#social 2015-03-10
2015-03-10 UTC
Guest, harry, SimonTennant1, shepazu_, shepazu, bblfish, cwebber2`, Arnaud and tantek joined the channel
# Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 12 hours, 3 minutes ago: (via elf-pavlik) Evan didn't send out agenda email, maybe you will need to back him up and chair tomorrow... https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Mar/0048.html
# tantek !tell elf-pavlik a collection is a type of post created by an author, thus the author maintains that collection, period. http://indiewebcamp.com/collection
jaywink joined the channel
# tantek !tell ben_thatmustbeme yes thank you for the reminder re: chairing tomorrow. updated: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-10
# Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-03-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82745&oldid=82722
elf-pavlik, ShaneHudson, SimonTennant, SimonTennant1, SimonTennant2, bblfish, the_frey and pfefferle joined the channel
# Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-03-17]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82747&oldid=82723
pfefferle, elf-pavlik, bblfish, tantek, harry, stevenroose, pfefferle_ and SimonTennant joined the channel
# elf-pavlik action-5
# elf-pavlik action-12
# elf-pavlik harry++
Guest and jaywink joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik++ I wouldn't have even though about daylight savings time would mean the conf call time would change for anyone who doesn't do daylight savings
# Loqi Ewilde made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-03-17]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82749&oldid=82747
Arnaud and AnnB joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme as people start to flow in
pfefferle and AdamB joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
hhalpin joined the channel
# hhalpin waves
# hhalpin Zakim, start meeting
# hhalpin trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/10-social-irc
Zakim joined the channel
# hhalpin just getting ready :)
# tantek rhiaro: in fact, for public email list posts, better to blog them first on your own domain, and then just POSSE them to the email list. http://indiewebcamp.com/email_list#POSSE_to_an_email_list
# AnnB what, then, is your preferred "full" communication system, Tantek? ... IRC with a logging tool, blog posts, and personal web site?
# AnnB I gather
# AnnB I appreciate you seek efficiencies and new paths, but I am not quite there with you yet
# AnnB I like IRC a lot for sort of short discussions (as Amy said above), but not for longer more thoughtful discussion
# elf-pavlik hhalpin scribe will have a lot to cut from the beggining of minutes now...
# AnnB for me, reading everyone's blog posts is unrealistic
# AnnB not into it at all
# hhalpin Or "imaginary" software :)
# AnnB I understand the spirit of that statement, and to some extent applaud .. but also disagree in some ways
# hhalpin with purported and non-existent users
# hhalpin which is typically what we have in some WGs.
# AnnB seems self-centered to me
# hhalpin These sorts of efforts should be "research" and not in a standards bodies.
# hhalpin They are in a SQL drupal setup. Email greg for a copy
# AnnB but, Tantek, not all of us are geeks
# elf-pavlik our chance to selfdogfood - https://www.w3.org/community/webzakim/
# AnnB not all of us are going to build our own system ..
# AnnB oh well
# AnnB I'd say I'm plenty creative
# AnnB but not necessarily in YOUR specific ways ..
# AnnB I think you're great
# AnnB but am I wrong if I don't do things your way
# AnnB ?
# AnnB that's how those statements come across
# AnnB to me
# hhalpin Tantek, at some point see emails
# hhalpin re microformat
# hhalpin and W3C RFF.
# AnnB this may be where the brevity of IRC fails me ... I find this thread to be kind of distressing and depressing
# hhalpin No, its from our legal staff
# hhalpin Re the suitability of OWFa licensing and W3C RFF
# hhalpin I'm signing off on this conversation re microformats as a normative reference, it's gone up to TimBL :)
# hhalpin Re "self-dog-fooding", W3C is interested in members implementing products as well, so AnnB, if Boeing supports the specs, I think that would be great
# AnnB I'm all for self-dog-fooding, for those who have the skills and the ya-yas to do it
# AnnB I'm just saying that the vast majority of the world doesn't ... and shouldn't be dissed for not
# AnnB I'm in awe of the effort the IndieWeb folks make, actually
# AnnB blog posts generally just don't work for me ... for various reasons
# AnnB not totally sure what you mean, Tantek, re: "open-ended and unrealistic complex demands" ... I just want to communicate with people and discuss things
