#social 2015-05-31

2015-05-31 UTC
bblfish, jasnell, tilgovi, Guest83, shepazu_, ben_thatmust, jaywink and the_frey joined the channel
jasnell and the_frey joined the channel
cwebber2: I use mysql as a triplestore via ARC2 PHP library, which is probably not helpful to you :p
cwebber2, to get nice revision control i currently switched to document based https://github.com/substack/forkdb now i need to integrate it with graph based http://levelgraph.io to query data by matching patterns...
slvrbckt, did you have chance to compare syndication in http://sockethub.org/ and http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub#Syndicating_a_Post ?
the_frey, jaywink, the_frey_ and jasnell joined the channel
FOAF is now on github, that should make it easier to create new terms : https://github.com/foaf/foaf
jasnell joined the channel
thanks elf-pavlik, rhiaro
elf-pavlik: hm, I like the functional aspects of forkdb
seems like a great system (as long as nobody spams you anyway :))
jansauer joined the channel
foaf has 1 karma
the_frey, bblfish, jasnell, raucao, shepazu, tilgovi, harry, hhalpin, bblfish_ and barnabywalters joined the channel