#social 2015-01-18
2015-01-18 UTC
# elf-pavlik for now I suggested him to play with a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#collection" href="/following.html">
# elf-pavlik because i don't know microformats well and especially how you do collections there
# elf-pavlik BTW you know that he runs one of https://indiehosters.net/ ?
# elf-pavlik so how do you link from your profile to page with list of your friends?
# elf-pavlik so i can find list of your friends knowing your profile
# elf-pavlik i want to see all the friends of my friends having just URLs of my friends
# elf-pavlik as script
# elf-pavlik i could use rel="foaf:knows" or rel="schema:knows" but this way I need to have the whole list on the same page, for few thoiusand of friends i want to have this list on separat epage
# elf-pavlik true
# elf-pavlik we will get back on that issue in Hydra CG as next topic
# elf-pavlik still i need to link to collection of my friends somehow
# elf-pavlik hydra reuses existing predicates introducing simple pattern as described here https://www.w3.org/community/hydra/wiki/Collection_Design
# tantek elf-pavlik: there is some research (some of it may be out of date) for how microformats are used in the wild to markup friends lists here: http://microformats.org/wiki/xfn-hcard-supporting-friends-lists
# elf-pavlik and you have pretty much same need attempted to add to withknown https://michielbdejong.com/
# elf-pavlik i found it following ISSUE-41 link from https://www.w3.org/community/hydra/wiki/Collection_Design
# elf-pavlik how do you then link from your profile to few thousands (or even milions) of followers?
# elf-pavlik "Returns a cursored collection of user IDs for every user following the specified user."
# elf-pavlik collection + paging
# elf-pavlik we have it mentioned on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/Requirements
# elf-pavlik Social network connections ("friends")
# elf-pavlik Read social network connections * Own * Others
# elf-pavlik i guess we should interlink it to our reasearch on existing APIs
# elf-pavlik it will fit well in http://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/25
# elf-pavlik i'll just propose it as our first *functional requirement*
# elf-pavlik so we will need to include it in our social api draft anyhow...
# elf-pavlik thanks tantek, I go catch some sleep and will check out http://microformats.org/wiki/xfn-hcard-supporting-friends-lists
# elf-pavlik :)
# elf-pavlik going ZZZzzz...
bblfish, danbri, elf-pavlik, the_frey, jaywink, almereyda, bblfish_, almereyda_, Arnaud, jaensen, the_frey_ and shepazu joined the channel
# elf-pavlik rhiaro, great idea!
# elf-pavlik !tell tantek that rhiario suggested: indiefriends list could come useful for vouch
bblfish_, bblfish and jaensen joined the channel