#social 2015-10-13
2015-10-13 UTC
eprodrom joined the channel
eprodrom cwebber2: you around?
eprodrom I started writing a test driver here
eprodrom https://github.com/evanp/a2test
jasnell joined the channel
eprodrom I just threw in some basic tests from the very first example
eprodrom There's a dummy consumer which basically fakes its way through
Arnaud, tilgovi and jasnell joined the channel
Loqi Rhiaro made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85926&oldid=85921
jasnell, tilgovi, bblfish, the_frey and elf-pavlik joined the channel
Loqi Benthatmustbeme made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85930&oldid=85926
jasnell, jasnell_ and bblfish joined the channel
rhiaro_ Morning all. I sketched out a kind of outline of how I see things could be divided up in terms of smaller parts that can be implemented individually, and started fitting the input specs into this outline: http://rhiaro.github.io/Social-APIs-Brainstorming/socialapi
melvster1 joined the channel
melvster1 cwebber2: yeah the credentials group is pretty awesome
melvster1 anyone else had problems getting webex to work on linux?
melvster1 cwebber2: which one?
melvster1 cwebber2: got a link?
melvster1 nice!
melvster1 yes, it's good stuff, ive been following that work for a few years, and it's maturing now
melvster1 i think so yes
melvster1 cwebber2: cool demo! it's improved since I saw it last ...
melvster1 cwebber2: yes, we had quite a long thread with dave longely about it ... the motivation is portability, I personally prefer http: uris but it's all good
melvster1 the challenge with new URI schemes is popularizing them, that's just one more fire to fight for me, but if someone else does that, or there's a use case, I'd be happy to reuse it, otherwise http handles everything I need right now
melvster1 cwebber2: glad you like the demo, there was some pushback against the credentials work
melvster1 is there any way I can test webex before the call starts?
melvster1 aaronpk: I tried it a couple of times before but got a weird java error, ive dialed in with skype instead as an alternative, but would like to see if I can get webex going on linux ...
eprodrom joined the channel
eprodrom jasnell: when you get a chance I'd love your thoughts on the testing framework
melvster1 I can get to the webex meeting screen: https://mit.webex.com/mw3000/mywebex/default.do?service=1&siteurl=mit&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Fmc3000%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Dmit%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D364255852%26UID%3D512600922%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAAKwSvsZogyjNRaC0cuMwbs7S03YytBvbCgUV7KOYSLxVtF8_4i-fK0Vo2FWFXZMVkMNyobSzH_JBP-2JWcrDgwE0%26FrameSet%3D2%26MTID%3Dm1a2438c12d92a4f7f5778fd48f5b3001
melvster1 but it wont let me test further, im not sure which java it wants me to install
melvster1 aaronpk: oh thanks, but only from the US, right? I think I just need to maybe install oracle java8 or something
melvster1 wow, great
melvster1 i normally do that from skype, but have to pay :)
melvster1 ah cool, thx
melvster1 btw working on a little app market for SoLiD : https://files.gitter.im/melvincarvalho/Fjyx/appscreen.png
tantek and hhalpin joined the channel
hhalpin meeting is in 40 minutes I think
hhalpin If anyone is in London or nearby, there will be a great discussion at http://redecentralize.org/conference/
hhalpin this coming weekend
hhalpin eprodrom: Ever catch up with John Cowie from Thoughtworks?
eprodrom hhalpin: yes
hhalpin did you think he was acceptable as an IE?
hhalpin If so, ping me (via email is fine) and I'll enable his account.
melvster1 java8 installed, maybe webex will work now. 'Hangouts needs the Google Talk plug-in to make calls. Install the Google Talk plug-in'
melvster1 rhiaro_: I have it on chrome, not on firefox, less worried about the time, more about what the proprietary s/w does to my machine
melvster1 I tend to use firefox for my email, because of speed (lack thereof)
melvster1 aaronpk: yes, agree ... I'd rather not install anything
melvster1 totally
melvster1 but figured getting webex working would be a good thing
hhalpin Again, W3C is happy for us to use Mumble
hhalpin we just need to do a call for consensus in the WG
hhalpin add it to the agenda?
