#social 2015-11-05
2015-11-05 UTC
# azaroth Is the desire to have something like: {"value": "<b>foo</b>", "language": "en", "mediaType'
# azaroth ": "text/html"} ?
# azaroth nods
# azaroth kicks RDF
# azaroth FWIW, we have skirted around the same issue in Annos, and have it in spades here: http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.0/#property-values-in-html
# azaroth Yeah :( :( :(
# azaroth We couldn't get agreement in that community to always do HTML
# azaroth And it's not valid to have @value, @type and @language on the same literal
# jasnell nor can you put additional metadata in there... it gets dropped by the json-ld algorithms ... http://tinyurl.com/ohqvloa
# azaroth @language has more variation, and more value, so we put in a kludgey processing rule
# azaroth Yep.
# azaroth is +0,+1,+1,+1 too
# azaroth Nice! :) LINK++
# azaroth +1
tilgovi and kevinmarks joined the channel
# kevinmarks azaroth's worry about published dates was dealt with in Atom by source
# kevinmarks so if you republish something and change things you put in a source with the original values
# kevinmarks I think this is rarely used in practice though
azaroth, bblfish, tantek, kevinmarks and jasnell joined the channel
# kevinmarks agreed - I think it's a theoretical problem
# kevinmarks on the indieweb side, we just defined a repost model: http://indiewebcamp.com/repost
# kevinmarks via isn't quite the same - in practice that is a 'I found this link on someone else's site and I'm giving credit'
Shane_, azaroth, tilgovi, bblfish, Arnaud, jasnell, JonathanC, melvster, tantek, the_frey, ShaneHudson, kevinmarks, elf-pavlik, shevski, timbl, MarkS and daviding joined the channel
the_frey, jasnell, azaroth, melvster, MarkS, bblfish, kevinmarks and ShaneHudson joined the channel
# azaroth adds editorial issues https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/249 and #250
azaroth, azaroth_, tantek and jasnell_ joined the channel
# azaroth jasnell_: Am here if you have questions/comments re #249, #250
bblfish joined the channel
# azaroth The only question that came up was whether Leave can be the opposite of both Join and Arrive?
# azaroth Eg can you Leave a Group, and Leave a Location?
# azaroth (In that you can't Travel or Move yourself without stating a destination)
jasnell joined the channel
# azaroth hmmm.
{actor: azaroth, type: Remove, object: worms, origin: can}
timbl joined the channel
# azaroth timbl: Congratulations on http://www.csail.mit.edu/solid_mastercard_gift :)
jasnell_ joined the channel