#social 2015-06-26

2015-06-26 UTC
Arnaud1, jasnell, tantek, tilgovi and Arnaud joined the channel
Arnaud, jasnell, bblfish, shepazu_, tantek and edhelas joined the channel
im slightly confused at how to implement an interoperable social api without interoperable social profiles ... :/
i think the idea is to get no interoperability but to develop a standard that works well for all situations
i feel like there isn't enought discussion along that idea honestly, it has been more about interoperability of our standards. that said, i think the work aaronpk, tsyesika, and rhiaro have been doing on actually comparing the standards is the important work. Finding what works and does not work, what makes sense and doesn't from all the currently used systems
missed something in the conversation as Kingley's message didn't go out to the list
jansauer, KevinMarks, jasnell, edhelas, nicolagreco, tantek and bblfish joined the channel
bblfish_, bblfish, eprodrom, edhelas, tilgovi, jasnell, jasnell_ and tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: i forwarded it to public comments
tantek: there was a discussion on the ML, evan has suggested picking a single profile system and having everyone implement that, harry has suggested vcard (which I -1'd) ... wondering if you have any thoughts on this (I know you prefer not to read lots of mails)
vcard -> hcard -> h-card
so an extended vcard is in some sence what i already user
jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
is bogged down right now but will pick up this profiles conversation this weekend :)
rhairo: great ... looking forward to your input
jasnell joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: ah that's good to know
tantek joined the channel
wait - so we didn't have enough lengthy arguments that we now have to argue about profiles too?!?
good to know... facebook uses multipart form encoding for uploading photos in the api
also supports "uploading" photos by referencing them by URL
tantek: i just want to implement the use cases, so i wanted to find a common understanding of following and a common understanding of profiles to get things working, it was evan and harry that are suggesting a single profile format, i just want to try and implement use cases
tantek: the thread quickly went off topic, I sympathize with your aversion to mailing lists
i mean when I get an AS2 object, i need to know how to process the actor
otherwise it's useless to me
melvster1: I think there's rough agreement on authors being represented by URLs but not much more.
melvster1: you can view the json equiv of my profile (which includes a feed in it) http://www.unmung.com/mf2?url=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2F&html=&pretty=on
ben_thatmustbeme: touche, very nice! ok time for me to start supporting JSON on my profile (I havent yet) tantek +1 on using URL, but what is needed is still a way to do follow your nose from those profiles that scales to all the systems that want to implement it, which means making sure the parsers are consistent
melvster1: I don't follow, "what is needed is still a way to do follow your node from those profiles" follow your nose to what exactly?
ben_thatmustbeme: that's use case dependent, in some cases I'll need simply name, avatar, URI, in others, endpoints, in others hometown, in others to get to followers, or notifications etc.
also, i don't support json in my profile, thats just a standard mf2 parser
to give the indieweb view of that, we have all those worked out, thought not for followers / notifications yet. XFN would just put a followers list as a rel=me to that page, which is what i do for my whitelist of people i trust to accept comments from (ties in to webmention+vouch, but thats a large digression)
also, after the 7 or 8th email i just start ignoring those long winded threads
ben_thatmustbeme: yeah I hear you, I did specifically ask from feedback from implementors to avoid, that, but sometimes people jump in with opinions
ben_thatmustbeme: my main aim is just to go from a theoretical discussion to actual running software that processes this stuff ... I was just illustrating the blockers
runningcode has 1 karma
slvrbckt: sent you a mail regarding modernizing rdflib.js, something you were interested in before
tantek, nicolagreco and jasnell joined the channel