ben_thatmustbeme melvster1: you have been on 1 call before haven't you?
ben_thatmustbeme how did you get on that time?
ben_thatmustbeme i would be fine switching to mummble but would -1 it until we at least try it first
melvster1 ben_thatmustbeme: normally use skype, I think I was on about 100 calls that way in the XG
ben_thatmustbeme no, i meant i thought you were on a socialwg call once already
ben_thatmustbeme i might be mistaken
melvster1 yes, skype
melvster1 skype lets you dial in if you have credit, which I Do
ben_thatmustbeme ahh, okay
ben_thatmustbeme yeah, you shouldn't have to pay though
Loqi Hhalpin made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85933&oldid=85930
hhalpin added mumble option to our discussion
akuckartz joined the channel
Loqi tantek: cwebber2 left you a message on 10/12 at 10:27am: Hey, you may wish to read this thread before the next meeting starts http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Oct/0013.html http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-10-12/line/1444670847917
ben_thatmustbeme looks at his watch
Loqi Benthatmustbeme made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85934&oldid=85933
hhalpin present+ hhalpin
hhalpin trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/13-social-irc
hhalpin present+ hhalpin
eprodrom present+ eprodrom
eprodrom o/ hhalpin
ben_thatmustbeme present+ ben_thatmustbeme
bblfish joined the channel
eprodrom any scribes?
csarven joined the channel
kevinmarks present+ kevinmarks
eprodrom jasnell: are you on your way?
eprodrom Arnaud: joined?
hhalpin My feeling is that the RDF and microformat discussion has been quite predominant, and would be good to simply call it a truce and go back to JSON for interop.
ben_thatmustbeme we are up to 12 on the call
hhalpin And if folks want to treat like that JSON(LD) that's good, but let's not get religious about it.
ben_thatmustbeme Arnaud is on
ben_thatmustbeme at least his name is there
tantek cwebber2 we're not "done" by any measure, but I think we made a lot of progress, both in terms of approaches (e.g. simplifying RDFa to just use property instead of property & rel), and in terms of extensibility (e.g. microformats2 separation of syntax and vocabularies, and specification for how vendors can do extensions or experiments like in CSS)
hhalpin As pragmatically, most developers will likely treat it as JSON
hhalpin notes I've added moving to Mumble to the agenda
eprodrom scribe?
ben_thatmustbeme \me Arnaud, i did hear you for a moment there
eprodrom Zakim, who's on the call?
hhalpin Happy to scribe
hhalpin scribe: hhalpin
wseltzer present+ wseltzer
hhalpin topic: Approval of minutes from last week
hhalpin +1
eprodrom +1
hhalpin APPROVED: Minutes of 10-6-2015 approved
hhalpin topic: Discussion of F2F
hhalpin eprodrom: Our agenda is developing nicely
hhalpin ... good number of people attending
eprodrom q?
hhalpin ... do we have space?
hhalpin tantek: I can confirm space for up to 12 without difficulty
hhalpin ... by end of month, if we need space for more than 12 we're fine
hhalpin ... right now, we have 6
hhalpin I'll ask for W3C if they will support travel.
hhalpin tantek: Please add yourself as a 'maybe'
hhalpin ... with whatever caveats you want to add
hhalpin ... so I can gauge scope and size of room needed
hhalpin ... also add yourself to regrets if you can't come
ben_thatmustbeme as long as we actually get to it
hhalpin jasnell, are you on the call yet?
Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85935&oldid=85909
Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85938&oldid=85937
Loqi Cwebber2 made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85940&oldid=85876
Loqi Hhalpin made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85937&oldid=85936
Loqi Sandro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85939&oldid=85938
hhalpin otherwise, we can do Social API first
hhalpin topic: AS 2.0
hhalpin jasnell: The new version was published on Tuesday with license change
hhalpin eprodrom: awesome
hhalpin ... what's next?
hhalpin ... if there's any other changes
hhalpin q+
eprodrom ack hhalpin
hhalpin Should we go for wider review before we push for CR?
hhalpin Should we do this wider push before or after F2F?
hhalpin Indeed, noting Kevin Mark's email, looking at existing AS1.0 users
hhalpin eprodrom: I've reached out to SugarCRM, etc.
hhalpin ... its not so much about going to Candidate or about deciding if we go to Candidate
hhalpin ... and that internal decision will be based on f2f
ben_thatmustbeme q+ Just a point of clarity regarding CR
hhalpin I've started some outreach to thoughtworks etc.
hhalpin but will aim for me, let's remember we have a deadline re outreach
ben_thatmustbeme q+ to Just a point of clarity regarding CR
eprodrom ack ben_thatmustbeme
hhalpin ben: Don't we need wide review before hitting Last Call?
hhalpin Arnaud: Yes, even though there is no "last call" step anymore
hhalpin ... but you need to do it before CR
hhalpin eprodrom: Do we commit to that process or decide at our F2F?
hhalpin ... my guess is we commit at F2F
hhalpin sandro: That decision is largely based on the amount of review beforehand
hhalpin eprodrom: I want a number or orgs to basically agree we will be implement
hhalpin Notes that maybe people doing outreach should put their names in the wiki after the group
eprodrom hhalpin: still scribing?
hhalpin yes, but trying to catch the voice
eprodrom https://github.com/evanp/a2test
hhalpin who is speaking?
Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85941&oldid=85934
Loqi Kmarks2 made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85942&oldid=85940
hhalpin cwebber2: I discussed with Evan how to implement AS2.0 and we've started a repo for test
hhalpin ... now after some misstarts I'm working on a validator in addition to test-suite
hhalpin ... things are moving forward
hhalpin eprodrom: We have at least a framework for a test-suite
hhalpin ... testing the data format
hhalpin ... requests for producing and consuming AS2.0
hhalpin ... wrapper for AS2.0 implementation
akuckartz Answering my own question: http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/
hhalpin ... would like jasnell's review in particular, but want
hhalpin ... additional review and a wrapper for java version
hhalpin ... need to talk to TW around their implementation
hhalpin jasnell: The java version is out of date due to lack of time
hhalpin I think TW has some cycles for this, will be seeing them Firday
hhalpin eprodrom: we can then do hackathons and libraries in multiple languages
hhalpin ... right now, we have node.js
hhalpin ... need python and an out of date java
hhalpin ... a hackathon before the f2f would be great
hhalpin jasnell: I'll look at it soon
hhalpin eprodrom: multiple types on objects etc.
hhalpin ... any github/tracker updates?
eprodrom q?
hhalpin jasnell: Number of issues, 8 remaining issues on github tracker
hhalpin ... stuff we need some resolution on, please take a look and weigh in
hhalpin eprodrom: Some are fine-grained
hhalpin ... a few interesting
hhalpin ... the media/type MIME argument
hhalpin ... can we do Editor's Choice and WG decision
hhalpin q+
hhalpin jasnell: lack of @id in examples, MIME type needs WG decision, etc.
