#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: good question! tbh, I kind of hate this, and I have a direction I'd like to go to get rid of it, but let me explain the current logic.
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: if I get a notice from rhiaro saying "rhiaro favorited this image by ben_thatmustbeme of a kitten typing on a keyboard"
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: I get a notice from rhiaro saying "rhiaro favorited this note by ben_thatmustbeme saying "I am against Godwin's Law because I support the Nazi party""
#cwebber2wow! did you really say that? i'd better check, right?
#cwebber2so my server should verify that you actually posted this
#cwebber2all sorts of nodes might point to other nodes
#cwebber2and so the document requires to avoid spooofing attacks
#cwebber2that you verify that the other objects on other peoples' servers really came from them
#aaronpkwhaaaat does that have to do with published and updated?
#cwebber2this is a prereq for the current situation.
#cwebber2also I never believe rhiaro or ben_thatmustbeme would ever do these things, other than the kitten one :)
#cwebber2I was intentonally picking an example of something that clearly wouldn't have happened, and throwing in a godwin's law example, hope that's clear
#aaronpk(this is why i like the microformats/webmention approach where we don't send notification text around and everything is always referenced by URLs)
#ben_thatmustbemeif you liked something that never was there, it can just be dismissed
#aaronpkyou can tell if something was there before based on whether the site returns 404 or 410 for the URL
#ben_thatmustbemeif you like something that is old and deleted.... its treated as invalid and can be dismissed
#ben_thatmustbemeas to the case you were getting to, i see where you are going, you can see when the post existed, that it changed at some point, things like that
#cwebber2right, so, tsyesika can clarify on this better than I can
#cwebber2but the validation step requires that things stick around permanently
#rhiaro_I like the approach of just referencing things by URLs - if the receiver needs to verify it anyway, the sender doesn't need to ship the whole lot in the first place
#ben_thatmustbemebut edited is basically pointless as you have to treat the non-authoritative data (godwin's law line) as possibly incorrect / false
#aaronpkif you don't like URLs, then you are basically creating a message passing platform that has nothign to do with the web, and can be accomplished with TCP and crypto signing
#ben_thatmustbemecwebber2: there is nothing saying that you can't delete it after you have given it to the target or have some sort of handshake there
#ben_thatmustbemealso, this would probably be a really GOOD thing for corporate social networking where they don't want plausible deniability as to what you said to someone at another company
#cwebber2activitypump's predecessor, the pump api, has the option to support either dereferencing
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: glad you're reading it and giving feedback though, that's great :)
#ben_thatmustbemewell depends on how you mean client to server. client to your own server (how micropub works) you can trust because you have oauthed to your own server
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, other question, as probably the one to use media the most (you as in mediagoblin... the royal you :P) do you see the necessity of the mediaType property?
#ben_thatmustbemeseems to me like its better to fetch the content and assume that
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: I *absolutely* see the value of the mediaType property! I think it's pretty critical for us being able to represent things properly.
#cwebber2MediaGoblin gives different presentation displays depending on what kind of media is being shown