#sandroKevinMarks, I thought you'd once said this time was bad for you. Anyway, we need to switch the time, and I'm hoping going back to old time is good for everyone
#rhiaroFine by me, I'm back in the northern hemisphere for the forseeable future
#strugeemy regular IRC client is working now; when I close the web client should I present+ again? no right?
#Loqistrugee: tantek left you a message 3 days, 23 hours ago: looks like you found your answer re: Google and microformats? They definitely still do parse microformats, question is where they are with parsing mf2, since they have unofficially made positive remarks about it for a few years, and may just be waiting for some measure of critical mass (which has accelerated in the past 2 years)
#ajordanis it just me or did keyboard activity just increase 1000x?
#cwebber2btw, the thing that ended up slowing things down for this week wasn't actually the test suite itself, but rather the actual implementattion I was testing against, so rewriting the test suite in another language, I still would have been slow even if that hadn't happened
#aaronpkajordan: what we've done in the past is we didn't put anything in the spec about you MUST respect http caching headers, but we said something in the activitypub spec about this is http so caching should be respected
#aaronpk... so we could do the same for http redirects
#aaronpkcwebber2: if you don't respect http caching you might make things painful for people but things won't break. but redirects might break things if you don't add it
#aaronpk... it's probably a good idea, but i haven't thought through it all yet
#tantekthanks rhiaro! Great post! Do we have another post for Micropub REC as well then?
#aaronpk... the main point where i started to get unsure which is where sandro was suggesting that to avoid it being unintentional that you have 30 days before you make it permanent, that seems like complicated code
#tantekaaronpk, is there a "How to" for WebSub for static sites?
#ajordanthe other problem is that I don't have an automatic deployment mechanism like GitHub Pages; it's just me manually SSH'ing in and running `git pull`
#aaronpkokay yeah that sounds like you need an extra step. still a really small extra step. right after `git pull` you'd just run `curl https://hub.... -d hub.mode=publish -d hub.topic=http://you.example.com`
#ajordanI think what I may do is just run a daemon on the server and manually ping it after a deploy
#ajordanand then that can fetch mf2 from localhost and based on what it's seen before run WebMention, publish to hugs, etc.
#sandroSo it'd be nice to have a page somewhere that lists (1) public/commercial hubs one can use, and (2) hubs one can easily install. IE a Hub Implementations page.
#ajordanupdated https://indieweb.org/WebSub#Discussion with the new spec URLs but if someone has a bunch of spare time they should really do a Find in that page for PuSH/Pubsubhubbub and update the whole thing
#Loqi[dret] On 2017-05-19 11:32, Alex Jordan wrote:
> Related (dupe?): #20 <https://github.com/brentsimmons/JSONFeed/issues/20>
agreed that #20 is related. feel free to mark mine as a duplicate. i was
calling out Collection+JSON because that one is more specif...
#ajordan> since the move to W3C [AS2] arguably was turned into RDF instead of JSON and simply still happens to have a JSON-based serialization
#Loqi[lmorchard] #20 What about JSON Activity Streams?
#tanteksandro, always hilarious to see people suggest "hey please change your publishing spec to be more verbose and complicated the way I want it" without even bothering to try showing a prototype to demonstrate it or why there is any user-value whatsoever in doing so. (re: that issue 49)
#sandroSigh -- with the RDF bashing -- AS2 become RDF *before* it came to W3C.
#ajordanit seems to me that really AS2 and JSONFeed are two different tools
#ajordana more useful comparison is h-feed vs JSONFeed
#tanteksandro, the political baggage of early RDF political heavy-handedness at W3C will take a long time to overcome
#tantek(why the folks working on Atom took it to IETF instead of W3C etc.)
#tantekI have confirmed I can make the new telcon time. So we'll have at least one chair there :)
#tantekSandro, I noticed you changed the photo on our homepage back to one from 18 months ago. reasoning makes sense, but that one look so dark and serious. Any objection to changing it to the photo from https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-03-16 ? I think it's more diverse, colorful and happy looking; plenty professional.
#LoqiSocial Web WG Face to Face Meeting at MIT (F2F5)
#tantekalso did we not take a photo for 2016-11-17 f2f?