#social 2015-03-28

2015-03-28 UTC
bengo, timbl, the_frey and elf-pavlik joined the channel
aaronpk, what do you think about uploading image with seperate request and then uploading JSON object which has links to them? it looks bit similar and creating other resources which have their own URL but which you may not want to 'nest' http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub#Nested_Microformat_Objects
afk ~30min
the_frey_ and the_frey joined the channel
elf-pavlik: interesting point
the_frey joined the channel
I can see how uploading a photo to get a URL to that resource is similar to first creating a venue to get a URL for it
but in practice it's been easier to upload the photo along with the rest of the h-entry post in the same HTTP request
the_frey joined the channel
hmm I can't figure out why trackbot/RRSAgent didn't make this page http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-03-10/line/1426011544023
aaronpk, when i played with prototypoing https://github.com/dspace-ng each account could set dedicated server for binary uploads and use different one for profile and all the JSON of activities... sometimes image/png can go to one domain and 'social artifact' application/ld+json to another one
i will just give it a try again and implement uploading PNG and JSON-LD in two requests to two different domains for LDP + Hydra demos I prepare for our F2F3 in Paris!
aaronpk, for the irc logs you can send this link to sysreq@w3.org maybe they can fix it
timbl, elf-pavlik, danbri1, danbri2, jaywink, bblfish_, danbri, bblfish, bengo and KevinMarks joined the channel