#social 2015-10-20
2015-10-20 UTC
bblfish, Arnaud, shepazu, jasnell, asbjornu and the_frey joined the channel
# eprodrom ben_thatmustbeme: hey, that thing about clustering agenda items was discussed on last week's agenda and failed a vote
# eprodrom Why is it up again?
# eprodrom Putting together the agenda for the meeting is the chair's responsibility
# eprodrom And keeping the pacing of the agenda
# eprodrom AS2 takes up a lot of our time because it's the closest thing we have to an actual product
# eprodrom I'm not sure what else you'd like to talk about
# eprodrom But as a chair, it's really irritating to me to have you micro-managing how I do my job
# ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: it was given 1 minute, failed a vote and primary because no time to discuss
# eprodrom ben_thatmustbeme: let's discuss it now
# ben_thatmustbeme the fact that it was entirely pushed off the agenda until the last minute was really frustrating for me
# eprodrom I don't think it was on the agenda
# ben_thatmustbeme nothing says the chair can't reorganize however they want
# ben_thatmustbeme it was, it was the first thing on it
# eprodrom Ugh, really?
# eprodrom So, you inserted something into the agenda at the top, and you wanted it discussed then?
# ben_thatmustbeme no, i inserted at the top when the agenda was first created
# eprodrom ?
# eprodrom OK
# eprodrom Well, I'm sorry we didn't get to it till the end
# eprodrom But the outcome would have been the same
# ben_thatmustbeme its okay, like i said, you were chair, you can move things around however
# eprodrom Right
# eprodrom Thanks!
# ben_thatmustbeme the point of it, was to stop things that get moved from last week to not get starved and end up at the very end again
# eprodrom So, I'm not going to be in the meeting today
# ben_thatmustbeme if we continue on the clustered format it would be the very last thing today
# ben_thatmustbeme and again, get only 1 minute at the end
# eprodrom Well, let's see if Tantek edits the agenda
# eprodrom It already has a -1 from me, but I won't be in the meeting today, so you can probably ram it through
# ben_thatmustbeme well, thats not really what i want
# ben_thatmustbeme so the problem is that if I add something to the agenda, and then someone adds 10 things to as2, as2 monopolizes the meeting
# eprodrom I'm not sure where this format that we use came from
# eprodrom I guess I'm just not sure this is the most important thing to do right now
# ben_thatmustbeme every meeting i've been in (in person) usually does that type of bulletted list, so if you don't get to something its first on the agenda in the next meeting
# eprodrom But I understand your point better
# eprodrom At last meeting PTD got inserted before the other stuff on the agenda, and during the meeting I moved it down
# eprodrom I thought this was a response to that on-the-fly agenda-editing
# eprodrom From my point of view, moving forward the documents we're actually supposed to deliver is the most important job
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah, when you did that you dropped that item and the item about other call types past the closing stuff on the agenda
# ben_thatmustbeme thats why it didn't seem like it was on there
# eprodrom Gotcha
# ben_thatmustbeme actually, it would make editing on the fly easier i would guess, much easier to move things around when its only in one section
# ben_thatmustbeme but if you are -1 on it, i guess its rather moot
# eprodrom Well, let's see
# eprodrom So the idea is that we have a flat bulleted list of agenda items
# eprodrom Maybe with some tagging by topic
# eprodrom It'd probably be nice to clean up the page; they're pretty complicated right now
# ben_thatmustbeme indeed
# eprodrom But I'm a little worried that you don't want to talk about AS2
# ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro: has done nice things with color coded tages in wikis before i believe