# AnnB which is darn hard
# AnnB no
# AnnB but I'll go look
# AnnB oh, you're ref'ing user stories
# AnnB I guess that's the classic issue with "users" ... they're danged humans!
# AnnB with all their myriad complexities
# AnnB no
# AnnB so what's your vision, Tantek .. use withknown.com to post all my thoughts, pics, whatever? .. then what?
# AnnB of Facebook or ...???
# AnnB I'm all for exploration and experimentation
# AnnB at the same time, I'm trying to figure out how to have discussions with a group of people (eg this one) in something more than IRC bits
# AnnB Yes! but only until ~4pm Thurs
# AnnB I'm really looking forward to it
# AnnB I understand your selfdogfood, etc efforts, Tantek ...
# AnnB .. I'm still trying to understand how you think a group of people should discuss stuff
# AnnB ... in more than brief IRC bits
# AnnB ...??
# AnnB true on trying
# AdamB in this context, what is selfdogfooding?
# AdamB writing code to host my own site?
# AdamB or using a service that does has already written the code?
# AnnB I see this with my niece, too
# AnnB regardless, it sounds like you are communicating great with a highly selective group of geeks
# AnnB ... how do you communicate with the rest of the world? or do you?
# AnnB I see that
# AnnB but that sounds like you're saying you do not communicate with others
# AdamB i think that definition is unrealistic for the world .... 99% of people can not build their own creations
# AnnB "my/our way or the highway" is how that comes across
# AnnB hmm .. maybe the gap here is that I was thinking about general discussion adn communication, and you're talking about "building"
# rhiaro for indieweb this makes sense, but I think not so much for this group - to some extent, sure, but there are also a lot of people participating who *have* a lot of experience *building* and *doing* in earlier years, who are maybe doing something else right now without so much capacity to be on the bleeding edge, but who still have valuable contributions to make, and can do so most easily via email
Augier joined the channel
# Loqi Shudson made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-03-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82751&oldid=82745
# AdamB tantek: are you talking about average people with your "builders" or about people in the tech/standards space ?
# AdamB yep
# trackbot Sorry, tantek, I don't understand 'trackbot, where is your source?'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.
# trackbot Sorry, tantek, I don't understand 'trackbot, where do we submit pull requests for you?'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.
# AnnB this is both a fascinating and a frustrating thread ... I feel like we're going around and around
# AnnB I look forward to seeing you in person next week!
# AnnB maybe then I'll understand
# AnnB OR maybe you'll consider my points
# AnnB (dreaming .. )
# elf-pavlik dreaming++
# AdamB email the url to the wg group ;)
# AnnB oh tantek, you are dedicated to your version of the truth ... few have your passion
# AnnB I'm still trying to understand how you choose to communicate about 'normal' stuff that's not about 'building'
# AnnB brb
tilgovi joined the channel
# tantek opened a github issue on AS spec to track specifics: https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/83
# elf-pavlik tantek++
SimonTennant1 and pfefferle_ joined the channel
# elf-pavlik Zakim, which conference?
# elf-pavlik Zakim, which conferences?
# elf-pavlik Zakim, what conferences?
# elf-pavlik Zakim, code?
# elf-pavlik TADA ;)
# elf-pavlik Zakim, IPcaller is me
# ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, aabb is me
# ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# elf-pavlik i hear music?
# ben_thatmustbeme aarokpk, could be the line, I don't trust phone mutes
# elf-pavlik anyone else hearing music?
# ben_thatmustbeme wonders if elf-pavlik is having a stroke
bill-looby and Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
# AnnB elf, do you hear anything besides music?
# ben_thatmustbeme elf do you smell burning?
# AnnB w3c doesn't usually have music when on hold
# AnnB (can you imagine the discussions on which music to play?)
# elf-pavlik ok now, using friend's ipad which plays tricks on me :S
# AnnB haha
# Lloyd_Fassett music: the first interoperable social standard
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?
# AnnB Lloyd ++
# bill-looby Zakim, ??P9 is me
# ben_thatmustbeme and the snow is melting up here
# elf-pavlik chair: tantek
# ben_thatmustbeme its been a beautiful 40
# AnnB yak trax .. fantastic for ice
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?
