#social 2014-10-23

2014-10-23 UTC
tantek, cmhobbs, nicolagreco, bblfish, pfefferle, barnabywalters, pfefferle_ and jasnell joined the channel
aww left too quickly for me to congratulate him!
jasnell joined the channel
!tell jasnell congrats on AS2 and Vocab FPWDs!!! Now, where can I see them published on your personal site (as linked from the specs) ? http://www.chmod777self.com/ ;) #selfdogfood
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek: assuming I ever actually get the time, I'm going to be moving my personal blog (chmod777self) off of blogger and back to a self-hosted option. Once I do that, I'll get an AS2 stream set up.... Of course, if you had access to the IBM intranet I could show you a number of pretty extensive examples ;-)
jasnell: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: congrats on AS2 and Vocab FPWDs!!! Now, where can I see them published on your personal site (as linked from the specs) ? http://www.chmod777self.com/ ;) #selfdogfood
damn firewalls ;-)
jasnell - I'm excited to see you move your personal blog to self-hosted!!!
bret, tommorris, mattl, oshepherd_, KevinMarks, grantmacken, nicolagreco, ShaneHudson, shepazu, Arnaud, RichardLitt, bblfish, tantek and caseorganic joined the channel