# eprodrom Since it's probably going to be the only deliverable we actually produce out of this WG
# ben_thatmustbeme i'm really hoping its not
# eprodrom I'm glad you are!
# ben_thatmustbeme as far as my email by the way, i'll certainly stick close to AS2, i just want to get some implementation experience and hopefully unify on something thats easier to go from mf2 -> mf2json -> somestandardjson
# ben_thatmustbeme PTD will help with that
# ben_thatmustbeme just need to find people willing to try some ideas out that i have
# ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: you seemed interested
# Loqi Eprodrom made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86051&oldid=86019
# eprodrom ben_thatmustbeme: I changed my -1 to a +1 on the agenda
# ben_thatmustbeme cool, thanks
# Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86052&oldid=86051
# ben_thatmustbeme i'll put something together. I ideally want to just get a few base cases working of federating a like maybe which i think is probably the simplest case there can be
# ben_thatmustbeme basically webmention to notify of a new update, and than an endpoint for some standard JSON pull of an activity, that way you can use whatever you want underneath
# ben_thatmustbeme indeed, i could write one endpoint that would do the work for me and others entirely.
# ben_thatmustbeme i suppose my question would be, for mediagoblin whats your first priority for federation?
# ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: last question, is this all private data or publicly addressable? I ask because publicly addressable to start with simplifies a lot, we don't have to deal with securing anything to start with, just getting it working
# ben_thatmustbeme and i have not read all of activityPump yet, though I thought it was for client->server which I think really has different use cases
# Loqi Rhiaro made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86056&oldid=86052
# Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86057&oldid=86056
# ben_thatmustbeme cwebber i have a number of questions on activitypump but i'll wait until i read over everything again to make sure
# ben_thatmustbeme working at the moment at the same time
# Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86058&oldid=86057
# Loqi Alehors made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86059&oldid=85942
# elf-pavlik "@type": [ "Activity", "ex:Wave" ] ;)
# elf-pavlik or you may need to discover this type via ex-wave-to property or something like that :D
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/20-social-irc
# elf-pavlik present+ elf-pavlik
# ben_thatmustbeme present+ ben_thatmustbeme
# elf-pavlik i can scribe
# elf-pavlik +1
# kevinmarks present+ kevinmarks
# Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86060&oldid=86058
# Loqi Tantekelik made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86062&oldid=86060
# Loqi Tsyesika made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86065&oldid=86059
# Loqi Scapadis made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86066&oldid=86065
# hhalpin However, I agree with cwebber2 that we should have free dial-in and dial-in that is compatible with open-source/free software.
# hhalpin This is simply a failure on W3C's part at this point, hopefully one we can address. I'll bring it up at our next meeting.
# hhalpin Not having free calling, particularly given the widespread use of VoIP, is ultimately IMHO discriminatory
# hhalpin biasing meetings towards those with the income to dial-in. If someone is not technical enough to figure out VoIP, it begs the question of what htey are doing in a technical standardization committee.
# hhalpin Thus, I fully support moving the meeting to Mumble if possible, and am happy to revisit this issue now that Ann (who previously had issues with this) is not in the WG.
# hhalpin Many open-source projects use Mumble for telecons and it works well for them.
# aaronpk tantek: Now that we have the beginnings of a test suite, it would be great to get some Free and Open Source Software library implementations in major Web programming languages (Ruby, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Java, Go, Objective C). A weekend hackathon ahead of our next F2F would be great. Doodle poll here: http://doodle.com/poll/sht6vdmr73v2arfd
# ben_thatmustbeme There is an IWC at MIT on Nov 7/8th as well
# Loqi Wilkie made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86067&oldid=86066
# Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86068&oldid=86067
# ShaneHudson Apologies I can't be on the call today, but just wanted to mention I'm up for the AS hackathon it is a good idea. Have put dates I can do on the doodle.
# elf-pavlik q+ to ask about groups
# ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk++
# hhalpin q?
# hhalpin q+
# Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86069&oldid=86062
# ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro++
# kevinmarks rhiaro++
# kevinmarks webfinger is mostly dead isn't it?
# hhalpin I'm going to note that vocabularies are a source of endless bike-shedding, let's not try to define in an API
# hhalpin Discovery is currently only done with Link Headers, but some folks don't use those or know about those.
# kevinmarks gogole dropped webfinger support https://client.webfinger.net/lookup?resource=kevinmarks%40gmail.com
# hhalpin It might be useful to look at URL patterns default and that most major sites (for example, anyone that supports OpenID) uses WebFinger.