hhalpin ... the rest is more 'something that we need or not'
hhalpin ... want comments on 208, 205, 175, and 152
hhalpin jasnell: 152 and 205 may need WG discussion
hhalpin ... 175 or 157
eprodrom ack hhalpin
hhalpin Process point - close them by f2f, so have editor state his proposal or 'don't care', and then try to get consensus on each editor proposal
hhalpin if not, list options and do straw polls
hhalpin topic: Social API
hhalpin rhiaro: Map what currently exists to what implementations we have
hhalpin ... think its a useful way to move forward
hhalpin eprodrom: Let's get review this week
eprodrom ack cwebber2
hhalpin it would be good to get a FPWD after our F2F if we have consensus
eprodrom ack cwebber
hhalpin cwebber2: I did write an email to the call
hhalpin ... I was interested in whether or not AS2 should be mandatory or not
hhalpin ... we should address this
hhalpin ... two compoenents:
hhalpin ... 1) One difficulty has been a cycle of conversation between microformats vs Linked Data for the last 15 years
melvster1 linked data didnt exist 15 years ago
hhalpin ... probably not helpful to continue to have those discussions in the WG
ben_thatmustbeme melvster1++
hhalpin I believe it was just RDF
hhalpin there has been an ongoing argument betwen RDF and microformats obviously.
kevinmarks microformats din't either; 12 years maybe
ben_thatmustbeme can we get back to the agenda?
hhalpin ... we should specify a deliverable
hhalpin ... at last call we were worried that there would be no deliverables for client-server API, federation, etc.
hhalpin ... so I think we need to agree whether or not AS2 should be mandatory to implement
hhalpin ... then we can finally move on the API
hhalpin ... but without that level of agreement we are having trouble moving forward
kevinmarks +q
hhalpin eprodrom: What the resolution would look like?
hhalpin cwebber2: To agree we implement to AS2.0 for whatever is sent to endpoint-to-endpoint
hhalpin ... then we can move forward for other things we are stuck on
hhalpin q+ kevinmarks
hhalpin q+
hhalpin ... tantek has figured how to map microformats to RDF's type system
hhalpin ... that seems like a good proposal
hhalpin ... then we can figure out whether or not we can move forward
eprodrom PROPOSAL: require AS2.0 for Social API and Federation Protocol
kevinmarks -1
hhalpin cwebber2: It's not other things are not possible, but one is mandatory
hhalpin +1
eprodrom +1
melvster1 +0 need to see what AS2.0 is first (mime type will affect existing tooling)
eprodrom ack kevinmarks
hhalpin eprodrom: An interesting point about where dynamic is
hhalpin kevinmarks: The fundamental disagreement is are we trying to legislate or are we trying to document
hhalpin ... what's actually working in the wild
hhalpin ... the point is that the microformat effort has succeeded
eprodrom ack hhalpin
kevinmarks microformats have a consistent JSON format for all those languages now
ben_thatmustbeme JSON is suggested in the charter
melvster1 "most people will drop the @context" -- why?
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: i stand corrected
ben_thatmustbeme s/:/,/
eprodrom q?
hhalpin As the author of the charter, JSON is a requirement
hhalpin JSON-LD was optional
hhalpin Sorry guys, but that seemed a rather obvious compromise to me
hhalpin Particularly in terms of developer community size
hhalpin most modern developers send JSON via HTTP APIs
ben_thatmustbeme no, thats a fine compramise to me
hhalpin See Go, Ruby, Django, etc.
kevinmarks documenting is moving things forward
ben_thatmustbeme i was just being specific about it
ben_thatmustbeme i'm fine with JSON
kevinmarks mandating things that no-one implements isn't
hhalpin So, we just need good mappings from mf2 (needs more work but possible) and RDF (JSON-LD solves this, but RDF folks need to stop being so pushy over fine details that most JSON devs don't care about)
ben_thatmustbeme hhalpin++
hhalpin eprodrom: I'm looking for some guidance
eprodrom q?
hhalpin sorry, had to stop scribing for a sec to catch up with my own thought
hhalpin eprodrom: I see a lot of -1s.
hhalpin eprodrom: Let's try to resolve this and get a proposal we can accept.
hhalpin I'm happy to flesh out my proposal over the next week or two in terms of RDF/mf2 interop
hhalpin That being said, as a reality check, 99% of web devs use JSON, not mf or RDF
eprodrom PROPOSAL: accept PTD as an editor's draft for continued development as part of the WG
ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2, bombshells are fine but maybe put it on the agenda first
hhalpin mf has higher uptake in web-pages than any other format
hhalpin and RDF has a sizable community as well
kevinmarks 100% of web devs use HTML
hhalpin topic: Type discovery
hhalpin Yes, but NOT mf2
hhalpin sorry, but that's true
hhalpin So we can't force parsing HTML on people who see JSON as easier
ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2 haha, no problem, we all make mistakes
melvster1 kevinmarks++
kevinmarks sure, but claiming that JSON is JSON-LD is more tendentious
hhalpin however, I agree with the general goal that people who embed data into web-pages using mf seems to work well
eprodrom tantek++
hhalpin so it should be supported, it has wider uptake
eprodrom excellent guessing
hhalpin tantek: We have implicit typing
hhalpin ... we can get interop in mf2 with AS2
kevinmarks no-one is forcing you to parse mf2, we have many parsers for you out there
hhalpin ... its a small, modular draft
hhalpin my point is *most* people don't use mf2 in modern webdev frameworks. They use HTTP APIs that deliver JSON
hhalpin tantek: My request is that the group accept it as editors draft
hhalpin however, my second point is the main issue is AS1 and AS2 has little uptake
hhalpin My point is that JSON *itself* has much wider updake than either RDF or mf2
hhalpin so that should be a common conversion pattern
hhalpin tantek: I would like to keep that mechanism the same
kevinmarks no-one is arguing against JSON
hhalpin furthermore, it's not a small difference: it's several orders of magnitude in terms of uptake
eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme i made a quick point that i was corrected on that could have been seen as that kevinmarks
eprodrom ack csarven
kevinmarks mandating the specific JSON-LD vocab that is under draft was what was being proposed
hhalpin PROPOSAL: Take up tantek's post-type discovery as a Working Draft of the WG
hhalpin s/Working Draft/Editor's Draft
hhalpin csarven: The result of ACTION-35 is to change from implicit to explicit approach
hhalpin ... so we have an algorithm to deal with implicit approach
hhalpin tantek: Accept the document as a work-item
hhalpin ... that's all I'm proposing
hhalpin ... for systems that require explicit typing it expands content they can consumer
hhalpin ... we've had some good experience
kevinmarks arnaud look at the Medium and Buzzfeed post editors if you want mainstream UI
hhalpin I am going to note that it appears the mf2 community is the most active implementers
tilgovi joined the channel
eprodrom q+
hhalpin tantek: We've had good feedback
hhalpin csarven: We would mention that we could say "explicit" or "implicit"
kevinmarks instead of a post type, they both have a series of blocks that enable you to post different content types as part fo a post
hhalpin tantek: I would work with jasnell to see if we could do co-ordinate and browsers tend to do this
hhalpin q+
hhalpin csarven: That makes sense
hhalpin eprodrom: This is the pattern used in micropub
hhalpin ... with POST parameters for intended types of parameters
hhalpin ... correct?
hhalpin tantek: If you are an AS2 consumer that has explicit types
hhalpin ... the micropub use-case is an explicit one
hhalpin ... one of the implementations is to do this
eprodrom ack aaronpk
eprodrom ack eprodrom
melvster1 JSON LD has implicit typing (elf posted some links to the ML)
hhalpin aaronpk: when I receive a micropub request based on what's in it
hhalpin ... it shows up in different feeds
eprodrom http://indiewebcamp.com/Webmention
hhalpin eprodrom: There's the types mentioned in a webmention, thats where these properties came from
rhiaro_ I have my own version to decide internally how to display posts based on the properties: http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/09/post-type
hhalpin ... are we documenting existing behavior?
ben_thatmustbeme yes, i do something similar
eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme but this actually helps clear some parts up and makes sense to me
hhalpin tantek: All sorts of ways of doing responses, but its mainly trying to do things like distinguish between articles and notes
eprodrom ack hhalpin
eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme can we just vote on the proposal?