# AnnB waves at SimonTennant1
# SimonTennant1 Hi AnnB
# hhalpin trackbot, start meeting
# hhalpin just finishing up IPR discussion with TimBL and Wendy re microformats/schema.org
# elf-pavlik chair: tantek
# hhalpin A decision will be forthcoming!
# hhalpin Zakim, code?
# elf-pavlik +1
jasnell joined the channel
# elf-pavlik sandro++
# AdamB sandro++
# elf-pavlik coffee destroys vitamine C ....
# hhalpin +1 food from Sandro's grant!!
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# hhalpin it seems warm in MIT now, so hopefully ice will gone
# elf-pavlik Zakim, this is SOCL
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# hhalpin there was, but it's gone!
# elf-pavlik topic: Tracking of Actions and Issues
# AnnB dang; we might have gone sledding!
# AnnB the WG that sleds together ..
# elf-pavlik sorry aaronpk ...
# hhalpin q+
# elf-pavlik action-5
# elf-pavlik action-12
# elf-pavlik action-31
# elf-pavlik action-40
# elf-pavlik hhalpin++
# ben_thatmustbeme hhalpin++ that was a lot
bblfish joined the channel
# hhalpin I can type this
# hhalpin it's some detailed legalese
# hhalpin no worries
# elf-pavlik close action-5
# hhalpin Basically, the question over normative references to non-W3C specs
# elf-pavlik close action-12
# hhalpin for the case of both microformats and schema.org
# hhalpin is currently being pursued by W3M
# elf-pavlik close action-40
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# hhalpin in particular, the question is compatibility of microformats with OpenStand (should not be a problem)
# elf-pavlik close action-31
# hhalpin but there may be a legal issue around patent non-asserts (OWFa) and W3C royalty-free
# ben_thatmustbeme there is definitely a lot to catch up with
# hhalpin I think Wendy will give that some cycles
# hhalpin I am not a lawyer so I can't answer that type of question.
# AnnB Harry's note cover it; thanks
# elf-pavlik q+ re: action-34 add explaination to the spec about multiple serializations used in examples
# AnnB I don't totally understand what the issue is re: microformats
# ben_thatmustbeme tantek: loop me in specifically on any discussion of Microformats licensing, as i specifically discussed that with Mozilla legal
# AnnB aha, an instance of Tantek and email!
# hhalpin Basically, my non-legal opinion is OWFa seems in same space as Note Well from IETF
# hhalpin and thus should probably be OK (it would *not* be OK if there was no patent commits)
# hhalpin but I'm not a lawyer
# Loqi Alehors made 4 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-03-17]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82756&oldid=82749
# hhalpin so I think looping in Mozilla legal with Wendy Seltzer and W3C may be a good idea
# elf-pavlik hhalpin++
# AnnB thanks for the overview
# hhalpin I think here is current policy:
# hhalpin But determining if a single spec matches that is hard sometimes
# AnnB s/monolithincally /monolithically/
# AnnB thanks, bret; Tantek's overview answered it
# elf-pavlik i just closed most of them!
# trackbot action-37 -- Harry Halpin to Put forth the test suite plan using standard js tools https://www.w3.org/social/track/issues/8 -- due 2015-02-10 -- OPEN
# elf-pavlik action-37
# trackbot action-37 -- Harry Halpin to Put forth the test suite plan using standard js tools https://www.w3.org/social/track/issues/8 -- due 2015-02-10 -- OPEN
# elf-pavlik sorry!
# elf-pavlik i can check with Gregg about http://linter.structured-data.org/
# bill-looby q+
# elf-pavlik action-34
# AnnB wants some music
# elf-pavlik will make pull request to AS2.0 spec
# tantek elf-pavlik, I don't understand how https://www.w3.org/wiki/Mixing_HTML_Data_Formats applies to the spec so I'll await to see your pull request.
