#social 2016-04-21

2016-04-21 UTC
KevinMarks and shepazu joined the channel
jasnell, jaywink, KevinMarks and manuel joined the channel
any one could help me in order to know how to collaborate as GNU social developer in order to implement interoperability from GNU social with all the protocols that you are developing
jasnell, Loqi, tessierashpool_, ElijahLynn, dwhly, bret, bigbluehat, tsyesika, jet, ben_thatmustbeme, Arnaud, oshepherd, rhiaro, raucao, KevinMarks, aaronpk, rrika, cwebber2, wilkie, sandro and trackbot joined the channel
!tell manuel mmn has done some compatibility work: https://social.umeahackerspace.se/notice/405826
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
wseltzer, jasnell_, shepazu_, deiu and manuel joined the channel