2017-01-10 UTC
tantek and fabrixxm joined the channel
tantek, fabrixxm and timbl joined the channel
# 16:00 aaronpk did someone set up the telcon bridge for the new time?
# 16:01 rhiaro I have never had anything to do with setting up a telecon bridge I'm afraid
# 16:02 rhiaro as a special feature, I am awake this week though \o/
# 16:02 aaronpk i tried calling in and it said the meeting hasn't started yet
# 16:05 tantek rhiaro: you likely have the auth to create a webex for now
# 16:06 tantek aaronpk: I get the same problem. your entry is not understood or the meeting hasn't started yet
# 16:07 tantek rhiaro: I think you should acquire Webex editing / creation powers :)
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 16:07 rhiaro if it requires the proprietary webex software I haven't been able to get that to run on any of my devices
# 16:09 tantek you should be able to edit the call over the web rigth?
# 16:09 rhiaro I think that required flash or something, but I'll try
cwebber joined the channel
# 16:09 cwebber sorry I'm late
# 16:11 cwebber no meeting access code, huh?
# 16:11 rhiaro okay I authenticated in the browser but I an't find a way to edit
# 16:11 cwebber guess that means I'm not late ;)
# 16:11 rhiaro if I try to start a new one it says my OS is unsupported
# 16:12 tantek rhiaro - there is the "start your meeting" link on the webex page
# 16:12 rhiaro yeah I logged in. I can't edit beause sandro owns it. I can make an ad hoc one, except I can't
# 16:12 tantek so presumably if you can log in as sandro, you could just start the meeting
# 16:12 rhiaro It uses browser certs for auth, I can't log in as sandro
# 16:13 cwebber how about Mumble? :)
# 16:13 cwebber I run a Mumble server, and anyone can get a client, even for phones
# 16:13 cwebber mumble for desktops, plumble for android
# 16:14 cwebber (grabbig breakfast, fast)
# 16:14 tantek rhiaro or if you can create a new webex meeting that works too
# 16:15 rhiaro I can't create anything with the webex site because my "OS is unsupported"
# 16:20 rhiaro it's just a one-time one so it should be okay
# 16:20 tantek tried that access code a couple of times and had same problem
# 16:20 rhiaro Apparently the system is slow today, so we're still waiting
# 16:21 tantek wonders isn't this just a single entry in a database in some web app somewhere?
RRSAgent joined the channel
Zakim joined the channel
# 16:22 tantek "you are the first person to join the meeting, please stand by"
# 16:22 aaronpk sandro sent me some messages this morning over irc but i don't see the REC up yet
# 16:23 rhiaro sorry aaronpk, we were too late to get the rec published today, so it's getting rescheduled for thursday
# 16:24 tantek cwebber: we are good to go! dial-in info above
# 16:26 rhiaro tantek: We seem to have a 50% success rate compared to previous telecons
# 16:27 rhiaro rhiaro: maybe we didn't announce it well enough..
# 16:27 rhiaro tantek: I think this time is better personally
# 16:27 rhiaro tantek: clearly midnight is better than 2am for rhiaro
# 16:28 rhiaro tantek: let's at least confirm for those of us who are here that we like this time
# 16:28 rhiaro ... could you double check with sarven why he's not here?
# 16:29 rhiaro ... presumably if this is a notification problem rather than a time problem we'll stick with the current time and see what we find out