Guest joined the channel
# bill-looby Action 15 complete just need someone ro reassign it to me from James Snell (page created here ->https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/IBM_Connections_API)
# trackbot Error finding '15'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.
# ben_thatmustbeme cannot hear elf-clearly either or I would have transcribed it
# elf-pavlik tantek, please comment directly in W3C tracker, i'll keep it 'Pending Reveiw'
# AnnB sure
# ben_thatmustbeme AnnB, if needed I can take over too
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# elf-pavlik action-37
# trackbot action-37 -- Harry Halpin to Put forth the test suite plan using standard js tools https://www.w3.org/social/track/issues/8 -- due 2015-02-10 -- OPEN
# bill-looby Issue 8 ?
# AnnB hard to scribe what the baby is saying!
# elf-pavlik AnnB LOL ;-)
# ben_thatmustbeme AnnB, its easy, gaaa, gaaaa, gooo, gooo
# Loqi Alehors made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82757&oldid=82684
# AnnB bblfish (Henry Story): re: Issue 8 ..
# elf-pavlik bblfish, can you add note to ISSUE or ACTION in tracker?
# hhalpin bblfish can add it to tracker
# AnnB bbfish: discussion about how to test Activity Streams
# AnnB ... need to test logic of ontology
# AnnB ... do classes clash with each other?
# AnnB ... <other examples>
# AnnB .. these are things one can created tests for
# elf-pavlik s/bbfish/bblfish/
# AnnB Tantek: can you make some of these tests for us?
# AnnB bblfish: yes
# trackbot Error finding 'testing'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.
# AnnB jasnell, can you clarify what the "no" is
# AnnB is in regards to
# elf-pavlik jasnell++
# elf-pavlik action-15
# hhalpin q+
# AnnB bill-looby: Action 15 needs to be transferred to me
# AnnB bye
# elf-pavlik ciao jasnell
# elf-pavlik jasnell f2f?
# hhalpin Where are the links?
# elf-pavlik trackbot, status
# trackbot knows about these 42 users: Ann, Reuben, Adam, Mark, Tantek, Bret, wilkie, Pavlik, Laurent Walter, Amy, Harry, Sandro, DUK KI, Shane, Renato, Jonathan, Paul Changjin, Geun Hyung, Jaakko, Andreas, Arnaud, Hyejin, Bill, Fabio Luciano, Alexandre, Aaron, Evan, Benjamin, Jason, Dan, Doug, Wendy, Owen, Hyunjin, dave, James, Henry, James, Claudio, Christopher, XIAOHAI, Erik
# hhalpin if so, email sysreq@w3.org
# elf-pavlik action-15
# elf-pavlik done!
# hhalpin he should be automatically added
# hhalpin maybe there is a database/nickname issue
# elf-pavlik action-15
# tantek https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/15 still shows James Snell
# AnnB <confusion about how bill-looby gets added to tracker>
# AnnB <now think maybe he just needed to log in>
# elf-pavlik action-15
# elf-pavlik shows Bill Looby ^
# AnnB fine with me!
sandro joined the channel
# tantek is this regarding https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/29 ?
# hhalpin Basically, right now we have a number of opensource developers and one social business product (IBM Connections). We need to know if there are any other products in this space and if there are any dependencies between LDP and OpenSocial planned in the future?
# hhalpin Let's get them involved!
# AdamB we do plan to implement AS 2.0
# trackbot Created ISSUE-18 - We need to know if there are any other products in this space and if there are any dependencies between ldp and opensocial planned in the future?. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/18/edit>.
# hhalpin From W3C's perspective, it appears OpenSocial has all dropped out, we'd like to see that situation addressed.
# KevinMarks can't you wget it all
# elf-pavlik action-31
# KevinMarks who set up the drupal? it was google sites before
# AnnB s/___:/bblfish/
# KevinMarks archive.org seems to have crawled it: https://web.archive.org/web/20140228134017/http://opensocial.org/
# elf-pavlik can someone who cares about those broken links just follow up on https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/31 ?