# ben_thatmustbeme we had agreed on follow your nose for endpoints a F2F Cambridge
# hhalpin So we should at least look at this.
# elf-pavlik follow your nose by including links in payload https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Oct/0057.html
# hhalpin Again, the real focus for most people are using URL patterns
# hhalpin Anyways, people should look at it: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7033
# kevinmarks yahoo has also dropped webfinger
# hhalpin https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6415 - Host-meta
# kevinmarks so how are you looking up things?
# kevinmarks q+
# hhalpin We saw in the wild *mild* uptake of WebFinger and Host-meta, I agree it may not be the best way forward, but *only* Link Headers ignores the facts that many developers do not know what Link headers are and that design pattern is not employed by major social networks.
# hhalpin q+
# kevinmarks they're well-known urls
# kevinmarks we should support <a> as well as <link>
# elf-pavlik q+ to mention including links in body of response
# kevinmarks wordpress has link headers
# kevinmarks so ~25% of the web
# hhalpin So, does Twitter, Facebook, or anyone else use Link Headers?
# hhalpin I think Evan began this research a while back.
# hhalpin So we already have lots of data.
# kevinmarks silo.pub has instructions for adding link headers to other silos
# hhalpin I think Link Headers are not a bad way to go and should be specified, but having some "optional" advised default end-points will help deployment.
# hhalpin I think RSS/Atom feeds are slowly on their way out, sadly :(
# kevinmarks opensocial/as1 defined api paths relative to an endpoint
# hhalpin I'm just noticing that the main way discovery is usually done is by going for a URL
# hhalpin So losing that pattern and saying "look at link headers" seems rather odd if we want deployment.
# hhalpin For internationalization and adoption, I agree Link headers are a good thing, but I think 99% of people will be expecting URL endpoints that are defined.
# elf-pavlik +1
# kevinmarks hhalpin: Iink headers just point to the defined api endpoints. I don't see how link headers are bad
# elf-pavlik +1
# cwebber2 hhalpin: I agree with you on the general "what developers can easily pick up and go with with the tooling they have", but I think that looking at a spec and hearing "oh I can get it from here"... most devs have the tools in a django/rails/node blah blah type environment to where webfinger and link relations and etc are about equal complexity
# hhalpin +1
# kevinmarks +1
# elf-pavlik rhiaro++
# hhalpin Note that FPWD and Editor's drafts don't need WG consensus
# hhalpin Otherwise, there would likely never be a published FPWD :)
# hhalpin There was a request from Annotations for Social members at TPAC to attend as well
# hhalpin q+
# elf-pavlik q+ re AS2.0 trying to address API concerns
# hhalpin q+
# hhalpin Although XSL-FO seems not to have worked out...
# hhalpin That being said, I've used XSL-FO for styling XML produced by wikis into PDFs for a textbook, it's quite fun in a very XML-centric way.
# ben_thatmustbeme another reason to keep Social API and Federation API seperate
# Loqi Benthatmustbeme made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86070&oldid=85989
# ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik++
# kevinmarks why does harry think microformats are anti-json?
# hhalpin It's not, that's why I'm confused re resistance to JSON formats since mf2
# kevinmarks there isn't resistance to JSON
# ben_thatmustbeme hhalpin: i am going to try to come up with a standard JSON format that AS2 and MF2's JSON can both translate to
# hhalpin Modularity that destroys inteoperability is a bad idea.
# ben_thatmustbeme hhalpin: which btw, was inspired by your talk
# hhalpin Indeed the world shows that Javascript+HTML5 is a dominant paradigm
# hhalpin Javascript+CSS+HTML5
# hhalpin If there's a world where CSS is used on something other than HTML, I'd like to know
# hhalpin Otherwise, it's pretty clear the example re modularity doesn't make sense
# kevinmarks JSON-LD islands in <script> are the weird thing here
# elf-pavlik actions don't need formal resolutions
# hhalpin Precisely wilkie. If there is folks that disagree with JSON, then I suspect their systems will simply not be made interoperable with.
