2015-09-02 UTC
# pdurbin cwebber2: congrats!
bblfish, jasnell, bblfish_, the_frey, the_frey_, AnnB and guangyuan joined the channel
# AnnB trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent joined the channel
Zakim joined the channel
# Zakim I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
# AnnB uh oh .. .have to remember how to change the name to socialIG
# AnnB Meeting: Social Web Interest Group Teleconference
# AnnB hope that does it
# AnnB present, guangyuan
# AnnB guangyuan and I having a nice little chat .. wonder if anyone else is going to show up?
# AnnB regrets from Lynn Foster and Harry Halpin only
# AnnB Thanks Ben .. dang
# AnnB there is supposed to be a way I can call you .. I now have the host key
# AnnB does anyone know how that works?
# AnnB do you have a number I could try calling, Ben?
# AnnB (you might try sending to me in private chat)
# AnnB (so as to not be minuted)
# AnnB weird, Guangyuan .. I can hear you .. but, can you hear me
# AnnB darn, disappointed no one else showed up
# AnnB but had an excellent free-ranging chat with guangyuan
# AnnB trackbot, end meeting
# Zakim As of this point the attendees have been (no one)
tilgovi and jaywink joined the channel
the_frey and bblfish joined the channel
# Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
bblfish, Arnaud1, bblfish_ and jasnell joined the channel