#social 2014-11-04
2014-11-04 UTC
jasnell, Arnaud, bblfish, cmhobbs, caseorganic, nicolagreco, Arnaud1, pfefferle, the_frey, pfefferle_, danbri, timbl and the_frey_ joined the channel
bblfish, almereyda, tilgovi, jasnell, jasnell_, elf-pavlik, Arnaud, AdamB and Zakim joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, what conferences?

elf-pavlik Zakim, this will be SOCWG

elf-pavlik hi :)

elf-pavlik Zakim, what's the code?

jasnell and dret joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim: ok, elf-pavlik; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes

MarkCrawford joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

evanpro joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, ??P2 is me

MarkCrawford zakim, +1.202.312.aabb is me
claudio joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

danbri joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, ??P5 is claudio

AdamB alternating weeks seems reasonable
AdamB but there was a lot of time spent picking the current time
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

KevinMarks 408.335 is me

elf-pavlik Zakim, aacc is KevinMarks

harry joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, aacc ??P10 is cwebber2

elf-pavlik Zakim, ??P10 is cwebber2

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik I could do it

elf-pavlik scribe: elf-pavlik

elf-pavlik scribenick: elf-pavlik

KevinMarks where is agenda? on wiki?

almereyda How long would spectating such a call as right now take?
elf-pavlik topic: TPAC Debfriefing

elf-pavlik topic: Admin

elf-pavlik subtopic: approval of minutes for 21 october

Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
elf-pavlik RESOLUTION: approved mintues from October 21st

timbl joined the channel
elf-pavlik subtopic: tracking actions and issues

elf-pavlik Arnaud, we collected many ISSUES and ACTIONS during TPAC

Arnaud raised issues: http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/raised

elf-pavlik ... i would like to propose that we all agree to open them all

elf-pavlik who spoke?

elf-pavlik sandro: to Arnaud you can decide as group chair to open those issues

elf-pavlik evanpro: unless someone objects lets move them to open

elf-pavlik RESOLUTION: we will open all raised issues

Arnaud Open actions: https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/open

elf-pavlik evanpro: will close ACTION-10, requests reveiw

elf-pavlik Arnaud, claims victory on ACTION-7

elf-pavlik Arnaud, initially suggested his availability for early february but needed to change due to expecting a child toward the end of january

elf-pavlik elf-pavlik, i can't minute because of some noise on line

elf-pavlik thanks for muting!

dromasca joined the channel
elf-pavlik jasnell, ACTION-8 in progress, email sent to mailing lists

elf-pavlik Arnaud, let's leave it open for now

elf-pavlik roger!

elf-pavlik jasnell: on ACTION-9 having progress with dret

dromasca aaee is dromasca
elf-pavlik harry: little back and forth with ???, looks positive so far

elf-pavlik topic: TPAC Debriefing

elf-pavlik subtopic: minutes needs cleanup and make logs public

KevinMarks the irc logs are html

elf-pavlik harry, working on it, will take a little

elf-pavlik harry: working on it, will take a little

elf-pavlik Arnaud, 3 versions of minutes, IRC log, another autogenerated by irc bot, next one manually copied to wiki

elf-pavlik ... asked system team for suggestions, they could make irc log writeable by HTTP PUT, which would allow us to edit log and regenerate minutes

elf-pavlik ... will follow up on that and let's hop we can have it working and documented

elf-pavlik elf-pavlik: thanks Arnaud!

elf-pavlik harry: pandoc does the conversion very well, we could try to automate it with it

AdamB harry: any link to information on pandoc ?
elf-pavlik Arnaud: also scribe developed by sandro, but system teams has some issues with it

elf-pavlik evanpro: just use the automaticaly generated minutes, if we need to make changes we just add errarta on wiki page

elf-pavlik Arnaud: problem with autogenerated minutes - very bad quality

elf-pavlik ... we should capture attendance, who stays present, we need to translate nicknames to real names

jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik ... elf missed out that one needs to use : and can't use , after nick of person speaking

aaronpk and it's even machine-readable http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fwiki%2FIRC-people

elf-pavlik Arnaud: TPAC, I don't want to take people through the whole minutes but happy to answer questions