# kevinmarks harry, you're strawmanning
# elf-pavlik thanks all!
# hhalpin No, I'm not straw-manning.
# hhalpin I think people should accept JSON and MAY accept other things
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/20-social-minutes.html trackbot
# kevinmarks you are inventing an objection to JSON
# hhalpin OK, then what is the objection then to agreeing on JSON?
# hhalpin If the objection is 'AS2.0 is a mess' then let's fix AS2.0
# kevinmarks there is an objection to JSON-LD and AS2
# hhalpin I agree it's too complicated.
# hhalpin I also agree JSON-LD is mostly unncessary and will be ignored by non-RDF programmers
# elf-pavlik bit outdated but mentions both Microformats JSON and Microformats JSON-LD https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_syntax
# hhalpin However, can we get mf2's algorithms to convert a mf2-marked up HTML into something that looks like AS2?
# hhalpin It seems like this should be possible.
# kevinmarks we can get mf2 into consistent JSON
# kevinmarks becasue we have defined adn tested parsing across many languages
# hhalpin I am just quite confused about what the alternative really is.
# kevinmarks mapping from that JSON inot your preferred JSON is totally doable, whatever that preferred json is
# hhalpin If the alternative is, we'd like to ship whatever RDF data or whatever microformat we want around using the Social API, that's fine.
# hhalpin However, systems should at least consume/produce some sort of JSON format (hopefully a revised AS2.0) otherwise I have no idea how interop will happen.
# hhalpin If the specs can't specify interop, then I don't see the point of the specs
# hhalpin and the microformat and RDF communities will continue to be decentralized silos
# hhalpin with limited take up amongst the larger developer community
# elf-pavlik rhiaro, i couldn't find your article about mismatch in dicsussion about extensible in mf and rdf
# hhalpin Indeed, it seems like it should map to JSON.
# kevinmarks I map to mf2
# rhiaro_ elf-pavlik: http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/08/extensibility
# elf-pavlik rhiaro_, thanks!
# elf-pavlik I hope everyone had chance to read http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/08/extensibility
# kevinmarks no
# hhalpin Now, if we could get mf2 to basically produce something that is minimally AS2 compatible for status updates, we'd have interop
# hhalpin The main issue it seems is that AS2 is too complex and has too many JSON-LD knobs
# hhalpin I believe those should be fixed
# elf-pavlik this also makes an interesting read http://www.kevinmarks.com/microformatschema.html
# kevinmarks I map arbitrary Atom to mf2 here http://www.unmung.com/
# hhalpin I agree there is little uptake of AS2.0
# elf-pavlik <span class="p-schema-publication h-schema-BroadcastEvent">
# hhalpin That being said, there's also little uptake of mf2 or RDF
# hhalpin What we have is massive uptake of JSON, so agreeing on JSON as an interop format makes snese.
# hhalpin I know, but its a rather obvious point that I think both mf2 and RDF proponents are aware of.
# hhalpin I.e. look at Go, Ruby, any development environment really
# kevinmarks I map instagram to mf2 here http://www.pestagram.com/
# elf-pavlik kevinmarks, how can you tell where role-member comes from? http://prefix.cc/role
# hhalpin Then let's fix AS2
# hhalpin Its obviously too complex
# rhiaro_ For anyone interested, everything I said about the social api doc today is here: https://github.com/rhiaro/Social-APIs-Brainstorming/blob/gh-pages/notes.md
# elf-pavlik what if different publishers use role- prefix intending different vocab?
# shepazu don't microformats and JSON(-LD) live in different parts of the representation space? unless I am sorely mistaken, microformats lives in the DOM representation, while JSON is for the interchange, so they shouldn't even overlap when they are being consumed… you can map values from one to the other, but that's orthogonal, right?