# AnnB s/bblfish they/bblfish: they/
# KevinMarks might be easier to unmung it from archive.org?
# elf-pavlik tantek++
Guest joined the channel
# elf-pavlik can we move on from broken links?
# elf-pavlik do we need to talk about drupal guts now?
# KevinMarks database antipattern in action
# elf-pavlik tantek you have email address in https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/31
# KevinMarks o_O
# elf-pavlik sandro++
# ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro++
# KevinMarks rhiaro++
# AnnB rhiaro is a peach pie
the_frey joined the channel
# elf-pavlik PR++
# elf-pavlik i do same for RDFa https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/pull/75
# elf-pavlik and did for Turtle https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/pull/70
tilgovi joined the channel
# KevinMarks did james make the examples by hand or form the JSON-LD?
# elf-pavlik KevinMarks, JSON-LD normative - microformats just an informative
# AnnB thanks
# KevinMarks that wasn't the question, elf-pavlik
# elf-pavlik KevinMarks, i think by hand from JSON-LD
# KevinMarks is there a way to transform the supposedly normative version in LD to the others
# elf-pavlik q+
# elf-pavlik yes
# elf-pavlik issue-14
# elf-pavlik action-42
# elf-pavlik seperate
# elf-pavlik q?
# elf-pavlik q+
# elf-pavlik wilco!
# hhalpin yep!
# hhalpin q+
# KevinMarks can you use the Wiki?
# elf-pavlik sandro i added more links to https://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/44
# elf-pavlik bret++
# KevinMarks vote on having a mailing list?
# hhalpin q?
# ben_thatmustbeme KevinMarks, host vosts on the mailing list
# ben_thatmustbeme i think
# KevinMarks why not sue the issues process?
# KevinMarks s/sue/use/
# ben_thatmustbeme bblfish: IRC is always available with !tell
# elf-pavlik q?
# elf-pavlik bblfish--
# AnnB (bblfish clarified that he misspoke about 'opensocial' .. he meant "IndieWeb")
# elf-pavlik melvster++
# elf-pavlik elf-pavlik--
# ben_thatmustbeme voting of the wiki worked for us on user stories
# AnnB q+
# KevinMarks we did vote on user stories in the wiki
# KevinMarks Open issues instead
# elf-pavlik AnnB++
# KevinMarks why not create issues, Henry? https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/14
# AdamB might i suggest that if one particular "topic" can't be completed via mailing list that it gets put on the telecon agenda. it will slow the velocity of the team but might be a compromise?
# hhalpin There are 3 communication channels: 1) IRC 2) wiki 3) mailing list
# hhalpin that should be enough.
# KevinMarks Henry: use https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/
# AdamB maybe do a issue like KevnMarks suggested and discussed on the phone
# ben_thatmustbeme IRC has !tell, that was stated over email
# ben_thatmustbeme it performs async and you can link to specific emails
# elf-pavlik bret hhalpin
# ben_thatmustbeme my phone just dropped out
# elf-pavlik bret Henry? bblfish
# AnnB bblfish = Henry Story
# ben_thatmustbeme I have to go back to work, i'll be on in IRC only
# KevinMarks q+ can we ask Henry to use https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/ instead of email for back adn forth
# KevinMarks o_O
# KevinMarks q+
# elf-pavlik bblfish++
# hhalpin However, we cannot force people to use particular messages.
# KevinMarks IRC is logged and has async
# hhalpin s/use particular/specific channels or respond to particular messages
# hhalpin We would prefer it if people tried to check multiple channels
# elf-pavlik Loqi,
# elf-pavlik Loco? ;)
# elf-pavlik !tell bblfish 'sup
# KevinMarks !tell bblfish how many unread eamial
# elf-pavlik AnnB++
# elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?
# hhalpin In my experience, most developers I know are using a mixture of IRC and git rather than email in open-source projects
# hhalpin Along with regular scrum meetings.
# KevinMarks webmentions, Ann
# ben_thatmustbeme email being very unproductive is one of the reasons things like Slack have seen such an update
# hhalpin q+
# elf-pavlik AnnB, can you add it to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-17
# ben_thatmustbeme uptake*
# elf-pavlik trackbot++
Tsyesika joined the channel
# KevinMarks AnnB: ask in here
# AnnB how does Issue Tracker work for discussion?
# AnnB I post a question as an issue? and then someone responds?
# AnnB that doesn't seem like a discussion
# elf-pavlik AnnB, please don't use ISSUEs in tracker like that!
# elf-pavlik we need to have formal process to open and close them
# AnnB I thought that's what Kevin proposed
# KevinMarks hm
# AnnB just trying to unders5tand
# elf-pavlik AnnB, let's discuss it next week during face 2 face?
# KevinMarks actually it looks like the github issues were what I was lookignat
# hhalpin Again, we understand that three communications channels may be too much.
# KevinMarks is better than https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/
# hhalpin But that we can all try to read the various channels and keep abreast, understanding we have diffierent priorities and styles.
