#social 2017-01-13

2017-01-13 UTC
evanminto, vamptvo and timbl joined the channel
tantek: sometimes me or sandro drafts the homepage news for new publications as part of the comms process, but this time we didn't send them one, so I guess they put it together from previous ones or copied part of the spec abstract
yes that's what it sounds like
amy definitely involved with the w3c twitter, I'm not sure who else, probably a couple of people
rhiaro: consider updating SWP since Webmention has changed state :)
vamptvo, evanminto, timbl_, timbl, tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks2 and fabrixxm joined the channel
newton, fabrixxm, timbl, timbl_, tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks2, KevinMarks_, vamptvo and evanminto joined the channel