# hhalpin Why not strip down AS2 to a more sparse syntax and keep all JSON-LD stuff totally optional?
# hhalpin Putting alot of what is currently in "Core" in the "Vocabulary" spec
# kevinmarks there is a consistent toolset for mapping mf2 to JSON across multiple languages. People use those libs then work in JSON
# elf-pavlik how do you deal with two publishers using coliding prefix in mf2 extension?
# elf-pavlik eg. role-chari
# aaronpk shepazu: forget everyrthing you know about mf1. mf2 turns HTML pages into this: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/10/18/1/
# hhalpin Anyways, we need to get mf2 to produce something like AS2
# hhalpin and if AS2 has to simplify, then that's probably good for AS2
# aaronpk hhalpin: it does: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/10/18/1/
# hhalpin Excellent!
# elf-pavlik aaronpk, how does one prevent colisions between indepedently defined properties and types?
# kevinmarks we have discussions about it, elf-pavlik
# elf-pavlik i can star using p3k-* prefix and make bunch of silly definitions
# hhalpin I would agree wilkie.
# hhalpin What aaronpk produced looks pretty close
# hhalpin So I imagine if we have to simplify AS2.0 to match that, that would be a great route forward
# kevinmarks here's the pthon code doing the same thing: http://www.unmung.com/mf2?url=http%3A%2F%2Faaronparecki.com%2Fnotes%2F2015%2F10%2F18%2F1%2F&html=&pretty=on
# aaronpk shepazu: there's a good intro here http://microformats.org/2014/03/05/getting-started-with-microformats2
# hhalpin it may require some minor tweaks to mf2 and some tweaks to AS2.0, but then we'd get real interop
# hhalpin with is worth pain
# hhalpin Again, I'd prioritize communities by their user sizes
# hhalpin The main issue is that JSON AS2 community *is* non-existent
# hhalpin despite JSON having by far the largest user community
# kevinmarks harry, have a read of http://www.kevinmarks.com/microformatschema.html
# kevinmarks that might help
# hhalpin Will do.
# hhalpin I really want mf2 to talk to normal JSON, and hope AS2 just slots in as the next Atom for social sites
# hhalpin tantek: I believe that's not true
# hhalpin Modern web development is typically shipping JSON from HTTP APIs
# elf-pavlik kevinmarks, with schema.org it will not make colisions but what if two people define different agro- properties?
# kevinmarks the key point is that we have a consistent, specified, tested, implemented mapping from mf2 to JSON in multiple programming languages already
# hhalpin Please look at Go or any other modern programming paradigm
# rhiaro_ Soooo I have a blog post for comparing as2 with mf2 http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/05/micropubbing-with
# hhalpin However, there is *clearly* a place for a JSON revision to RSS/Atom
# kevinmarks If you want to write a critique fo it, I'll read it csarven
# hhalpin If W3C can't do it, there's always IETF since that's where RSS and Atom came from.
# hhalpin ehe
# hhalpin same here, another meeting!
Loqi joined the channel
# kevinmarks harry, point me at an atom or rss feed example please
# elf-pavlik tantek, i know many projects doing open source tools for food networks, many of them didn't even know about each other
# Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86071&oldid=86070
# Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86072&oldid=0
# elf-pavlik now if hey want to make their platforms social, they will all start 'extending' mf with food- or agro- possibly taking very different approaches
# elf-pavlik tantek, ignored by data server which aggregates streams of data?
# kevinmarks so, harry, her's your old blog: http://www.harryhalpin.blogspot.com/
# kevinmarks here's it's atom http://harryhalpin.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
# kevinmarks so if you want a JSON successor to ATOm, there we go
# kevinmarks I used the link relation
# kevinmarks the well-known path is http://www.harryhalpin.blogspot.com/atom.xml
# kevinmarks for blogspot
# kevinmarks harry's blog is so old it predates me adding mf1 to blogger templates
# hhalpin Note that I tried to delete that blog, it was from 2006?
# elf-pavlik tantek, how I can use terms from http://smiy.sourceforge.net/cco/spec/cognitivecharacteristics.html# with Microformats JSON ?