# 16:29 rhiaro ... That being said, let's look at the february dates and figure out a good date for that one
# 16:32 rhiaro ... 21st is possible, but I worry about travelling
# 16:32 rhiaro ... slight preference for not 21st, but I could make it if necessary
# 16:32 cwebber what are we talking about?
# 16:32 cwebber telecon, oh ok
# 16:33 cwebber any date but the 7th
# 16:33 rhiaro tantek: we're picking a date pending confirmation of time from others
# 16:35 rhiaro tantek: congratulations, good to get our first rec out
# 16:36 rhiaro sandro apologises for forgetting, and couldn't have made it anyway, but one off
# 16:36 rhiaro tantek: cwebber, how are they going in your opinion?
# 16:37 rhiaro cwebber: I don't have a lot to report, but I will by next month. I was laying down infrastructure
# 16:37 rhiaro ... I expect to have a lot to show by next month's meeting
# 16:37 rhiaro tantek: awesome. one thing we're trying to do with this charter extension is trying to see how much we can get done with just telecons
# 16:37 rhiaro ... we haven't scheduled any f2f meetings. Doesn't mean we can't
# 16:37 rhiaro ... If we feel like that would help get us over the hump with transitioning, I think that would be a good justification for scheduling a f2f
# 16:38 rhiaro If it could be Bali in March that would be ideal :)
# 16:38 rhiaro ... Checking out and trying out implementations works well in person
# 16:38 rhiaro ... As you're getting these specs through CR to PR, consider whether it would be helpful for you to have a f2f to show that the tests and implementations interoperate, and resolve any outstanding issues
# 16:39 cwebber bali sounds like quite the hop...
# 16:40 rhiaro rhiaro: Tests are almost done, receiver is complete
# 16:41 rhiaro aaronpk: I can't remember the last time we looked at these
# 16:41 rhiaro ... two that look like people tried to submit but didnt' get very far
# 16:42 rhiaro ... In terms of issues there's just some editorial
# 16:42 rhiaro ... and one from tantek about mentioning prior art, same we did with webmention/websub
# 16:43 rhiaro aaronpk: it's complete for servers and there's no actual tests on clients yet
# 16:43 rhiaro aaronpk: documented in issue on the test suite repo
# 16:44 rhiaro ... this will be part of my publishing something related to socialwg stuff every day
# 16:44 rhiaro tantek: estimate for how long that might take?
# 16:45 rhiaro aaronpk: like two months because I'md oign websub tests as well
# 16:45 rhiaro tantek: have any issues been coming in since CR that we need to process?
# 16:45 cwebber I think I can handle what's come in
# 16:46 rhiaro cwebber: I havne't been paying attention to AS2, but for AP they're all things I can handle
# 16:47 rhiaro tantek: If we do have updated CR with editorial changes I think we can do that
# 16:47 rhiaro rhiaro: yeah we can if it doens't affect implementations
# 16:47 rhiaro tantek: or if we have to restart the 4 weeks they need more time for tests anyway so it won't slow them down
# 16:47 rhiaro ... we can cross that line at the next telecon
# 16:47 rhiaro ... so go ahead and resolve your issues and edit in EDs
# 16:47 rhiaro ... and obviously if you have any questions, feel free to raise it for discussion
# 16:48 rhiaro csarven says this time is fine for the future
# 16:48 rhiaro ... It's probably worht publishing updated CR with the edits, good rhythm and shows we're being responsive
# 16:49 rhiaro tantek: how is test suite and implementations?
# 16:49 rhiaro ... people have been using the test suite cos I"ve had issues reported on it
# 16:49 rhiaro ... no new updates on functionality yet though
# 16:49 rhiaro ... In terms of issues on the spec, we're waiting for commenter on a couple of them
# 16:50 rhiaro ... an outstanding one from last f2f that I'm working on right now
# 16:50 rhiaro ... a new one from last week, that's a question
# 16:50 rhiaro ... and one assigned to julien, havne't heard from him for a while
# 16:51 rhiaro tantek: is there a chance you can collaborate with julien to determine whether these issues have normative impact or not?
