2016-09-21 UTC
KevinMarks2, KevinMarks, cwebber2 and tantek joined the channel
jasnell joined the channel
KevinMarks2, jasnell_, KevinMarks, jasnell, tantek and annbass joined the channel
annbass and tantek joined the channel
jasnell, annbass, olivier, tantek, mmiya and bob joined the channel
RRSAgent joined the channel
Zakim joined the channel
AnnBassetti joined the channel
# 10:11 tantek Tantek Çelik, Mozilla, Social Web WG co-chair
# 10:12 olivier present+ OlivierThereaux
astearns and dka joined the channel
nandana joined the channel
# 10:13 bob present+ bob bailey
paulcj, jay and kjetil_ joined the channel
# 10:13 sandro Sandro Hawke, W3C/MIT (one of the Staff Contacts)
lbolstad and newton joined the channel
# 10:13 astearns Alan Stearns, Adobe Systems
# 10:13 lbolstad present+ lbolstad
Roy and aliams joined the channel
# 10:14 nandana Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, UPM / ODI-Madrid
# 10:14 KjetilK Kjetil Kjernsmo, University of Oslo
# 10:14 dka Dan Appelquist; TAG co-chair; Samsung Browser Team; long-standing interested in getting the social web decentralized. Burgeoning interest in interplanetary web.
# 10:14 lbolstad Lars Erik Bolstad, Opera
# 10:14 aliams present+ Ali_Alabbas
# 10:14 Roy Roy McElmurry, Eng, Facebook
dlissfeld joined the channel
# 10:15 newton present+ newton
# 10:15 newton Newton Calegari, NIC.br
plinss joined the channel
jungkees joined the channel
# 10:17 jungkees Present+ Jungkee_Song
dan joined the channel
# 10:20 Loqi [Christopher Allan Webber] ActivityPub
newton and Kangchan_ joined the channel
harry and newton joined the channel
jungbin joined the channel
# 10:33 sandro cwebber2: Some of it does, but some bits use other formats, and AS2 is extensible
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
annbass joined the channel
# 10:36 Zakim Present: tantek, aaronpk, OlivierThereaux, rhiaro, sandro, astearns, AnnBassetti, dka, bob, bailey, nandana, lbolstad, Ali_Alabbas, Roy, newton, Jungkee_Song, csarven
# 10:36 Zakim On IRC I see AnnBass, KevinMarks2, jungbin, newton, harry, Kangchan, dan, jungkees, plinss, dlissfeld, aliams, Roy, lbolstad, KjetilK, jay, paulcj, nandana, dka, astearns,
# 10:36 Zakim ... csarven, rhiaro, raucao, wseltzer, sandro, trackbot
# 10:36 Zakim ... AnnBassetti, Zakim, RRSAgent, bob, mmiya, tantek, olivier, cwebber2, strugee, jet, ben_thatmust, aaronpk, Loqi, bigbluehat, ElijahLynn, dwhly, bitbear, pdurbin, rrika, wilkie,
chunming joined the channel
# 10:40 Loqi harry: elf-pavlik left you a message on 2015-10-06 at 3:07am UTC: will you stay in Paris one of next days, I plan to stay around here for couple more days and we could meet up :) also http://www.xwiki.org team would like to discuss possibilities for interop
# 10:41 Zakim sees hhalpin, aaronpk on the speaker queue
# 10:43 harry So basically why would I choose one method over another?
# 10:43 harry And are any choices more tightly bound to other technologies?
# 10:44 harry So essentially we have 3 sets of specs that do the same thing?
# 10:44 annbass Sandro: this group is moving forward with multiple specs
# 10:44 rhiaro harry: no, there are overlaps, they're not all 1-1
# 10:44 tantek harry: Activity Streams, Micropub, ActivityPub are at CR
# 10:45 annbass AnnBass: recognizing that "social" interactions represent human interactions, which are varied and diverse
# 10:45 harry So can you can explain why you would chose one over another?
# 10:46 harry In that document, it seems the main difference between the spec stacks if do you use 'microformats, JSON, or RDF'?
