#social 2017-07-13
2017-07-13 UTC
saper, timbl, prtksxna_, xmpp-social, bwn, prtksxna, timbl_ and csarven joined the channel
cwebber2 https://tsyesika.se/post/ap-why-creates/ by tsyesika
puckipedia but yeah, that's basically my opinion on it
puckipedia and also I like the idea of the inbox/outbox being a list of Activities
puckipedia ... question: should a user be able to delete an activity???
puckipedia same with "should the server disallow Create'ing activities?"
puckipedia mine ... doesn't, I think?
puckipedia also things like "should the server disallow liking/announcing an Activity?"
xmpp-social [ajordan] I can easily imagine deleting an activity "AJ rides a bike" to unpublish
puckipedia ajordan: but then everyone has a Tombstone in their inbox
puckipedia that message is actually amazing out of context
puckipedia ... but yeah, I see where you're coming from
puckipedia ... maybe limit it to the list of activities defined in the spec (and thus have side effects)?
xmpp-social [ajordan] How else would you represent unpublishing things?
xmpp-social [ajordan] You could argue that you could Undo that activity but it still seems like that should result in a Tombstone
puckipedia if you'd delete a Create, would it delete the object of that Create too?
puckipedia or does that mean we now have an object that isn't Created?
xmpp-social [ajordan] I have a theory but I gotta check the spec
puckipedia Though: "The Create activity is used when posting a new object. This has the side effect that the object embedded within the Activity (in the object property) is created."
puckipedia I guess it's good we're having it
puckipedia ... sidenote: I just had the worst idea for an ActivityPub server: one which stores the entire object inside the id
puckipedia so the server doesn't have to store anything :D:
puckipedia like https://example.com/object?data=
"Create", etc...}#
puckipedia well, collections kinda don't work still, so you have to store collections and the ids of the objects inside
cwebber2 https://example.com/object?data=
"Note", "content": "I'm a butt", ...}#
puckipedia oh and as a sidenote
puckipedia I was thinking of a way to add blocklists into Kroeg
puckipedia yep
puckipedia basically, if you were to block a Collection, it'd add that into the 'blocked' list, and the internal list of blocked actors is then updated from the collection that was added
puckipedia then if the actor got an Add to that collection, it'd look through every person that has that blocklist
puckipedia soo wouldn't that just be a Collection someone Created?
puckipedia I mean. Isn't that how ActivityPub should work? :P
puckipedia that was basically exactly what I would do
puckipedia wouldn't that be something like ["OrderedCollection", "Blocklist"]
puckipedia actually now that we're talking about collections
puckipedia ... (how) should servers sync collections?
puckipedia e.g. you want to verify a remote collection contains a specific object
puckipedia do you have to load the entire thing again?
ajordan I wonder if we should add "collection queries" to https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub_extensions#Possible_future_extensions
puckipedia looks at the list
puckipedia "WebSockets(? also value in something like SockJS) interface for clients to get streams like the inbox sent to them in realtime" woops I have that already
puckipedia well, I use EventSource
puckipedia beause of stupid CORS reasons the authorization header is in the query url
puckipedia query of the url*
puckipedia I can't set arbitrary headers with the EventSource API
puckipedia EventSource is basically server push
puckipedia sidenote, exactly how I implement it: I set data to an unflattened version of the object, id to the id of the object, and don't use event
puckipedia so if the connection drops and reconnects I can grab the Last-Event-ID and use it
ajordan https://caniuse.com/#feat=eventsource better compatibility and there are more Known Issues in the EventSource one
puckipedia ajordan: well, I mean, I can't set headers with either js WebSocket or EventSource
puckipedia that was what I meant with CORS, for some reason
puckipedia I think the idea of EventSource is that it is one-way
puckipedia exactly
puckipedia with websockets I could probably send the authorization value inside a websocket message
puckipedia cwebber2: I could poke a test into Kroeg
puckipedia yes
puckipedia well, the client may not be on the same server as the server
puckipedia e.g. people writing simple clients that run on github pages or so
puckipedia I have cors on my server open, maybe I could limit it to authorized people
puckipedia there's an endpoint "proxyUrl"
puckipedia :)
puckipedia my idea is that not even the client runing on the same server is special
puckipedia so it'd use the same oauth mechanism
puckipedia dogfooding :P
puckipedia yeah, this is a part I should think about more
puckipedia some other systems fix it by POSTing to a place, and then you get a unique url you use for websockets
puckipedia I think websockets are almost finished (with same ?authorization=[...] requirement as above sadly)
puckipedia of course, this is a ... 5-minute hack
xmpp-social [ajordan] I mean you could also support both
xmpp-social [ajordan] Hacky, but it'd work
xmpp-social [ajordan] Hahahaha
xmpp-social [ajordan] XMPP bridge
xmpp-social [ajordan] When I get around to it I'll port #indieweb's Slack gateway to XMPP so it doesn't have the weird single-user thing you just noticed
xmpp-social [ajordan] csarven: bidirectional bridge between #social and an XMPP room
xmpp-social [ajordan] At xmpp:w3social@muc.im.koderoot.net?join
xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber2: I guess
xmpp-social [ajordan] But really what's important is the concept of an origin, which just happens to be domains atm
xmpp-social [ajordan] That seems better than all the alternatives tbh
xmpp-social [ajordan] Disallow by default, poke holes where it's safe
xmpp-social [ajordan] See also https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-suborigins/
xmpp-social [ajordan] Hmm, I guess
xmpp-social [ajordan] Maybe I'm just too used to the web to properly think about this :)
xmpp-social [ajordan] I mean, it's been around basically my entire life. Web 2.0 happened when I was like, 8 or something
puckipedia I remember web 2.0 kinda
cwebber2 see also https://web.archive.org/web/20160302160222/www.eros-os.org/essays/capintro.html and the incredible http://mumble.net/~jar/pubs/secureos/secureos.html which demonstrates that security capabilities are a natural extension of the lambda calculus
puckipedia mostly https://script.aculo.us/
xmpp-social [ajordan] Oh god lambda calculus
xmpp-social [ajordan] I've tried to learn that a couple times lol
xmpp-social [ajordan] Each time I've gotten a little more but still not any semblance of "understanding" ?
