#social 2016-10-25
2016-10-25 UTC
jasnell, timbl, Karli and Karli_ joined the channel
cwebber2, timbl, jasnell and Karli joined the channel
tantek and akuckartz joined the channel
eprodrom joined the channel
ben_thatmust good afternoon
eprodrom Hello all
eprodrom trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-social-irc

RRSAgent joined the channel
Zakim joined the channel
eprodrom present+
ben_thatmustbeme present+

eprodrom scribe?
ben_thatmustbeme I haven't in a while

ben_thatmustbeme scribenick: ben_thatmustbeme

ben_thatmustbeme wait, a big agenda, maybe i don't want to scribe :P

ben_thatmustbeme TOPIC: approval of minutes from last meeting

eprodrom PROPOSAL: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-10-18-minutes as minutes for 2016 Oct 18 meeting
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: if you have not already reviewed those, please review them

eprodrom +1
ben_thatmustbeme wilie i have done that

ben_thatmustbeme wilkie*

eprodrom RESOLVED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-10-18-minutes as minutes for 2016 Oct 18 meeting
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: we do have our F2F coming up in november, 3 weeks away, if you have not yet signed up please do so, so we can plan logistics

ben_thatmustbeme ... link in IRC

ben_thatmustbeme ... it will likely be one of our last F2F meetings, if not our last and we have a lot of talk about there

ben_thatmustbeme ... sando, do we have anything else to discuss there?

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: not unless anyone has questions

eprodrom TOPIC: AS2
ben_thatmustbeme TOPIC: AS2

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: we had a lot of discussion of AS2 going to CR last week

jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme ... we have a few bugs to fix, and some other items

ben_thatmustbeme ... i did not have much time to work on it this week but i will be pushing it this week

ben_thatmustbeme ... mostly its editorial issues, a few normative issues that we resolved that i just need to close, and we need implementation reports

ben_thatmustbeme ... i would really like to have our first implmentation of pump.io by F2F

ben_thatmustbeme ... i'll also be doing an implementation report for the validator and hopefully james will have one too

ben_thatmustbeme ... there was a question about twitter using AS2. i reached out last week, but I am still waiting for a response back

ben_thatmustbeme ... are there any questions for me or james on AS2?

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: if not i'm good moving along for now

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: <<repeats rhiaro comments from chat>>

eprodrom TOPIC: ActivityPub
ben_thatmustbeme TOPIC: activitypub

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: lets hold off on that while cwebber2 reconnects

ben_thatmustbeme TOPIC: PubSub

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: I did apparently volunteer last week to create the test suite, so far i have a plan of the list of tests to write but i plan to make progress on that this week.

ben_thatmustbeme ... over the last 24 hours or so there have been a whole bunch of issues opened on pubsub

ben_thatmustbeme ... i would love to get more eyes on them

ben_thatmustbeme ... i tackled half of them already this morning to try and get some resolved if possible

ben_thatmustbeme ... link in IRC

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: any in here you find needs discussion today? or are we not ready for that yet?

@jirikuncar Welcome PubSub protocol standard on W3C ? https://www.w3.org/TR/pubsub/ (twitter.com/_/status/790962143059402752)
ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: there were some suggestions to rename it... again

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: lets leave that to the thread

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: i think most of these are fine to allow to continue to talk on the threads

aaronpk new name issue: https://github.com/w3c/pubsub/issues/10

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: i really hope we don't persue that much further, the name took enough effort

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: on the test suite, do you have an intention to do an online test server similar to the web webmention works?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: yes, similar to webmention and micropub, a tool that acts as the other end for you

ben_thatmustbeme and will track what features are available and build the implementation report from that

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: have you had a chance to look, are there normative issues here?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: there are some around timing and retrying

ben_thatmustbeme ... some are editorial, some are tightening up language

ben_thatmustbeme ... like defining that a time in seconds must be positive integers, things like that

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: so some are normative, okay

ben_thatmustbeme ... anything else on this agenda topic?

eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme sandro: can i ask one big question?

ben_thatmustbeme ... when we first talked about it, i raised the issue of payload type. have we thought more about what we are doing there?

ben_thatmustbeme ... i haven't seen any discussion, but maybe it happened...

