#ben_thatmustbeme!tell sandro looks like i'll be co-organizing IWC Cambridge 2015, can you confirm that we have a venue for those dates? 2015-03-19/20?
#tantekor technically, RRSAgent I think is the bot that is correcting minutes based on s/x/y
#tantekinteresting to have bot behavior change merely on the presence of other bots, almost like a politeness/delegation thing. oh you're here - ok you got that.
#aaronpktracking presence in IRC is somewhat tricky
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, i can imagine network issues makes it rather difficult
#rhiaroNow we just need a bot that tidies up and converts minutes to mw by itself :)
#tantekrhiaro have you tried the HTML from the IRC logs instead of RRSAgent?
#rhiaroNo - but RSSAgent doesn a bunch of extra stuff, right?