fjhtantek, thanks, I’ll update the reference to the joint session that I put in our minutes. I assume this is better to use than the RRSAgent generated minutes?
tantekfjh IMO yes - the quality and usability of the #social WG IRC logs has now exceeded any other, including RRSAgent generated minutes. Every IRC utterance has an easily clickable/findable/usable (and marked up!) permalink
tantekI figure we can start with a "Activity Streams in HTML" section, with two subsections, "Using h-entry for Activity Streams Semantics" and "Parsing h-entry into Activity Streams Semantics"
tantekjasnell: added some more details, including turning the h-card as:author question into more of a mapping how-to. that's a good amount of progress for now.
tantekTBH I (and others) in the indieweb community tried to make explicit verbs "fit" into our UIs etc and they just seemed awkward. So we started nouning the verbs as we came up with implementations, and in each case it worked better (simpler) to make everything a post of some (implied) type.
tanteklike I said in the meeting - there may still be use-cases where explicit separate verbs make sense, but so far as we've implemented them one by one, in every case it has made sense (better for use-cases) for the verbs to be nouned, and to have a permalink of such nouns for reference / verification etc., *especially* in distributed interactions.
tantekI can see how pure "verbs" might be ok in a silo-only feed, where the silo is assumed to be trustworthy and there is no need to "verify" the verbs as having been done.
tantekHowever in a distributed world, especially in a *federated* world, that need for verification drives a need for permalinks, which drives a need for posts at those permalinks, which means every action gets recorded as the *consequence* of that action. posting a like, instead of just "liking".
JonathanJ3, bblfish, bblfish_, shepazu, jtandy, jtandy_, jasnell, tantek, tantek_, danbri, Arnaud, fjh, fjh_, danbri1, shepazutu and KevinMarks joined the channel