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: no, we haven't. There is one issue around diffing versions. I don't think its going to be possible to actually specify that around that

ben_thatmustbeme ... i think this is going to be around notifiying and not around the actual content delivery

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: so there is going to need to be another spec?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: i think there will need to be a profile of the spec, similar to oauth2

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: so for me to use this to syndicate blog posts, this isn't going to tell me how to do it?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: you will need this spec and the documentation from the hub you are using

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: that seems sub-optimal

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: i agree, also the publishing section is empty, which is a seperate issue, but similar

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: that leaves me confused as to what the use of this spec is

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: it provides interop on some aspects

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: the flip side is that we have real world experience where it is working

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: but thats not via this spec

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i don't think you are asking the right question

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: i think there is clearly something that works, but what works is not being specified by this spec

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i'm hoping that we can fill that in based on experience

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: one of the issues there is that the spec tries to be content type neutral

ben_thatmustbeme ... to do that, it can't specify that with diffing types

ben_thatmustbeme ... the most interoperable way to do that, is to use XML feeds, specifically RSS and ATOM

ben_thatmustbeme ... one way is to put those in to the spec

ben_thatmustbeme ... but then its not really content type neutral

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: one way is to put what you just said in to the spec and then give people links to where they can handle those

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i feel a little uncomfortable with that, i feel like some of it will have to be in the spec

ben_thatmustbeme ... i think its a reasonable approach to document "heres the content-types that we have found to work as of today" and then give people some idea of how to make their own types work

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i guess from an implementor perspective, i'd rather document what works now, rather than dance around it for now

ben_thatmustbeme ... as for right now i believe we have interop with RSS, ATOM, and h-feed

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: yes

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: and then it becomes a list for people to get into the party with

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: i guess it becomes a question of where we put that? normative, as another note?

ben_thatmustbeme ... i'm guessing that h-feed is maintained in the same way as mf2?

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: yes, i think we could docuemnt the parsing of it at least

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: I'm trying to picture how that text is, for RSS i feel that would be a paragraph

ben_thatmustbeme tantek, can you document that better

ben_thatmustbeme you spoke fast

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: let me link to the documentation for superfeedr, (in irc), let me say that content type is also only important for fat-pings

eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme ... with thin pings there is no content in the notification, then its outside of the spec for the subscriber to actually fetch the original URL, and then its all outside of this mechanism

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: it sounds like we could get a lot of use out of getting like 4 content types in there and that would get the 80/20

ben_thatmustbeme ... it sounds like sandro needs to make an issue in the issue tracker

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: one of the nice effects of this is that we can treat each of these as somewhat orthoganally, and when we find one we can make tests based on that content type

ben_thatmustbeme ... and we can just put any others at-risk

ben_thatmustbeme ... i'll just be direct, i don't think anyone is publishing as2 with pubsub, we could put it at-risk and if we need to get through CR and we don't see any implmentations, we can also spin it off in to a note and then that note can be maintained by the community group or whatever

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: its been a while, but its things like "do you send the entry or the feed with one item in it" literally that can be solved with one sentence, and that would help a lot with interop

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: the only part i had on that was the different was the diffing vs the fat-ping

eprodrom No more pings!
ben_thatmustbeme ... the thin-ping is to send the URL only and then the diffing is seperate, if we use the fat-ping method, we have to specify what goes in to that body

ben_thatmustbeme ... we would have to consider those two approaches independently as well

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: anything more to discuss on pubsub?

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: whats the next step?

sandro queues up https://soundcloud.com/fat-ping for later
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: sounds like the next step is to address the issue queue, i count around 17, with considerable discussion

eprodrom ack tantek
ben_thatmustbeme ... sounds like we'll be having some next steps

eprodrom TOPIC: ActivityPub
ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: hello, last week we talked about bringing AP to CR this week. We had some really involved issues that we ended up having to go through. They are all now marked as 'waiting for commentor', the 4 that were filed by bengo. I don't know what the process is on this, i have answered them with i htink an acceptable response, with the exceptions of 162. I am not quite sure what was being asked

ben_thatmustbeme is having trouble following you on that one cwebber

ben_thatmustbeme ... we are waiting on those 4 issues, hopefully bengo will respond within the next week

ben_thatmustbeme ... there are some other issues, but they seem like they will be easier

ben_thatmustbeme ... there are 2 issues i feel should be discussed in the group

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: so you have 2 issues that you need to be addressed by the group, lets try that now

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: lets get those 2 first we'll then go on to SWP and we'll come back and see what time we have for additional ones

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: 155 is potentially thorny. Someone has asked to have a history to show old revisions of an item

ben_thatmustbeme ... i don't think that would be trivial method unless we do it in a history entry

ben_thatmustbeme ... i feel its a bit late to add to AP core

ben_thatmustbeme ... i think it makes sense as an extension

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: i think it makes more sense to have a collection of activities like lifecycle, here is its creation, its edits, comments, here's its delete

ben_thatmustbeme ... so using the activities to show the history

ben_thatmustbeme ... that said, if you wanted to have a history property, then it would make sense that way

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: i would be okay to add that with marking it at-risk, but i feel like its likely not something thought through well enough

ben_thatmustbeme ... do you think we should put it as "for later version" and leave it as an extension for now

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: i htink that makes sense

eprodrom ack tantek
ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: is it okay to mark it as later version and close it or leave it open

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: i would leave it open

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: the general concern here is that activity pub is basically like trying to be in CR, even though we aren't. That means we really don't get to add new features unless its a major blocker for implementation

ben_thatmustbeme ... once we recognize that, what level of maturity is it? is it an idea? prototyped? already working for people? technically we can add anything to the spec thats within the scope of the charter, but generally we have been trying to push for people to incubate them before putting them in a working draft

ben_thatmustbeme ... from my understanding no one has even prototyped this

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: thats my understanding too

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: great, i will respond to the issue as such

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: and encourage them and even possibly help with incubation

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: i'm reasonably optimistic that we will be able to go to CR next week

ben_thatmustbeme TOPIC: SocialWebProtocols

eprodrom rhiaro: ?
ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro: there was a request for me to update SWP with new doc status, we haven't had the transition calls for LDN or PubSub so i didn't know if we wanted to wait

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i think its worth it for FPWD of PubSub

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: we don't actually have the transition called scheduled yet do we?