# 16:51 rhiaro ... and if they do, propose edits accordingly by the 14th?
# 16:52 rhiaro tantek: we could resovle to publish a new CR at the new telecon including those edits if there are no objections
# 16:53 rhiaro ... and if we get new issues from implementors for any specs, propose normative edits and propose them we can accept them and publish them as updated CR
# 16:53 rhiaro ... aaronpk, add an entry for websub into document status page
# 16:55 rhiaro tantek: reviewing schedule we made as part of our charter extension proposal
# 16:56 rhiaro ... Sounds like we're pushing out PRs at least a month from what was planned
# 16:56 rhiaro ... Except AP, we had definitely planned for that to be later
# 16:57 rhiaro ... For each one of these we should be trying to... sounds like we won't be ready for PR in February
# 16:57 rhiaro ... But we can't predict that we can enter PR for any of these, but let's a tleast get updated CRs published and aim to enter PR in March
# 16:57 rhiaro ... and if LDN comes in ahead of schedule that's great let's do that sooner
# 16:58 rhiaro ... So if we're trying to go to PR in march, that might be a tiem we'd consider having a f2f
# 16:59 rhiaro ... We need to annoucne a f2f some weeks in advance
# 16:59 rhiaro tantek: so either march or april, if we decide that would be useful
# 16:59 cwebber note that I'll be in boston for libreplanet again :)
# 17:00 rhiaro tantek: so one possiblity would be a f2f right before or right after
# 17:01 rhiaro ... anyone else have any paritcular feelings about locatino or time? (not that we have to have one..)
# 17:01 rhiaro ... but if we start thinking about it now it's more likely to work out
# 17:02 rhiaro aaronpk: west coast works better for me, but I can probably make MIT work
# 17:03 Zakim Present: tantek, aaronpk, rhiaro, cwebber
# 17:03 Zakim On IRC I see RRSAgent, cwebber, ben_thatmustbeme, tantek, timbl, wilkie, csarven, raucao, jet, mattl, bigbluehat, dwhly, bitbear, KjetilK, pdurbin, aaronpk, strugee, Loqi, rhiaro,
# 17:03 rhiaro rhiaro: I couldn't make it to MIT but could do remote the week before libreplanet but not after
# 17:03 rhiaro tantek: we said we didn't plan to ahve one, but could resolve to
# 17:03 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: we discussed (see above in IRC) that we could choose to have one optionally, especially if we thought it would help with the push from CR to PR for our specs
# 17:04 rhiaro tantek: the week of March 20-24 is a possible time range for a f2f at MIT
# 17:04 rhiaro ... If we decide in time that that would help
# 17:05 rhiaro ... anything going on in april that anyone would be conveniently travelling near to?
# 17:05 rhiaro tantek: I have a CSS WG f2f in tokyo april 19-21
# 17:06 rhiaro ... so I could make it to australia before or after that... but I'm gonna guess that's nto the limiting factor for australia
# 17:06 rhiaro ... aaronpk and cwebber: any chance you could make it?
# 17:06 rhiaro tantek: doesn't look like we'llg et to australia
# 17:07 rhiaro cwebber: west coast is probably feasible, just another flight added to the mix
# 17:07 rhiaro tantek: we also have julien on the east coast
# 17:07 rhiaro ... evan tends to pop back and forth, so I presume he could make either
# 17:07 rhiaro ... I could host in Mozilla if we did it west coast
# 17:08 rhiaro ... any date ranges better or worse for people?
# 17:08 rhiaro ... okay if we don't know, can discuss in february
# 17:09 rhiaro aaronpk: I have to go but will catch up on irc later
# 17:09 rhiaro tantek: thanks everyone. Next telecon set, feb 14th
# 17:10 Zakim As of this point the attendees have been tantek, aaronpk, rhiaro, cwebber
# 17:26 rhiaro who scribed last weeks? Looks like no minutes were generated
# 17:26 tantek rhiaro - last week was unofficial, so no official logs
# 17:27 rhiaro That didn't help with getting the word out about time change I guess
# 17:56 tantek rhiaro indeed. looks like sandro and I dropped the ball on updating our group home page with the new telcon information
# 18:04 tantek also I forgot to put minutes approval on the agenda from the december telcons
tantek joined the channel
# 19:38 Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
# 19:49 tantek still in the running for first REC of the year!
# 19:52 tantek (assuming that page is accurate and not just failing to show 2017 RECs because someone didn't manually update a counter somewhere from 2016 to 2017 :P)
tantek joined the channel