xmpp-social [ajordan] Right
xmpp-social [ajordan] Neat
xmpp-social [ajordan] Lol I've been meaning to learn *both* of those languages for so long
xmpp-social [ajordan] Especially because, for someone who uses Emacs, I'm VERY BAD at Lisp
xmpp-social [ajordan] Sounds awesome!
xmpp-social [ajordan] Ahhhh right yes
xmpp-social [ajordan] I went to a talk on Pony a couple years ago which is very into this stuff
puckipedia somehow I'm getting double values in my websocket client thingy
puckipedia ... I know why :D:
xmpp-social [ajordan] Lol yes
cwebber2 http://mumble.net/~jar/pubs/secureos/secureos.html demonstrates running a program that you don't even trust
xmpp-social [ajordan] In a way chroot jails are a way of shoehorning capabilities into the existing model
puckipedia yay, websockets work
puckipedia and are exactly as boring as you'd expect
xmpp-social [ajordan] Hahahaha of COURSE you're into microkernels
xmpp-social [ajordan] That's neat though
puckipedia quickly deploys to main instance
puckipedia hm. what if I set up a large Kroeg instance and asked people like EUR 1 per month to have their own account
xmpp-social [ajordan] I think I see what you mean with origins too
xmpp-social [ajordan] I've always thought that Content Security Policy was a gross (but necessary) hack
xmpp-social [ajordan] And np! This is super interesting
xmpp-social [ajordan] puckipedia: !!!!!!!!!
xmpp-social [ajordan] Awesome!
xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber2: right
puckipedia I mean, it's more of an idea and it'd be interesting to have e.g. yourusernamehere.kroegapp.com
puckipedia though I feel it has to have a GUI at least :P
puckipedia I wonder how high I can scale Kroeg
puckipedia hehe, I tested it out
puckipedia http://test1.social.puckipedia.com/ (says it's https but don't be fooled, I don't have https for it)
puckipedia also woops http://test2.social.puckipedia.com//status/31f4dfe1/this-is-awesome
puckipedia yes that's two slashes
xmpp-social [ajordan] Hahahaha
xmpp-social [ajordan] I feel for you
xmpp-social [ajordan] That's the worst kind of bug
xmpp-social [ajordan] Like off-by-one errors
puckipedia so I was thinking
{type: Create, object: {type: Person, id: example/A, name: "Example"}, actor: example/A}
puckipedia yes. the user creating themself
puckipedia iirc this is how I'm doing user creation now
puckipedia well, without the actor: example/A part though :<
puckipedia no wait yes
xmpp-social [ajordan] Quick update on where I am in my life rn: I talk in #social enough through my phone that the Android keyboard now suggests "cwebber2" as a word
puckipedia :D
puckipedia btw, https://lol.puckipedia.com/d10a9265/create/f9f4cfdf.json
puckipedia (not online for a long time, going to bed pretty soon)
xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber2: lgtm lol
puckipedia but yes that's a Create for the user that created that Create
puckipedia hm? oh wooooops
puckipedia I forgot I dropped the DNS but kept it in my hosts file for some reason
puckipedia I added the CNAME but it might take a while to recover
puckipedia ajordan: that's actually in your outbox when you create an account :P
puckipedia I don't consider this recursive :P
puckipedia I just kinda like the idea that you create yourself
puckipedia unless you count object->outbox->first->next->next->[...]->next
puckipedia anyways
{type: Update, object: {id: puckipedia, location: bed}}
ajordan sooo RRSAgent made a request yesterday (https://chat.indieweb.org/social/2017-07-12#t1499876297131000) but https://www.w3.org/2017/07/12-social-minutes.html never got generated?
Loqi [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/12-social-minutes.html trackbot