KevinMarks hm, aaronpk, most of those don't have full names

elf-pavlik ... we had some good conversation about Actiions, even tantek realized that they match what IndieWeb comunity do with their <indie-action>

elf-pavlik ... we discussed 'what we mean by Social API', we resolved that we talke about HTTP REST API which allows clients to access servers

elf-pavlik ... we should highlight in in minutes and accept possible objections to such definition of 'Social API'

elf-pavlik ... we discussed federation protocol, we don't have concrete way forward but could clarify a lot about this topic

elf-pavlik ... we had discussion with Social IG, most folks attended the whole meeting

elf-pavlik ... they presented overview of what they work on and tried to get feedback if they stay on the right tracks when it comes to usecases

elf-pavlik ... we setup doodle pool for the dates and location for next F2F meeting

elf-pavlik ... also interesting cross meeting with Annotation WG, one of the opportunities created by TPAC

KevinMarks volunteered to be overlapping member

elf-pavlik ... two working groups met together and realized that we don't have overlap on deliverables, but we have big overlap on the topic, we could provide Social API they need

elf-pavlik ... we could explain to each other what we work on

elf-pavlik ... we found that adding annotation to a web page, and adding comment to a blog post have very similar mechanics

elf-pavlik ... we agreed to take a closer look at it

elf-pavlik ... also meeting with some of schema.org people, aside from WG meeting on wednesday during time for ad-hoc meetings, presen from google side Guha, danbri and Sam Goto

AdamB generally seemed to have a positive vibe to it
elf-pavlik ... we will follow up with them on overlap with Actions

elf-pavlik ... schema.org could submit their Action vocab subtree

KevinMarks they don't currently show archival versions, but dan said they would

elf-pavlik harry: clarifying 1 or 2 things regarding liason

elf-pavlik ... Anotations may need to connect to acrivity stream

elf-pavlik ... they may want to build on our spec

elf-pavlik ... when it comes to schema.org we 'dance' with google to possibly join the WG

elf-pavlik otherwise they can submit Actions and we better hold with publishing alternative

elf-pavlik Arnaud: and we have nice group photo

elf-pavlik ... few people could join remotely over http://talky.io WebRTC based app

elf-pavlik ... doesn't require any registration etc. just modern borwser

elf-pavlik ... we agreed that we acheved goals setup for that meeting and now we just need to continue our work

elf-pavlik TOPIC: Activity Streams 2.0

elf-pavlik subtopic: require JSON-LD compacted serialization

elf-pavlik jasnell: JSON-LD allows expessing document in various form, which serializes same data in different ways

elf-pavlik ... the compacted form stays closest to what AS1 has and what most people expect

elf-pavlik ... it makes sense to require that interchange AS2.0 document in compacted form

elf-pavlik who spaks?

KevinMarks processing without a json-ld processor is a goal surely?

elf-pavlik sandro: people need to require 'our' context or compatibile context

elf-pavlik ... also something about people who don't have JSON-LD processor

KevinMarks previously we talked about an implied context to include as1

elf-pavlik sandro: we may need concrete schema for compacted version

elf-pavlik dret: if we make this statement, we need to tell people what to do if they don't use JSON-LD toolset

elf-pavlik ... or say - don't even try to do that without JSON-LD processing

elf-pavlik cwebber2: i think that requiring by default compacted form with default context is good way to go

elf-pavlik ... i only have limited experience with implementing JSON-LD in GNU Media Goblin

KevinMarks the value of the @context is confirming the assumptions of the processor

elf-pavlik Arnaud: how do people know which is which ?

elf-pavlik jasnell: way exists to define profile but we may not need it

elf-pavlik jasnell: we have JSON-LD context which could serve as default for compacting

elf-pavlik harry: my intuition, that if we normativly specify it and people don't do it it puts W3C in bad light

KevinMarks you can always expand JSON by adding keys; you can also add more contexts to explain them

almereyda joined the channel
elf-pavlik ... we know that tons of JSON exists out there and not so much JSON-LD, let's recommend default context and see how people use it or use other contexts

elf-pavlik ... does anyone know if JSON-LD processings spreads in a wild?

elf-pavlik Arnaud: I think we don't have enough information to make this decision now

Arnaud Proposed: Require JSON-LD compacted serialization and close Github Issue-48 https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/48

