#social 2015-11-11
2015-11-11 UTC
kevinmarks_, jasnell and bengo joined the channel
bengo cheers
bengo All the new stuff seems compatible with how my org would like to make use of AS, which is sketched here: https://livefyre.github.io/activity-vocabulary/
bengo And some things like the 'id' -> '@id' alias will help with migrating from previous places we've used more AS1.0-ish serializations
bengo Yeah that's real-world. There's a resolver for a subset of them https://gist.github.com/gobengo/ba5d0dec14ff3080aa6b
bengo That should really just be webfinger though
bengo Which I'll do... sometime
bengo I was on a deadline :)
bengo That resolver API is pretty much isomorphic to webfinger, just not discoverable via .well-known, which is a nice property.
bengo Also the resolver didn't exist until relatively recently. lf-URNs have been in use for a few years
bengo to decouple names from locations
bengo webfinger could resolve urns is what I meant before
bengo Yeah it usually returns JRD or whatever by default right? A requester could 'Accept: application/activity+json'
bengo and/or -> JRD could get a JSON-LD @context added to it
bengo Webfinger just gives you links to other resources. So that link could be a link to something AS-compliant
bengo I see
bengo I want: webfinger(urn:livefyre.com:bens-comment, rel=self) -> http://api.livefyre.com/comments/bens-comment -> GET 'Accept: application/activity+json' -> AS Content
melvster bengo: here you go https://gist.github.com/melvincarvalho/eb2d356edf85c155f400
bengo thanks
bengo Cool. Well I look forward to a stable AS2 so that, for example, one could make a webfinger extension that specifies how webfinger should respond with Content-Type: AS2
bengo using AS2 Links if those are still around (or whatever else is appropriate0
jasnell_ joined the channel
bengo :)
bengo have a sample cURL?
melvster curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" http://gitpay.org/.well-known/webfinger?object=melvincarvalho%40gmail.com
bengo hot
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
melvster works better: https://gitpay.org/gobengo
melvster yep that works: curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" http://gitpay.org/.well-known/webfinger?object=bengoering@gmail.com
bengo @melvster are you resolving that via google's webfinger?
bengo My WIP webfinger `curl "https://accounts.qa-ext.livefyre.com/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct%3Aben@livefyre.com&rel=http%3A%2F%2Fopenid.net%2Fspecs%2Fconnect%2F1.0%2Fissuer"`
bengo (aka the default bheavior of https://github.com/rohe/pyoidc)
AndChat|499956, jasnell, tantek, oshepherd, bengo, jasnell_, cwebber2`, bblfish, KevinMarks, kevinmarks_, jaensen and melvster joined the channel
cwebber2` melvster: I'm probably going to implement it. I would be okay with it being marked at-risk, though I'm pretty sure it's going to be implemented by Evan, tsyesika, and myself at least.
bblfish joined the channel
pdurbin melvster: now you're a believer?
pdurbin fairweather fan ;)
pdurbin not a bad thing to be in tech :)
pdurbin huh. can't pull changesets with activity+json? http://irclog.greptilian.com/rest/2015-11-11
pdurbin yeah
bblfish and jasnell joined the channel
azaroth joined the channel
pdurbin oh absolutely. life is short
ben_thatmustbeme heh
tilgovi_, bblfish, danbri, melvster, tilgovi, jaywink, AndChat|499956, jasnell_, jasnell__, Arnaud, AndChat-499956 and pong joined the channel
pong exit
danbri, tilgovi and oshepherd joined the channel