Loqi[Evan Minto] It's not quite ready for people to start developing against, but the latest version of Mastodon has the beginnings of an #activitypub API! You can request a user profile page using Accept: application/activity+json and you'll get an ActivityStreams2 ...
cwebber<cwebber> aaronpk: we should talk about what we're planning on doing re: meetings / calls for the social web community group, and when we might want to schedule one
cwebber<cwebber> aaronpk: we don't have a line set up for it yet; I'd suggest we do a brief call with possibly interested parties over Mumble, since that's easy to set up and use and I have a running server
cwebberaaronpk: would you want to see if we could gather people to do just a "proto-call"? Just loosely gather people and do a Just In Time compiled schedule and start conversation
eprodrom, dmitriz and eprodrom_ joined the channel