Arnaud Proposed: Require JSON-LD compacted serialization with a default context and close Github Issue-48 https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/48

elf-pavlik +1

AdamB +0
MarkCrawford +0
claudio +1
KevinMarks this reminds me of profile

elf-pavlik dret: it worries me that we need to think about various aspecs if people use extensions and model vs. syntax

elf-pavlik ... doesn't see it well defined as it stands now

elf-pavlik jasnell: not quite sure about the objection

KevinMarks does "default context" mean it has to have an @context key, or that it is implied?

elf-pavlik dret: maye i don't understand fully JSON-LD compacting mechanism

elf-pavlik ... what happens to URIs not mapped in @context

KevinMarks q+

elf-pavlik thinks we need to disuss it over mailing list / github

elf-pavlik dret: discussing JSON-LD details with jasnell

elf-pavlik Arnaud: we should take it offline and come back to this proposal

elf-pavlik KevinMarks: tries to clarify what we mean by 'default context'

KevinMarks +1

elf-pavlik jasnell: if one not specified one should use one recommended by the spec

elf-pavlik sandro: or use *compatibile* context (eg. extended with more mappings)

elf-pavlik Arnaud: asks dret if that helps

KevinMarks that makes sense -so if a context is supplied it can't redefine name as age or something

elf-pavlik dret: needs to discuss this topic more

elf-pavlik subtopic: remote "rel" from as:Link

elf-pavlik elf-pavlik: as:Link can wait!

KevinMarks oshepherd: it doesn't have to be the same, but it has to be compatible -ie an intersection?

elf-pavlik jasnell: starting with rel

elf-pavlik ... it doesn't make sense once you expand it

elf-pavlik ... it should stay property of the subject not the link itself

elf-pavlik ... in general of questionable value

elf-pavlik ... recommend to remove it, only one (mine) implementation uses it

elf-pavlik Arnaud: do people understand this case?

KevinMarks would this mean we'd lose rel's when mapping to HTML?

elf-pavlik jasnell: separate issue from removing as:Link !

KevinMarks or have to know to add them?

wilkie btw, it is this discussion: https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/47

elf-pavlik Zakim, unmute me

Arnaud Proposed: remove "rel" from as:Link and close Github Issue-47 https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/47

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

KevinMarks q+

elf-pavlik KevinMarks: has consern about value of rel in html and microformats

elf-pavlik ... if we remove rel, it may close path to easy mapping to microformats

elf-pavlik jasnell: we can still express needed relationships

elf-pavlik KevinMarks: conserned about microformats2 round ???

dret i just tried to write up my concerns at https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/48 (the requirement of JSON-LD compacted form)

KevinMarks microformats-2 round-tripping from a published page to as2 bakc to mf2 html

elf-pavlik jasnell: as things currently defined rel doesn't make sense in processing model

elf-pavlik KevinMarks: explains some aspects of mf2

elf-pavlik jasnell: we can just define link relations we want to use in JSON-LD @context

elf-pavlik Arnaud: end of official time, people may need little more time to think about it and discuss it

KevinMarks they're defined here: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-registry so maybe that can be munged into a @context ?

elf-pavlik Arnaud: next time we can try to highlight proposals and get agenda out earlier

elf-pavlik evanpro: if we run over, should we plan for 2h meeting next week

jasnell joined the channel
KevinMarks oshepherd: how does that fit rel=me etc?

elf-pavlik Arnaud: happy to extend for 30min next week

KevinMarks rel=author

elf-pavlik evanpro: 11-11 holiday in canada

elf-pavlik Arnaud: we keep regular time

elf-pavlik ciao o/

RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/04-social-minutes.html trackbot

Lloyd_Fassett zakim, <aadd> is me
oshepherd KevinMarks: So at present you'd end up with

{"@id": "https://twitter.com/kevinmarks", "rel": "me"} as a "standalone" object, which doesn't make sense. I'm arguing (on the issue) that if we are to keep link relations we need to do them separately, e.g. {"@id": "https://kevinmarks.com", "links": [{"rel": "me", "href": "https://twitter.com/kevinmarks"}]}
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/04-social-irc

elf-pavlik thx! i'll try to copy them to wiki now...

almereyda and jasnell joined the channel
shepazu, bblfish, jasnell_ and caseorganic joined the channel
almereyda, almereyda_, elf-pavlik, nicolagreco and tilgovi joined the channel