# 10:46 annbass Amy Guy (rhiaro): I wrote the Social Web Protocols document to explain the relationship between these specs
# 10:46 harry That's not a human interaction issue, that's a protocol standard issue.
# 10:46 tantek harry - as rhiaro just said - they aren't separate stacks per se, but rather some work in combination, some overlap
# 10:47 harry But one would you chose one combination over another?
# 10:47 harry I don't believe my question was answered.
# 10:47 tantek harry - yes the social web protocols document helps answer that
vagner joined the channel
# 10:48 harry I've read that document and from my guess
# 10:48 harry it seems that there's no difference in the use-cases
# 10:49 harry The only difference seems to be a data format issue.
# 10:49 harry Or is there a use-case that one group of specs answers that another doesn't?
# 10:50 sandro Last I checked there's also an issue about whether the site needs to do more than serve static content.
# 10:52 annbass Dan Applequist: how does this group anticipate dealing with current problem of abuses in social media
# 10:53 annbass cwebber2: we are concerned; have talked about it; have a "block" activity built into Activity Streams, also used by Activity Pum
# 10:53 Zakim sees olivier, tantek on the speaker queue
# 10:53 Zakim sees olivier, tantek on the speaker queue
# 10:54 annbass cwebber2: but that isn't enough; we need to do more research and effort on that topic. I hope we can continue on that work after this charter ends
# 10:55 annbass aaronpk: for example, Twitter has a lot of probs with this; I hope our efforts for decentralized tools will be more effective
# 10:55 Zakim sees olivier, tantek on the speaker queue
# 10:55 KevinMarks2 One partial answer is distributed verification
# 10:56 KevinMarks2 Using rel-me links to bind sites together to represent a person
# 10:58 KevinMarks2 Vouch is a draft model to extend that to use following or previous mentions
martin joined the channel
# 10:59 olivier Olivier: what would you say to "hypothetical big organisations" which may not get or feel threatened by decentralised approaches - to get them interested?
vagner and raphael joined the channel
# 10:59 raphael present+ raphael
dezell joined the channel
# 11:00 jungbin present+ Jungbin_Kim(Letsee)
fabien_gandon joined the channel
# 11:00 dezell Present+ dezell
# 11:01 cwebber2 I've been asked to put my answer to that previous question on irc
# 11:01 dka Too late for asking this but also interested in: these days a lot fo people are migrating to closed networks (a-la-slack) for group communications in part (I think) as a reaction to online “noise”/abuse on platforms like twitter and facebook, and seeking greater privacy. Can the federated approach also model these types of closed-group networks?
# 11:01 sandro wonders if lunch is in the same place as yesterday
# 11:02 cwebber2 so: I think large organizations have benefitted from email, the web, and other large technologies, and I think that not having the web continue to be a decentralized system is in veryone's benefit, large and small
# 11:02 fabien_gandon Sarven : are you using Web Annotation ?
timbl_ joined the channel
# 11:02 csarven Web Annotations (for most of the WA motivations), ActivityStreams in LDN
# 11:05 timbl_ My answer to Olivia -- it is possible that some silos will gravitate to trying to just dominate the client side, or the server side, of the new world, realizing that they can't be the whole world.
dka, KevinMarks, timbl and jasnell joined the channel
# 11:46 Zakim As of this point the attendees have been tantek, aaronpk, OlivierThereaux, rhiaro, sandro, astearns, AnnBassetti, dka, bob, bailey, nandana, lbolstad, Ali_Alabbas, Roy, newton,
# 11:46 Zakim ... Jungkee_Song, csarven, Benjamin_Young, cwebber, KjetilK, martin, raphael, vagner, plinss, Jungbin_Kim(Letsee), dezell, Fabien, Gandon, interested, bridging, Social, Web,
paulj, plinss, martin, harry, shepazu, jasnell, timbl, newton, dan, tantek, Socialig, KevinMarks, aliams_ and picus joined the channel
# 14:10 Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
paulj, jasnell, KjetilK, tantek, newton, jasnell_, shepazu and timbl joined the channel
# 16:06 timbl Could the logs on indiwebcamp.org be available by https: so I can iframe them?
# 16:09 aaronpk Oh for the #social channel! They are not. I will fix
shepazu joined the channel
jungbin joined the channel
harry, jasnell, timbl, newton, jungbin, KevinMarks, KevinMarks2, jasnell_ and shepazu joined the channel