hhalpin Editors draft does not mean we have consensus, just its a reasonable thing to be working on and within scope
hhalpin usually in W3C it's a fairly low bar
hhalpin I would vote for it as it seems useful to a particular community and necessary for interop
eprodrom +1
hhalpin +1
kevinmarks +1
eprodrom RESOLVED: Take up tantek's post-type discovery as a Working Draft of the WG
hhalpin RESOLVED: Accept Post-type discovery as an editor's draft
hhalpin eprodrom: Can you move this to the wiki Tantek?
hhalpin q+
eprodrom q?
eprodrom ack ben_thatmustbeme
hhalpin ben: Let's have a flat agenda
hhalpin ... rather than devote too much to the first topic
hhalpin s/too much/too much time
hhalpin ben: Single items rather than going through actions
hhalpin ... use github issues
hhalpin ... even if it's skipping around subjets
hhalpin s/subjets/topics
eprodrom q?
hhalpin I'm not on this point
eprodrom PROPOSAL: flat agenda where we use bullet points
hhalpin tantek: CSS WG does it this way
hhalpin +0
eprodrom -1
eprodrom q
eprodrom q?
hhalpin We could run an experiment and try it once
eprodrom ack hhalpin
ben_thatmustbeme Arnaud: it would mean this would have had more time than the last minute on the call to discuss this
hhalpin any objections to mumble?
hhalpin What we need is mumble + phone dial-in :)
hhalpin Although notes non-US folks can't dial-in as easily
eprodrom agenda item for next week?
hhalpin eprodrom: lets revisit next week
ben_thatmustbeme can it be the top of the agenda next week?
kevinmarks the workaround for no-us is to use google hangouts which does require an account, but has free us calling
hhalpin eprodrom: meeting adjourned, talk to you next week
hhalpin trackbot, end meeting
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/13-social-minutes.html trackbot
eprodrom kevinmarks: right, but some of the people don't want to use Google Hangouts
kevinmarks sure
kevinmarks other services offer free us calling too
kevinmarks I just meant it is easier than getting webex working
kevinmarks I agree that WebRTC is great
ben_thatmustbeme Arnaud, eprodrom, this is actually the exact problem the proposal is trying to solve, we rush these "other items" in at the end of the meeting, if -1s result from the fact that its just the last few minutes (which is fair, we need time to discuss) anything that is in the "other items" can just get pushed off indefinitely and never given adequate time to discuss
ben_thatmustbeme Arnaud: true, except bullet 3 would be the top of the next week
kevinmarks well, it is, but only really in chrome
ben_thatmustbeme more like a rolling bulletted list
ben_thatmustbeme this topic i actually added the the agenda as soon as the agenda was proposed, and it didn't get any discussion time this week because of the formatting
ben_thatmustbeme s/proposed/posted
kevinmarks so treat the agenda as a queue, with only chairs able to adjust ordering?
jasnell_ joined the channel
kevinmarks cwebber2: I found this quote that sums up well what I am getting at: https://kindle.amazon.com/post/HLglK_6oRhOnsiQSo829eg
kevinmarks linear agenda?
ben_thatmustbeme heh FIFO
kevinmarks “Language is not a protocol legislated by an authority but rather a wiki that pools the contributions of millions of writers and speakers, who ceaselessly bend the language to their needs and who inexorably age, die, and get replaced by their children, who adapt the language in their turn.”
kevinmarks I don't need to; millions of French speakers already are.
tilgovi and jasnell joined the channel
Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-13-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85944&oldid=0
tantek cwebber2: yes - and the "like" example demonstrates that https://indiewebcamp.com/post-type-discovery#Like_post
jaywink, bblfish, tilgovi, Arnaud, jasnell, kevinmarks, eprodrom and tantek joined the channel