#sandrostrugee, thanks for your interest, but the meeting are only for people in the group (or by special invitation of the chair, if there's a relevant topic)
#sandro(which might be the case, today -- I expect we'll be making some decisions about AS2)
#aaronpktantek: first one is activitypub, chris are you there?
#aaronpkcwebber: i have not as good news as i'd hoped
#sandroworries that we'll need a telecon next week, actually
#aaronpk... i ended up spending a lot of time preparing other projects for releases and preparing talks, but did not advance the stuff in the group itself
#aaronpk... i'm hoping to send an update to the list with a prototype of a test suite
#aaronpktantek: are there any issues that have arisen since the last telcon that need attention?
#aaronpkevanpro: i think we have some good news. we've had a number of implementation reports come in, around 6?
#aaronpk... i was looking at which features had been implemented in which reports, but realized that amy had a fantastic script to generate that automatically
#aaronpk... two things: if there are parts of the vocab that are unimplemented, that people feel cannot be left behind, my review of that table is that there was nothing on there that I wasn't willing to see drop off
#aaronpk... i wanted to check with other folks, and if that's the case then let's just drop those out of toe vocabulary to move to PR
#rhiaroI didn't rerun the script for the new reports yet
#tantekone question for Evan (can you repeat Sandro on the phone?) which / how many of the implementations are from outside the group?
#KevinMarks-1 to new telcon time, (survivorship bias)
#tantekKevinMarks: except that the people here on the call are about the same as recent telcons at the old time - so actual data of attendance disputes your assertion of survivorship bias
#aaronpkevanpro: for example, the "place" object type, we have implementations of lat/lng, one of altitude, and none of accuracy
#aaronpksandro: tantek asks how many implementations are from outside the group?
#aaronpksandro: i think i may have slightly overstated the case
#aaronpk... they can proceed as long as we give them strong assurances that we are moving forward and the thing sthey rely on will move forward
#tantekalso, do the [x]s mean *both* publishing and consuming?
#rhiaro's laptop froze but is still making audio.. sigh
#aaronpkevanpro: my main concern is i don't want to leave this open forever. i would like to work quickly to receive implementation reports from activitypub and web annotation implementations to show that we meet the threshold for the properties they depend on
#aaronpkcwebber: i can get you a report by the end of the week
#aaronpksandro: we can do it without a meeting, or we could hold another meeting
#aaronpkcwebber: is it possible to vote for PR with a window to add the extra terms assuming we get the reports by X date?
#aaronpksandro: i think we need to be a little more explicit
#aaronpktantek: the one question i wanted to ask is i can't tell if the green X's mean publishing or consuming or both and i find that pretty concerning
#aaronpk... for example if there's a property with a lot of publishers but no consumers, i would still consider that unimplemented
#aaronpkcwebber: that's more of an activitypub thing, it seems like more of an api question
#aaronpk... for testing activitystreams, as we discussed before, for something to count, a consumer has to do something interesting rathre than just parse it and do a syntax transformation
#aaronpksandro: the line you're making makes sense to me, but to my memory we didn't say this before
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: : there was a field in the implementation report to indicate this, they don't split it by term but it's for the overall implementation
#tantekand made it very clear the importance of both publishing and consuming
#aaronpk<aaronpk> i definitely remember this discussion and that's why it's taken me so long to build the test suites and reports because i'm specifically testing both sides
#aaronpkevanpro: we need to document that we have publishers and consumers on each side of the equation. we should have at least a yellow marking around the ones that are published but not consumed, etc. even if there are multiple publishers.
#tantekalso, I'd say 2+ consumers per property should be required, otherwise we're just testing a monoculture (whether you can publish to *one* implementation that consumes it) which is also not a standard
#aaronpkevanpro: web annotations was useful that they used AS2 over something else and i'd liek to be helpful in any way i can
#aaronpksandro: we also did resolve to go to PR in feb, so i like the idea of sticking with what we commit to
#aaronpktantek: we didn't resolve to, but that was our plan
#aaronpk... that was a "when do you think we can get to PR" not a specific resolution
#aaronpksandro: i'm wondering about having a meeting in 2 weeks with the goal to go to PR then
#aaronpkRESOLVED: telcon on feb 28th at 11am eastern
#aaronpktantek: the requirements that we're putting in place for AS2 is that the summary indicates whether each term is published or consumed, and that we get impelmentation reports from the annotations folks with that level of detail
#aaronpk... let's give them the deadline of the monday the 27th
#aaronpksandro: as soon as amy updates the list we can say what things are safe and not safe
#aaronpktantek: the other thing i wantedf to call out, is we should be requiring 2+ publishers and consumers
#aaronpksandro: that's not what we said in the exit criteria
#aaronpktantek: it's clear we didn't reflect all the details in the exit criteria that we agreed on the group
#aaronpk... the point is if you only have one implementation then you don't really have a standard. i would have a hard time saying that's vetted by implementations
#aaronpkevanpro: i'd like to propose we see where we are at the next meeting and decide then
#aaronpksandro: we haven't yet solved what web annotations needs today
#aaronpktantek: we need implementation reports from them
#aaronpkevanpro: i don't understand what they want today
#bengoThey want to know by 08:00 UTC Wednesday that AS2 will definitely reach PR and contain the terms they depend on
#bengoThey'd really like a transition request by the 21st. Is this possible?
