#social 2017-01-03
2017-01-03 UTC
fabrixxm and KjetilK_ joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme might make things a little difficult to hear
# ben_thatmustbeme i can create the template for it. I know the github issue on webmention said we would discuss it today
timbl and KevinMarks joined the channel
RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/03-social-irc
Zakim joined the channel
KevinMarks2 and tantek joined the channel
# tantek hmm - I didn't see anyone create https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-01-03
# tantek no official telcon today, but we are unofficially on the call discussing https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/84
# ben_thatmustbeme present+
# cwebber present+
# ben_thatmustbeme yes
# cwebber I didn't hear
# cwebber was plugging in my headphones
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i think that makes sense.
# ben_thatmustbeme yes, change 'publish' to 'display'
# ben_thatmustbeme CSRF Is
# ben_thatmustbeme 4.4
# ben_thatmustbeme i don't see anything about re-verify anywhere
# ben_thatmustbeme cors uses non-normative for CSRF https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#refsCSRF
# cwebber sounds good to me, I don't think we need a resolution here either
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah.... :/
# ben_thatmustbeme https://www.w3.org/TR/epr/ even this ... thing. doesn't even have any references to CSRF or XSS
# aaronpk this looks like a pretty good reference https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet
# tantek hey this looks better :P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery
# cwebber owasp?
# cwebber pretty well known secuity site
# cwebber no I have :)
# ben_thatmustbeme i have heard of it before as well
# ben_thatmustbeme only in passing
# ben_thatmustbeme *blinks*
# ben_thatmustbeme 2.84.14 lol
# ben_thatmustbeme thats a lot of ... yeah
timbl joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme and no, i could not find anything referenced for XSS
# sandro https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS might be more robust
# ben_thatmustbeme thats the same page
# ben_thatmustbeme redirect
# ben_thatmustbeme i feel like the security group should publish some note explaining such things, just so there is a normative reference to it
# ben_thatmustbeme lol
# ben_thatmustbeme sandro++
# ben_thatmustbeme "have we finished bikeshedding 4.1 yet" ~tantek just before bikeshedding order more
# ben_thatmustbeme yes, aaronpk is an overachiever
# cwebber +1 seems good
# aaronpk editor's draft is updated https://webmention.net/draft/
# ben_thatmustbeme we had said we would do them once a month in the new year
# ben_thatmustbeme +1 for a meeting next week and starting that as our one for the month
# cwebber I'll be around next week
# ben_thatmustbeme cwebber: can you be on earlier next week?
# ben_thatmustbeme just making sure
# cwebber central time, and I can be on earlier
# cwebber could we do 2 hours earler?
# ben_thatmustbeme 2 hours earlier could work for me
# cwebber I mean, I could also do 2.5 hours earlier :P
# ben_thatmustbeme someone should email evan and julien
# ben_thatmustbeme especially
# cwebber current time is during lunchtime for me :)
# cwebber so moving it back works
# ben_thatmustbeme cwebber, yeah, most weeks i am eating during the meeting
# cwebber I'm not usually eating, though during boring parts sometimes I do unload the dishwasher ;)
# tantek logged an informal summary here: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-01-03
# ben_thatmustbeme prefers
# ben_thatmustbeme since the change is mainly for her
# ben_thatmustbeme and it may break schedules for others
# ben_thatmustbeme go go go, first REC of the new year
# ben_thatmustbeme oj, just WD
# ben_thatmustbeme view-source:https://www.w3.org/TR/
# ben_thatmustbeme and searching for 2017
# ben_thatmustbeme bye
# tantek aside: this is pretty cool https://www.owasp.org/index.php/About_OWASP
timbl joined the channel
KevinMarks and KevinMarks2 joined the channel