#social 2017-03-15

2017-03-15 UTC
KevinMarks, bengo, fabrixxm, timbl, Loqi, pdurbin, aaronpk, mattl, KjetilK, lambadalambda, sandro, geppy, dwhly, strugee, bitbear, bigbluehat, jet, raucao, csarven, rhiaro, ben_thatmustbeme, trackbot, wseltzer, wilkie, jasnell, KevinMarks2, cwebber and tantek joined the channel
> The MacLisp-descended groups came off in a way that can be best demonstrated with an anecdote. Each group stood up and presented where they were heading and why. Some questions arose about the ill-defined direction of the MacLisp community in contrast to the Interlisp community. Scott Fahlman said, "the MacLisp community is not in a state of chaos. It consists of four welldefined groups going in four well-defined directions." There
was a moment's pause for the laughter to subside [Steele, 1982].
tantek joined the channel