefore last call
AdamB .. have to fix broken links now
Loqi evanpro meant to say: Can we use http://www.w3.org/Social/WG ?

AdamB evan: james, can we setup way to fix broken links
AdamB jasnell: can try to get it done before end of week but not positive i can get it done
Shane That's probably the best way, for FPWD
AdamB harry: i can comment them out for now and add them back in later? are people ok with this?
MarkCrawford +1 on commenting out the links
AdamB evan: maybe comment out and open issues to add them back in
AdamB harry: will do that and mark as editors draft
AdamB harry: will just comment out all broken links
elf-pavlik +1 move actions out of core

Zakim elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss Reference issues inline in the spec. https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/29

elf-pavlik [from last week minutes] <wilkie> elf-pavlik: jasnell said that they would be included in the spec as yellow highlighted sections that link to the github issue I believe

jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik [from last week minutes] <wilkie> elf-pavlik: jasnell said that they would be included in the spec as yellow highlighted sections that link to the github issue I believe

AdamB evan: discussing elf question
AdamB ... not sure understand what the issue is yet elf
AdamB Arnaud: it has to highlighting within the text with the issue
elf-pavlik jasnell, thx!

KevinMarks is this a fragmention use case?

AdamB tantek: believed would be called out inline within the document. we agreed to publish with that being the case
AdamB evan: jasnell can we get this in?
AdamB jasnell: yes
elf-pavlik harry, how about -comments mailin list?

AdamB Arnaud: we should use what ever is the most efficient way to the document out. but should put in a tracker for what namespace should be used going forward
AdamB harry: need those inline issues within the next hour to make it by thursday
elf-pavlik jasnell, please :)

AdamB jasnell: i can try to get it in the next hour but very difficult. if there are higher priority ones send email and i can try to do them by most important
AdamB harry: webmaster needs 1 day to review it
AdamB ... thats how publications always worked
elf-pavlik jasnell, just 4 main issues there

AdamB how hard does that make it for adding issues in the future? does webmaster always have to review those too ?
KevinMarks managed to log into the wiki too - something must have propogated

Shane Is the issue about Hydra actually an issue of the spec? I don't think it is, just perhaps something to discuss later possibly
elf-pavlik I think we at least need to mention missing JSON-LD @context in examples, but other 3 would also make sense from my POV

AdamB harry: inclined to suggest to link this in later
AdamB Arnaud: sounding like we go with out the links are we don't go .. not sure if elf would like to hold up the process for that or not
elf-pavlik can we at lest mention missing @context ?

AdamB tantek: if there is only a single objection its the chair prerogative to declare rough consensus
Shane I think we need to get it to FPWD
AdamB ... if we are risking not getting it out i don't think its worth postponing for this right now
elf-pavlik i will not block but would appreciate at least mention of missing JSON-LD @context in examples, and maybe one about _:post

AdamB jasnell: yeah thats as simple as a link ... but if we have no place to host that officially but there is a link to that context in document already
AdamB evan: since it's called out maybe take an action to link directly but willing to go with what we have right now
elf-pavlik with a link to context at that stage?

Shane Sorry I have to rush away, thanks everyone.
AdamB harry: most working groups only call out substantial issues directly in the spec
elf-pavlik anyways, i trust in your decision folks so just go ahead without including that request from me

elf-pavlik ok, end of this topic?

AdamB evan: would like to wrap up agenda items we have open and defer to next week at F2F, any objections?
AdamB ... ok would like to adjourn
Arnaud here is what's currently available (because I asked ;-) http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/schedule.html

AdamB trackbot, end meeting
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/21-social-minutes.html trackbot

elf-pavlik goes back hichhiking :) ciao o/

AdamB you bet
AdamB i won't be arriving until about 12:00 on monday
tantek linked right there on our home page: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg#Members

tantek AdamB - go ahead an add yourself to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Irc-people

tantek For anyone interested in the Social API work in this WG, if you're in SF, make your way to see benwerd's talk today at 17:00 PDT at Moscone: http://werd.io/2014/the-web-is-your-api-feeds-and-actions-using-html5

KevinMarks hm, so I have w3c profile, I can edit the wiki, but I can't log into the invited experts form

KevinMarks oh wait, I can if I try 3 times

KevinMarks o_O

KevinMarks the popup for affiliation is quite the thing too

bblfish joined the channel
jasnell joined the channel
bblfish, tantek and nicolagreco joined the channel