2017-05-17 UTC
KevinMarks_, jungkees_, jungkees, KevinMarks and timbl joined the channel
dmitriz joined the channel
# 13:48 Loqi Weekly telecons take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 US/Eastern (08:00 US/Pacific, 17:00 Paris, etc), as determined by proposal to for a better t...
# 13:50 aaronpk there should be an older one in the wiki you can replace it with already
# 13:55 ben_thatmustbeme if not for tantek's arms waving in the air, a single frame from the animated one would almost work
# 13:58 sandro I don't think any of us has changed very much in 18 months
# 14:00 sandro a shame I can't figure out how to make the change.
# 14:02 sandro I just got messed up by wiki needing the photo URL to *not* be a URL. figured it out eventually.
dmitriz and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:52 astronouth7303 MediaWiki is quirky sometimes
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, tantek, dmitriz and JanKusanagi joined the channel