# kevinmarks I couldn't find another blog for you, there wasn't one linked from http://www.ibiblio.org/hhalpin/
# hhalpin So, again - my point remains, mf2 and RDF both have limited uptake
# hhalpin Orders of magnitude less than HTTP URIs that produce JSON
# elf-pavlik my homepage already uses it
# hhalpin Thus, the obvious thing to do is map mf2 to JSON
# hhalpin which mf2 does
# hhalpin and make sure that mapping works with AS2
# kevinmarks oh hang on https://www.w3.org/blog/author/hhalpin/
# hhalpin I don't blog, I have Facebook/Twitter/etc. Like most people on the planet now :)
# hhalpin The fact that my blog from 2005 that I don't use anymore supports mf is not an argument for widespread MF2 adoption
# elf-pavlik i also get closer to publishing personal data using https://github.com/OpenTransport/linked-gtfs/blob/master/gtfs.ttl
# kevinmarks mf1
# hhalpin If there is actually widespread MF2 adoption over JSON, then more people would hear about it.
# elf-pavlik u-gtfs-headsign ?
# hhalpin Again, I'd look at Google Trends here: https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=JSON%2C%20microformats%2C%20RDF&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT%2B4
# hhalpin We see clear decline of RDF, microformats constant but small, and JSON growing.
# elf-pavlik hhalpin, do you talk about serializations or vocabularies?
# elf-pavlik both RDF and microformats have JSON serializations
# hhalpin If you add in Linked Data, then you have a small community about the size of the microformats community in terms of searchs.
# elf-pavlik both of them even have two different JSON serializations
# hhalpin That is remaining constant, not growing.
# csarven elf-pavlik Nothing prevents you from using any arbitrary string in class/rel (for obvious intents and purposes). Just don't expect that anyone else will be able to consume and use it appropriately or *understand* what it means. If you want "headsign" or something alike to have wider adoption, you have to go through the mf process and document which markup patterns are currently used on the Web. You then derive a term which resembles that. In a nutshell.
# hhalpin So again, this is a pretty argument for JSON, and a pretty good argument that smaller communities (mf2 and RDF) should co-operate on a common syntax that does not add toooo much RDF-centric features or tooo much mf2 features
# hhalpin Standards are compromises by nature, so I expect a compromise here.
# elf-pavlik i don't want to add it to central blessed registry, i just want to agree on it among people working with public transport domain
# kevinmarks that is exactly what http://microformats.org/wiki/process is designed to do
# hhalpin OK, gotta go to my next meeting, I would suggest we work out MF2->AS2 first a bit more, and let's try again.
# kevinmarks help people get to agreement
# elf-pavlik can an organization reserve prefix ?
# elf-pavlik with gtfs it may come easier to avoid independent innovation
# elf-pavlik but with agro- or food- i see lots of projects which may start modeling same domain indepedently and than need to converge
# kevinmarks sure - a lot fo people use u- to mean utility, so if there is an h-* around it gtes mapped to a spurious property
# ben_thatmustbeme tries to read back
# kevinmarks I had that when I marked up the guardian's html the other day
# ben_thatmustbeme graphs can be used to prove anything you like
# elf-pavlik what a big problem you see with allowing to map prefixes to URLs ?
# elf-pavlik so one can define that in this context p3k maps to http://p3k.io/ns/
# kevinmarks I added h-entry markup to their existing page https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kevinmarks/ed0b487635ae02e20727/raw/0b02b2fd7ca02353f6fc3bf4447fcce2bc515822/guardianstoryexamplemf2.html
# kevinmarks faux-block-link__overlay, responsive-ratio, faux-block-link__promote, faux-block-link__cta
# kevinmarks which is not a big deal as anyone looking at the parsed output wouldn't eb looking for those properties
# kevinmarks not sure I see the connection there
# kevinmarks mf2 is declarative
# kevinmarks but I prefer imperative programming to imperative spec writers
# elf-pavlik how does Microformat JSON tell difference if to consider value of property u- or p- ?
# hhalpin I'm going to note 'follow-your-nose' - if it actually worked - would lead to basically a DOS attack as tons of 'machines' looked up your URL.
