2015-04-02 UTC
bengo, bblfish, tilgovi, pfefferle and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# elf-pavlik Tsyesika hi, would you like to add your initiative with ActivityPump spec for nex tweek agenda? (linked from the topic of this channel)
the_frey and pfefferle joined the channel
# trackbot knows about these 44 users: Ann, Reuben, Adam, Mark, Tantek, Bret, wilkie, Pavlik, Laurent Walter, Amy, Harry, Sandro, DUK KI, Shane, Renato, Jonathan, Paul Changjin, Geun Hyung, Jaakko, Andreas, Arnaud, Hyejin, Randall, Bill, Fabio Luciano, Alexandre, Aaron, Evan, Benjamin, Jason, Dan, Doug, Wendy, Owen, Hyunjin, dave, James, Henry, James, Claudio, Christopher, XIAOHAI, Erik, Benjamin
# Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
KevinMarks_, melvster1 and shepazu joined the channel
stevenroose, KevinMarks, danbri, the_frey_, jaywink, AnnB, tilgovi and harry joined the channel