Arnaud, bblfish, Arnaud1, danbri, tantek, tilgovi, cwebber2`, melvster1, the_frey, mattl, JakeHart, almereyda, almereyda_, shepazu, shepazu_ and harry joined the channel
melvsterArnaud: I applied to join this group 2 weeks ago and would like to demonstrate some work based on LDP in Paris. Would you be able to give your approval, so that I can participate in the mailing list?
melvsterhi tantek, I applied to join this group 2 weeks ago, harry has been sick lately, so I think the application got delayed, would it be possible to approve my participation. I'd like to demo some work in Paris and have access to the mail list, if possible ...
melvstertantek: ok let me know what I can do to help, id also like to add my name to the wiki, ive booked flights and a hotel in paris as my own expense, so it would be good if I could add my name to the wiki, at a minimum
tantekok I will request both processing your status as an invited expert, and approving you as an observer for the f2f which I believe can be done independently
tantekmelvster your twitter is public and does not require login to view your short form posts: - why not post those on instead?
tantekmelvster: aside, I have emailed all of the chairs and harry requesting review of your invited expert applications, and independently, proposing accepting you as an observer for the Paris f2f so you can at least attend and participate there.
melvstertantek: another great idea, i have my long list of itches, any my own 'itch manager' ( ) ... im currently trying to integrate it with github issues, but will add stuff to the wiki if I get a chance ... currently im flat out trying to get chat/payments/taskmanager all working as one big system with integrations over SoLiD