#social 2015-01-21
2015-01-21 UTC
danbri, tantek_, tantek__, bblfish, KevinMarks, jaensen_, tantek, dwhly_, jessica_lily, jaywink, elf-pavlik, the_frey, jaensen, harry, hhalpin, the_frey_, almereyda_, bblfish_, AnnB and eprodrom joined the channel
# eprodrom ACTION eprodrom examine APIs for Yandex, Vkontakte, Sina Weibo, Tencent, and/or RenRen
# elf-pavlik harry, 32 so WG tracker
# elf-pavlik harry, i think tracker on this channel just assumes WG tracker
# elf-pavlik so it may prevent merging irc channels if we want to have separate one for IG
# elf-pavlik 24/7 WG tracker interface via IRC
# elf-pavlik trackbot, ACTION-32
# elf-pavlik trackbot, associate this channel with #socialig
# elf-pavlik trackbot, ACTION-32
# elf-pavlik nope :(
# elf-pavlik trackbot, associate this channel with #social
# elf-pavlik trackbot, ACTION-32
# elf-pavlik harry, does systeam use some irc channel?
RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-social-irc
Zakim joined the channel
# elf-pavlik trackbot, end meeting
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-social-minutes.html trackbot
# trackbot Sorry, harry, I don't understand 'trackbot, this is SOCIG'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.
# elf-pavlik harry, let's better don't mess with telecon in last 10 min!
RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-social-irc
# elf-pavlik zakim, room for 2 for 5 minutes
# elf-pavlik Arnaud, ^
# elf-pavlik zakim, room for 2
# elf-pavlik zakim, room for 2 people
jasnell joined the channel
# elf-pavlik zakim, room for 2 for 5 minutes?
# elf-pavlik ok worked!
# elf-pavlik trackbot, status
# trackbot knows about these 43 users: Ann, Reuben, Adam, Mark, Tantek, Bret, wilkie, Pavlik, Laurent Walter, Amy, Harry, Sandro, DUK KI, Shane, Renato, Jonathan, Paul Changjin, Geun Hyung, Jaakko, Andreas, Arnaud, Hyejin, Bill, Kat, Fabio Luciano, Alexandre, Aaron, Evan, Jason, Dan, Doug, Wendy, Owen, Hyunjin, dave, James, Henry, Antonio, James, Claudio, Christopher, XIAOHAI, Erik
the_frey, bblfish, AdamB, jasnell, caseorganic, jaensen and AnnB joined the channel
# elf-pavlik tantek, i wonder what do you think about my sugestion to use hypermedia ~ link relations for Social API: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Jan/0053.html
bblfish, KevinMarks, the_frey and tantek joined the channel