# elf-pavlik "email": "mailto:mail@alice.example"
# elf-pavlik u-email or p-email ?
# hhalpin Modern load-balancing could deal with it, but I don't think we should assume there's a magic route to 'understanding' re follow-your-nose
# hhalpin Most people just try to find docs
# hhalpin So URLs are fine, if centralized, extensions schemes
# hhalpin Yep.
# hhalpin That is precisely what I'm recalling.
# hhalpin The fact that the RDF community has not realized this simply shows they haven't had massive uptake of their tooling
# elf-pavlik ok, once we have JSON - can we tell if the string value represents URI or human intended label ?
# hhalpin That being said, URLs are obviously useful extension points
# hhalpin Just don't expect people to actually follow them in general.
# hhalpin Or if they do, don't *encourage* automated follow-your-nose
# elf-pavlik does value require parsing and regex to tell URI from human intended label?
# csarven hhalpin What tooling? Have you seen http://lod-cloud.net/
# elf-pavlik in JSON without using regex one can't tell difference between value of "Aaron" and "https://p3k.io"
# elf-pavlik we can follow our nose to second but not the first
# elf-pavlik nested vcard?
# hhalpin I define successful as massive uptake
# hhalpin vCard is used everywhere, in for example most mobile phones
# hhalpin FOAF is not.
# elf-pavlik i thought i can put a name of organization (or person) or url
# hhalpin if you haven't realized that, you are living in an echo-chamber
# hhalpin and I suggest getting out
# hhalpin So, basically every OS and most modern APIs consume/produce vCard
# hhalpin that is not the case with FOAF
# hhalpin The LOD cloud is great, but RDF tooling is still poor.
# hhalpin Hopefully CrossCloud fixes that
# hhalpin I worked for Yahoo Research and build their SemSearch system
# hhalpin In course, we realized
# hhalpin 1) Most people don't use RDFa
# elf-pavlik one can't just use "author": "elf Pavlik" ?
# hhalpin They would instead blame us for markup errors
# hhalpin 2008-2009, under Peter Mika
# hhalpin No of course not, because the world doesn't use strict XHTML
# hhalpin No, we got the spec right
# hhalpin PEOPLE failed to use RDFa like the spec
# hhalpin because the spec was complex
# hhalpin and the people didn't use RDF
# hhalpin They just wanted to markup their pages
# hhalpin So, that effort led to schema.org
# elf-pavlik aaronpk, "org": "W3C" and "org": "http://www.w3.org"
# elf-pavlik i can dereference second but not the first
# hhalpin csarven, RDFa is not a success by any measure
# hhalpin UNLESS you count Facebook "Like"
# hhalpin But then, David Recordon just considered it a convenient way to put in metadta
# hhalpin into a header, not RDF
# hhalpin I explained blank nodes to him
# hhalpin His response was "I don't care"
# elf-pavlik so i need to parse the value before knowing if i can follow my nose or not?
# hhalpin Since Facebook is not using RDF behind the scenes nor do they expect most devs/webmasters to.
# hhalpin This is all well-known.
# hhalpin Second, I recently built a RDF website
# hhalpin http://digitalsocial.eu/
# hhalpin When we switched from Postgre to RDF
# hhalpin the main effect was massive slowdown
# hhalpin And it was very hard to find good JS and Ruby RDF tooling, even with Greg Kellogg's good work
# hhalpin that didn't suffer tremendous performance costs
# hhalpin so I still think RDF has a lot of work to be done.
# hhalpin Exactly.
# hhalpin So, most folks use JSON, let's get used to it.
# hhalpin Maybe RDF will mature
# hhalpin I hope it does!
# hhalpin Because again, we were investigating RDF
# hhalpin to see if the tooling had improved since 2009
# hhalpin The answer was "A bit, but not much"
# elf-pavlik Greg joined recent RDFJS telecon, also https://twitter.com/laurens_d_v/status/654395341761069056
# Loqi @laurens_d_v :: The @rdfjs 'brothers' :) on stage #ISWC2015 https://twitter.com/laurens_d_v/status/654395341761069056/photo/1
# hhalpin That is not in general what you are claiming csarven
# hhalpin You are claiming in general other communities are inferior to RDF
# hhalpin That is not clearly true
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# hhalpin In fact, if you look at Google Trends, RDF usage has been declining