# AnnB I do want to continue the conversation on this. Sorry to be slow, but I do not think we have a good way for a *discussion*
# hhalpin W3C process cannot force anyone to read messages.
# AnnB but it might be that I just do not understand
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/10-social-minutes.html trackbot
# RRSAgent I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/10-social-actions.rdf :
# AnnB sorry that I am slower than you tantek .. such is life .. dealing with humans is a challeng
# AnnB challenge
# AnnB have to go to a meeting .. will read any follow-on later
# AnnB haha
# hhalpin We are on #social.
# ben_thatmustbeme by the way, we didn't bring up user stories at all today by https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/Sorting_user_stories
# hhalpin So messages in #social, being archived, are part of the discussion.
# ben_thatmustbeme I took a quick sorting of user stories
# hhalpin Good point ben, and great work sorting them.
# hhalpin I assume we will visit.
# hhalpin that issue at the F2F
# bblfish say I point to this page: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Mar/0032.html
# hhalpin bblfish, sorry, I have a meeting right now. Feel free to discuss with tantek as much as you want in IRC.
# ben_thatmustbeme if people get a chance perhaps take a look throuhg and try to understand objections to some, possibly withdraw some if you are the only +1
Guest joined the channel
# hhalpin I think the solution of using tracker is pretty good, as its a nice formal way to acknowledge issues across all communicaitons medium
# hhalpin Personaly, I myself get 100s of emails a day (not counting spam), so I'd like to decrease that.
# hhalpin I do try to read all the social emails, although some member send far more than others
# bblfish ok so what about discussing the issue https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Mar/0032.html
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# KevinMarks you coudl open a withknown.com site bblfish
# tantek bblfish: yes WordPress has quite good support on/for the indieweb: https://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress
# KevinMarks then you'd get automatic webmention support
# ben_thatmustbeme Arnaud, its more about markup, the default for email is to include the entire previous history, including comments inline, which can be quite messy and difficult to read. I can ignore threads that don't matter to me in social networks, mailing lists force every single message down my throat
# ben_thatmustbeme 90% of the time, i just archive the emails as they 'look' like they don't apply to me
# bblfish I have a personal site: http://bblfish.net/
# KevinMarks http://bblfish.net/blog/ says As you may have noticed, I have not been keeping this blog up to date for a while. I am now blogging on blogs.sun.com/bblfish. You will find my latest thoughts there.
# bblfish here is my sun blog https://blogs.oracle.com/bblfish/
# KevinMarks 404
# KevinMarks oh
# KevinMarks looks like oracle is missing a redirect
# KevinMarks you could fix the link on http://bblfish.net/blog/page11.html#t2008_07_09.10_37_08_976
# AdamB and that everyone else can easily see them
# KevinMarks it lokms like our own site is abandoned as it redirects me to a 404 on a dead silo
# KevinMarks s/ lokms like our/ looks like your/
Guest joined the channel
# KevinMarks indeed - you can fix your own domain
# KevinMarks you can't fix your employers
# melvster FYI: Timbl doing an AMA on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2ykyht/i_am_sir_tim_bernerslee_inventor_of_the_web_join/
# KevinMarks oh, ex-employers: https://blogs.oracle.com/bblfish/
almereyda joined the channel
# KevinMarks bblfish: do you not have postign rights at https://blogs.oracle.com/bblfish/entry/last_days_at_sun_microsystems any more?
# KevinMarks 'cos that post redirects back to bblfish.net
# KevinMarks "I will be moving my blog over to http://bblfish.net/ as soon as I get the right software set up there. You can follow me on twitter or identica for updates."
# KevinMarks right, but it says to go to sun, which 404s
# KevinMarks when I find the oracle one, ti says to go to bblfish.net
# KevinMarks you could host static files in the mean time
# KevinMarks right, so we have a redirect loop
# KevinMarks no, in meaning
# KevinMarks in prose
# KevinMarks no, I can't
# KevinMarks "As you may have noticed, I have not been keeping this blog up to date for a while. I am now blogging on blogs.sun.com/bblfish. You will find my latest thoughts there."
# KevinMarks [404]
# KevinMarks "I will be moving my blog over to http://bblfish.net/ as soon as I get the right software set up there. You can follow me on twitter or identica for updates."
