tantek!tell rhiaro now that we have an updated set of PRs and CRs that is likely stable for at least a few weeks, might be a good time to publish a new WD of Social Web Protocols accordingly since it's last been published in November of last year
tantekaaronpk great. I think we should have a standing resolution that allows rhiaro to publish at will. Other groups do that for WDs, and this is just a non-rec-track WD so that should be even easier
cwebberajordan: btw some clarity, AP wouldn't revert from CR, but there's a time window of minimum waiting time of CR -> PR, and that's at what's of risk of being upset
sandrocwebber, I did some more poking, and it looks like we'll be okay if we have to reset the clock. In fact, we can buy ourselves another month if we really have to. Hoping we wont be cutting it that close, but we can if we must.
cwebbersandro: in a sense that's good news, since I convinced the possible django author to sit down and comb through the spec since they had so many questions and I was like "hint hint this weekend is probably the best window to be filing issues you notice right now..."
sandro(It turns out, technically, we just need to request PR before we expire. Then the PR period, and the REC, can happen after the group is gone. Not ideal, but acceptable.)
cwebberat least it's working now. it's taken me forever to get past whatever cognitive block that I had on things but implementation is moving along now.