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: we're working on it

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: we may not need it

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: there are two things we need on that call

ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro: we are aiming to get them published next tuesday one way or another

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: are we ready to go to another WD with an update of FPWD of pubsub?

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: if we do a resolution, you would be able to publish it

ben_thatmustbeme ... is there any reason not to do that, is there anything else we want in there?

eprodrom PROPOSED: publish a new working draft of Social Web Protocols
ben_thatmustbeme suspects rhiaro waits for me to scribe to hear what is said

eprodrom +1
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: amy is that ok?

eprodrom RESOLVED: publish a new working draft of Social Web Protocols
bengo joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: you have the resolution you need

ben_thatmustbeme ... we are near the end of our agenda, i believe we have webmention next

aaronpk sandro, let me know if this captures it for you https://github.com/w3c/pubsub/issues/27

eprodrom TOPIC: Webmention
ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: the only thing i wanted to talk about today, we that in webmention we need to change a reference to the WHATWG spec instead

ben_thatmustbeme ... its a more up to date spec of what a URL is, especially for hte purposes of webmention

ben_thatmustbeme ... its technically a normative change, but it won't effect any implmeentations

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: its my understanding that this is the kind of change we can make between CR and PR

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: its a change in reference between what and what?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: from RFC?? and the WHATWG URL spec?

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: whats the difference between them? i'd have to run it by ralph

ben_thatmustbeme ... if you want to just send me a draft and CC chairs

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i've seen the webapp grounps switch as well, so i think this makes sense, we're not the first group or spec doing this

ben_thatmustbeme ... we can provide citations for that

ben_thatmustbeme sandro: and there is no intended difference?

eprodrom q+
eprodrom ack eprodrom
ben_thatmustbeme tantek: it should not effect implmentations, but its a more up to date reference

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: is there enough of a difference here that its worth this effort?

ben_thatmustbeme ... can we just gloss over this and move on?

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i think its a due dilligence kind of detail, we're getting close to PR and this is crossing your T's and dotting your I's

ben_thatmustbeme ... the intent was to cite what a URL was, not to specifically reference an RFC

ben_thatmustbeme ... i think thats a good detail to fix before we go to PR

ben_thatmustbeme .... its good that we're only talking about this kind of detail at this point

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: it makes sense to me, i just don't want to spend a lot of cycles on this unless its a worthwhile change, and it sounds like this is something everyone will be doing anyway

shepazu joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme ... do we have other discussions on webmention?

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: do we want a group resolution on that issue pending ralphs approval?

ben_thatmustbeme ... we might as well get it out of the way so we don't have to talk about it again

eprodrom PROPOSED: adopt https://url.spec.whatwg.org/ as URL standard reference for Webmention
eprodrom +1
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: aaronpk does that make sense to you?

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: yes

bengo +0
bengo Time zone fail, I showed up an hour late
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: any objections?

eprodrom RESOLVED: adopt https://url.spec.whatwg.org/ as URL standard reference for Webmention
bengo cwebber2 ya we can just work via github
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: we are now at 5 minutes past and we are now at the end of the agenda

ben_thatmustbeme ... i do want to come back to AP, since we were waiting for bengo. would it be woth bringing that up now?

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: bengo said we can work on github as long as he can help get quick turn-around to get these done by next week

ben_thatmustbeme bengo: i will do it right now

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: okay, anything else we need to discuss then?

ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom: thanks for coming everyone

eprodrom Thanks everyone
bengo present+
eprodrom trackbot, end meeting
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-social-minutes.html trackbot

eprodrom Oh man
eprodrom :(
ben_thatmustbeme we can just all karma bomb csarven to fix that

ben_thatmustbeme csarven ++

ben_thatmustbeme csarven++

ben_thatmustbeme wait, it didn't go up?!

ben_thatmustbeme i know loqi does rate-limit

ben_thatmustbeme lol

tantek draft agenda posted for next week's telecon: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-01#Discussion_Items <-- please add items!

ben_thatmustbeme initial draft is up https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-10-25-minutes please correct any misquotes of yourself!

jasnell joined the channel
wilkie wrt your comment in that issue, I do try to keep the https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/resolutions page current when I scribe

ben_thatmustbeme chameleon++

jasnell joined the channel
jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel