#social 2016-06-09

2016-06-09 UTC
jasnell, bblfish, tantek, ben_thatmust, the_frey, Karli and jasnell_ joined the channel
i just remembered one of the reasons why using generic JSON patch specs doesn't really work with micropub
microformats JSON objects are a subset of JSON, in that there is additional limits on the structure of the object
e.g. `{"type":["h-entry"],"properties":{ ... }}` is the base structure. you'll never have another top-level key other than "type" and "properties", and similarly, the value of "type" and the keys inside properties are always arrays
so using a generic JSON patch library means an update could come through that ends up resulting in an invalid mf2 data structure
which means you need to have a bunch of extra error handling around checking whether a certain patch is valid for mf2
jasnell, Karli, almereyda, KevinMarks, bblfish and bblfish_ joined the channel
question from someone looking at the as2 spec: "where would i find some as2 content?"
Arnaud, jasnell, Arnaud2, cwebber2, cwebber2`, KevinMarks2, KevinMarks and bblfish joined the channel