# KevinMarks indieweb people would love to chat to you about that
# KevinMarks it's kind of what we do
# KevinMarks we've found hosting our own sites is a good way to make progress
# KevinMarks the best answer to that si to do it
# KevinMarks good, let me know when there's an update to bblfish.net
# KevinMarks I was indexing thousands of blogs at technorati then
# KevinMarks maybe you pinged us
# KevinMarks that's a long story
# KevinMarks more by google
# KevinMarks nope
# KevinMarks monetising technorati was hard
# KevinMarks eventually they found a way that din't involve indexing blogs
# KevinMarks (I had left by then)
# KevinMarks so is the web, by that argument
# KevinMarks he means DNS
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# KevinMarks no, twitter did
# bblfish here is the video http://www.dailymotion.com/video/kDZT4znnt2ms0S8e299
# KevinMarks [citation needed]
# KevinMarks melvster: look up POSSE and PESOS
# KevinMarks no, the problem is that some of them are hard to get access to and are fragile
# KevinMarks unliek the web
# KevinMarks by henry
# KevinMarks google solved it better
# KevinMarks search works better than urls
# bret melvster: i've only seen that work for content addressability ie bittorrent dht and now http://ipfs.io/
# KevinMarks including magnet URLs?
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# aaronpk bblfish: couldn't help but notice your latest blog post says you are now blogging at http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/ which unfortunately is 404 now
jaywink joined the channel
# Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/Collection Comparison]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=82759&oldid=82719
# aaronpk and you can't even tell the difference :-) http://community.geoloqi.com/
melvster joined the channel
# bblfish ok, I have posted a new issue https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/19
# melvster bblfish: you'll like this one "HTTP+TLS is important. We need to review the ways by which our systems trust particular certs. We need to use client cert more. We need to be able to set up family certs and so on without huge cost, or relying on the external PKI. We should be able to make out own PKI. By default, we should store IoT data in the house and analyze it within the house without having to go through an untrusted cloud system just to get function
# melvster also note: "Can it it be fast enough" depends on what "it" is and may be a PhD project. In the crosscloud project at CSAIL we are trying to break the link between apps and data, so you can use any app and tell it where to store the data where you control the data. Data stores become commodities. That could be a first step to moving the data into more of a peer-peer system without conventional servers at all.
# ben_thatmustbeme bblfish, regarding wiki page edits, notifications are sent in IRC, also wiki can be set to email you when any watched pages are updated
# ben_thatmustbeme i feel like i missed a user story for getting a person's preferred communication method
# ben_thatmustbeme should I DM on twitter, AIM, text, etc
# KevinMarks !tell bblfish when the wiki is updated loqi mentions it in this irc
# elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme I could use weights vocab with my contact points
# elf-pavlik $ curl https://wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper/ --insecure -H "Accept: application/ld+json" | grep contactPoint
# ben_thatmustbeme we had started to play with that with indieweb contacts, but we were doing it just by order
# ben_thatmustbeme or at least I was
# ben_thatmustbeme i don't think anyone implemented it yet
# ben_thatmustbeme once i have my contacts list really up and going, which is what I have been working toward, that should get more interesting
# elf-pavlik http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_negotiation uses 'weights' not order ...
# elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, how do you page your contacts list?
# elf-pavlik please add it to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Collection_Comparison
# ben_thatmustbeme currently its only as a whitelist for webmention+Vouch negotiation
# ben_thatmustbeme once I have it as an actual contacts list I'll post an example up there.
# elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme++
# elf-pavlik action-44
bblfish joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme Loqi is only out temporarily with system outages, 99% of the time, it is
# elf-pavlik Social Web WG: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg - Next (Face 2 Face) meeting agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-17 - logs: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/today
