#social 2015-03-12

2015-03-12 UTC
danbri, Guest, danbri1, stevenroose, AnnB, bblfish, shepazu, jaywink, pfefferle, SimonTennant, Augier, the_frey, barnabywalters, melvster, elf-pavlik, almereyda, almereyda_ and AdamB joined the channel
Loqi is a bit slower to post changes to the chat over here
ShaneHudson, Augier, danbri, pfefferle, tilgovi and jaywink joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: yeah Loqi has to poll for changes to this wiki since he's not hooked in to the wiki source code.
yeah, i know, it still gives me pause thinking "did I not save that page?"
you're spoiled by the realtime updates of the indiewebcamp wiki :P
they usually show up for me in IRC before the web page finishes loading!
elf-pavlik, Guest, stevenroose and KevinMarks joined the channel
bblfish, stevenroose, Augier, the_frey and Guest joined the channel