# hhalpin So, while I think the RDF community is important
# hhalpin it is NOT more important than either JSON or microformats community
# hhalpin Typically, social standards failed to come to W3C due to the feeling that people would push RDF on them
# hhalpin And their history is with RSS in particular is that 'adding' RDF hurt adoption
# elf-pavlik needs to run for another call
# hhalpin So I would expect RDF folks simply work well with others.
# hhalpin And realize their community is quite small and not representative of mainstream Web development.
# hhalpin That being said, the same goes for mf2
# hhalpin Mainstream Web programming, ala Go, Ruby, etc. uses neither mf or RDF
# hhalpin I believe this is relatively obvious and should be accepted as a baseline starting point when we prioritize design decisions
# hhalpin Trying to "trick" people into using your serialization in a standard - be it mf2, RDF, whatever - doesn't work.
# hhalpin It's a known anti-pattern
# hhalpin Instead, mf2 and RDF should compromise and agree on a common JSON syntax they can consume and be happy with.
# hhalpin JSON-LD is a syntax and RDF is a language with a formal semantics, however, formal semantics are really only needed for inference, which again, *no one* uses outside the small RDF community
# hhalpin Even inside the small RDF community, inference is still active research
# hhalpin And mostly doesn't work well or scale
# hhalpin So, at Yahoo! we tried inference, and again with the European Commission
# hhalpin In each case, we had to build custom code for limited subsets
# hhalpin Which defeated the purpose of general purpose formal semantics
# hhalpin So, formal semantics does not equal magic
# hhalpin If anyone thinks it does, there are multiple AI classes that teach this.
# hhalpin In fact, most computer science has given up on formal semantics and moved to statistical machine-learning
# hhalpin Again, this is really obvious unless you are in an echo-chamber
# hhalpin It's not orthogonal, and pushing RDF on standards is a pretty sure way to fail.
# hhalpin RDF will suceed by its own virtues
# hhalpin Not via pushing it other communities without their consent.
# hhalpin Well, if it has most mainstream Web developers don't use it.
# hhalpin Again, standards are aimed at the 99%.
# hhalpin Not you and your friends.
# hhalpin This goes for both mf2 and RDF
# hhalpin "All roads lead to RDF" is self-evidently not true and also the exact kind of statement that drives most reasonable developers away.
# hhalpin For example, RDF still lacks a good first-order logic syntax.
# hhalpin It can't really do lists.
# hhalpin Anyways, if you can't do lists, I don't expect you to ever really take off. RDF has been under development for 15 years, MF for 10 or so I think.
# hhalpin So again, both communities should continue to evolve
# hhalpin And for the time being, map to JSON
# hhalpin If you really disagree with that, I suggest you think about why you are in the WG
# hhalpin No, it's not - and if you want to see standardization failure, I suggest GRDDL :)
# hhalpin I believe the user-base consisted entirely of about 6 people.
# hhalpin Anyways, I think the points I made are both in the charter and entirely self-evident.
# hhalpin I suggest people from mf2 and RDF settle down and agree to work with each other on a common JSON format
# hhalpin Yes, because some people think their favorite language is *more* special :)
# hhalpin And push without any acknowledgement of the small size of their community for various special purpose features to be added.
# hhalpin Its really counter-productive
# hhalpin And seems more like, as cwebber put it, a religious endeavour than a standardization endeavour
# hhalpin So, lets keep features minimal, work with JSON, and acknowledge that mf folks have some things right, and so does RDF folks, but the world is using JSON.
# hhalpin This is self-evident.
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# melvster i leverage MF properties as part of the indieweb community for the indieweb features, and linked data properties for those features ... both are good, but LD is just soooo much more powerful, then Im a power user, so very happy, id like everyone to use the best tools for their needs and work together
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# kevinmarks !tell hhalpin do you have the slides from https://youtu.be/BOLIuBr_2uM online?
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