# AnnB true .. but then could you go back in the log and read the context?
# elf-pavlik bblfish, you can search on the indieweb irc log page
# AnnB now that you're alerted?
# AnnB (I just happened to have been reading the whole log to this point, when that popped up)
# AnnB actually, I believe it is, via "loqi"
# elf-pavlik bblfish, not by RRSagent but Loqi logs it always
# elf-pavlik 99% always
# AnnB check this out, bblfish: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-03-10
# ben_thatmustbeme yes, aside from rare system outages, which aaronpk usually tries to backfill from someone else's log if it does go out
# AnnB very handy
# AnnB between using the log, and the tell!<someone> <something> .. it's pretty good
# AnnB BUT still not adequate for discussion, IMO
# AnnB I mean real discussion
# ben_thatmustbeme better logged that in person discussions though
# AnnB that's what I don't get ... how the IndieWeb folks discuss something
# AnnB true on that
# ben_thatmustbeme AnnB, what don't you understand
# bblfish AnnB I wrote up a set of questions regarding this issue https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/19
# AnnB is wishing ben_thatmustbeme had a shorter nick .... very clever, but too much to type out
# elf-pavlik AnnB, they also use wiki e.g. http://indiewebcamp.com/indieauth#Why_is_the_IndieAuth_verification_response_form-encoded_instead_of_JSON
# AnnB cool
# elf-pavlik issue-19
# AnnB Ben, how you discuss stuff
# ben_thatmustbeme AnnB, sorry, I try to use my URL on everything, if I'm active in the room and you aren't trying to highlight my screen you can just use Ben
# AnnB right now, I have to get some lunch before I croak ... then I'll read those links
# AnnB thanks on that
# AnnB Ben
# AnnB :-)
# AnnB steps away in search of food
# elf-pavlik Bon Appétit AnnB
# AnnB merci elf
# ben_thatmustbeme We tend to discuss everything on IRC with people who are interested. There is usually someone interested in the topic you wish to discuss, once some concensus comes out of the discussion we try to capture that info on the wiki in a brainstorming page
# AnnB here's an invention needed ... bandaids that are touch sensitive for devices
# ben_thatmustbeme if not, you make headway in your own implementation of it, and then show off to get feedback
# AnnB I have a bandaid on my thumb ... cannot type on my phone or ipad with that finger
# ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, depends on client, but yeah
# AnnB oh, that's handy .. I'm only using the W3Cs cgi interface, because I'm on my Boeing laptop onto which I cannot load sw
# ben_thatmustbeme wonders if there are web irc clients that have tab completion support like that
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# elf-pavlik aaronpk++
# bblfish Oh how rude: from IndieWebCamp slack channel Loqi elf-pavlik: tantek left you a message on 3/9 at 5:53pm: I'll check #social messages before the telcon. When did you become Henry's secretary? And perhaps you can encourage him to write his opinions as blog posts on his own personal site. I'm still preferring to focus on fixing microformats examples in AS. "http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-10/line/1426023297745
# elf-pavlik melvster++
# elf-pavlik needs to catch some sleep
# elf-pavlik bblfish++
# elf-pavlik we'll sort it out... BTW IndieAuth <3 WebID (almost) https://indiecert.net/welcome
# bblfish this is the paper I wrote http://bblfish.net/tmp/2012/08/05/WebID_Delegation.pdf
# bblfish check the http://webid.info/spec web identity interoparability initial doc to see how one can tie these systems together
# elf-pavlik bblfish, I've read it after meeting seebi in Leipzig
# elf-pavlik now really bed time!
# elf-pavlik gnight o/
bblfish, the_frey and bblfish_ joined the channel
# melvster bblfish: did you see that chromium has user management and API now? http://melvin.rww.io/workspace/uploads/chromeusers.png
AdamB joined the channel
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# AnnB just read the sort of recent log ..
# AnnB what's the Slack instance? for this group?
# AnnB is that yet another place people are working on this stuff?
# AnnB (I only just learned about Slack recently, and am very intrigued .. .but cannot use it via Boeing; blocked at firewall)
harry joined the channel
# bblfish_ AnnB, did you see the list of tools used by OuiShare ? https://trello.com/b/YWRVp9Cu/ouisharetools
# AnnB thanks for those explanations, you guys
# AnnB bblfish, I did not look at that trello link yet; have to run
# AnnB but I know all about 'channel explosion' and which tool to use when
# AnnB we've got it in spades .. altho of course we use email extensively
# AnnB I'm very keen to figure out the best ways to collaborate
# AnnB I'd be happy to do that .. later
# AnnB won't be a surprise .. fairly old school
# bblfish funny I can see https://trello.com/b/YWRVp9Cu/ouisharetools without being logged in
# bblfish yeah. I have no problem seeing it in incognito mode https://trello.com/b/YWRVp9Cu/ouisharetools
# AnnB I can see the top page ... didn't try anything below that
# AnnB ciao
# melvster wow, there's not a single open source web chat system out there : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Free_instant_messaging_clients
# melvster bblfish: did you see my webid instant messanger? http://melvin.rww.io/workspace/uploads/webidscreenshot.png
# melvster bblfish: http://webid.im/