#social 2016-08-04
2016-08-04 UTC
tantek, Loqi, KevinMarks, shepazu_, jasnell, KevinMarks2 and Karli joined the channel
# rhiaro Reminder of i18n meeting for those interested in 2.5 hours https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-08-04#SocialWG_joins_i18n_call
Karli, tantek, Karli_, jasnell, ben_thatmustbeme and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# KevinMarks_ ”® abcdefg ”¬ abcdefg
# KevinMarks_ ”® abcdefg everything is backwards
# KevinMarks_ looks like html constrains it to a text run
Loqi, tantek and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# KevinMarks_ note that the RTL marker in that posts makes it all the way through the various processing chains, into IRC and back into the logs on the web
# KevinMarks_ Twitter is stripping it, but that may be because it is the most extreme one thta reverses roman text
# KevinMarks_ if there is an good example of mixed-run text, I'll try the same chain
tantek joined the channel
# KevinMarks_ The title is "Ù…ÙØªØ§Ø Ù…Ø¹Ø§ÙŠÙŠØ± الويب!”" in Arabic.
# KevinMarks_ so known and loqi get it right
# KevinMarks_ but twitter gets it wrong https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/761275923672993792
# KevinMarks_ apparently stripping the RLM between the exclamation mark and quote
# KevinMarks_ (example taken from https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H34.html )
# KevinMarks_ hm, facebook seems to strip ti too https://www.facebook.com/10154585682935425/posts/10157247005830425
# KevinMarks_ when I paste it in a facebook box it goes wrong too
# KevinMarks_ ditto twitter
# KevinMarks_ well, that's what I did with known, paste in the text box
# KevinMarks_ and if I hover over the tab that known post is in, the title text displays correctly
# KevinMarks_ hm, that may be because it says " though
# KevinMarks_ nope, with smart quotes it still works
KevinMarks joined the channel