#aaronpktantek: we can tell them that we're not making a decision about taking off the properties until they send us implementation reports
#aaronpkevanpro: i don't think we're making assurances that the properties they need are part of the spec. however we can make the assurance that if there are properties they need that are in the spec that have implementation reports that that will be part of the spec.
#sandroPROPOSED: We will retain, unchanged, in AS2 everything for which we get 2+ implementations reports (possibly setting the bar at 2+ producers and 2+consumers)
#aaronpkevanpro: this isn't necessarily moving the goalposts. we may have resolutions not reflected in the exit criteria, so that would be the communication issue here
#aaronpkRESOLVED: We will retain, unchanged, in AS2 everything for which we get 2+ implementations reports (possibly setting the bar at 2+ producers and 2+consumers)
#rhiarofrom plh about process: Besides updating the transition requirements to accommodate Process 2017, I also updated them to make sure we're applying Process 2015 correctly.
#aaronpkbut not necessarily arguing against there being two implementations
#sandroStill, there's nothing there about agreeing on a higher bar of two-of-each-kind or two-consumers for AS2.
#rhiarobut it was briefly mentioned about 2 of each role, and that wasn't in the resolution in the end
#cwebberbtw, if someone's interested in seeing something I've been working on which is vaaaaguely related to activitypub / federation, connect in firefox: http://dustycloud.org:8888/
#aaronpki still just don't see how you can have a feature that is only published and call that interoperable
#aaronpkright the issue is that there needs to be at least one publisher and one consumer in order for anything to be considered interoperable. what i was hearing is trying to make it okay for the 2 implementations to both be publishers.
#sandroaaronpk, I completely understand your point, but lost on that many times in many WGs over the years. People were comfortable with "we're producing data, and someday it'll be consumed". So I'm used to just shrugging, at this point.
#rhiaroI didn't hear that interpretation, but I only heard that we needed 2 *of each* which seemed excessive
#sandroBut let's see the revised impl report before we spend too much arguing on this?
#aaronpk"we're producing data and some day it will be consumed" is a great way to produce terrible specs that just end up getting rewritten later
#rhiarobut also it's kind of a vicious circle isn't it. it's not like our audience right now feels big enough to assume we definitely cover what people need. If there are two publishers, that seems to indicate it's useful to two people/projects
bengo joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemethe point is to get implementation experience, so its pretty obvious that 2 producers and no consumers is pretty much useless. at the same time, i see the arguement for having 2 consumers, as one comsumer means that its verified as consumable by an application, not as generically consumable. same thing with producers
tantek joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeif we change it to 2 producers and 2 consumers of each, it would definitely effect which rows are green, in a quick look through, it would effect 10 entries
#ben_thatmustbemeits correct that we did not put those requirements on in the first place, but I think its certainly something we SHOULD strive to have. otherwise it feels like we aren't doing our jobs
#tantekso I'm pretty upset and surprised that anyone here would be claiming that *less* than 2 implementations (i.e. only *one*) of either a publisher or consumer, or either a client or server would be sufficient to exit CR.
#tantekand pretty sure any such vocab specs have ended up being bloated beyond actual practical use, or dying or both
#tantekat a minimum, anything less than 2+ implementations IMO is very much against the spirit of what a CR is supposed to be for, which is to demonstrate implementation interop experience
#tantek!tell rhiaro in your AS2 impl report summary, can you separate / cluster columns for impls by editors, wg members, outside of wg, similar to the way Webmention impl report summary has? https://webmention.net/implementation-reports/summary/
#tanteknot a requirement to exit CR, but I think it demonstrates just how mature a technology is and how much interest there is beyond the folks immediately working on it
#tantekand since meaningful consuming implementations are harder to build anyway, that's *probably* good enough. I would be surprised by any feature that had 2+ consumers but not 2+ publishers
timbl joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei just looked at the list, i'm pretty sure we have no implementation reports at all from outside the WG
#ben_thatmustbemecwebber: pubstrate, soci-el, and activipy are all your code, correct?
#tantekto be clear, I'm ok with going to PR with that as long as we can demonstrate that impls in the WG are actually *different* / independent (e.g. not just sharing libraries with multiple impls)
#csarvencarry any weight? At the moment, we are not capturing that by merely looking at the implementation counts, regardless of their granular categorisation (in/outside the group). Case example: WA pointing at AS2. While I do see value in having legit interest and proof of work through implementations (whether that's 1 or 50, that's still arbitrary), it should be on a case by case basis or at least be in consideration of other dimensions that may be at play which
#csarven could essentially prove the spec's worthiness. Not all tech is strictly here and now, nor meant to be the end of exploration or innovation. A lot of both W3C specs and non-specs out there played a role in building up on new ideas. Sometimes leaving those threads around so that they are a little bit more visible for the next cool thing to pick up from is important. :)
#csarvenIMO, implementation counts alone may not say much about its fitness or appoval for wider use. It is arbitrary in a sense because it only reflects on the reality that the spec was visible/accessible to the implementor and they had the means to implement. It may be useful to broaden the scope of what constitutes a spec that's worthwhile to have. For instance, if other specs and development have built up a normative dependency on the spec at hand, should that