#social 2017-08-18
2017-08-18 UTC
timbl and eugr joined the channel
eugr puckipedia: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/4630
eugr this is probably the simplest way for me to deal with the OStatus remnants https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/4632
eugr i.e. okay, we're gonna publish invalid "id" attributes, which from a pure-AP implementation's perspective is junk, but at least it should work from Mastodon to Mastodon this way, and such junk "id"s will naturally disappear over time as OStatus becomes less and less used
xmpp-social, timbl and dlongley joined the channel
Gargron puckipedia: curious, i am looking at https://web-payments.org/vocabs/security#publicKey and it uses "@id" instead of "id", what's up with that
Gargron i am looking at LDS again and the document for json normalization is: https://json-ld.github.io/normalization/spec/
Gargron "This document is a detailed specification for an RDF dataset normalization algorithm. The document is primarily intended for the following audiences:"
Gargron "Software developers that want to implement an RDF dataset normalization algorithm."
Gargron "Masochists."
puckipedia Gargron: the AS2 json-ld context specifies that "id" is an alias for "@id"
Gargron ah okay
puckipedia which means that "@id" gets simplified into "id"
Gargron should we have a "type": "Key" too?
puckipedia I'd vote for either adding "Key" to the AS2 spec as sec:Key, or just saying "type": "https://w3id.org/security#Key" for now
puckipedia well
puckipedia maybe we could add the web-apyments context
puckipedia so "@context": ["[as2 context]", "https://w3id.org/security/v1"]
Gargron hmph
puckipedia I found the first actual real-world use of a @context array btw
puckipedia that hubzilla dev
Gargron what do they do?
Gargron also: i found a json-ld normalization gem for ruby, but it works on RDF data structures, i.e. not a simple hash. so it would require including the RDF ruby gem, converting json to hash, hash to RDF, then normalizing, then the same in reverse worder
Gargron *order
timbl joined the channel
puckipedia Gargron:
{"@context": ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"me": "[magic envelope xmlns url]"}], ...}
Gargron ..magic envelope? what for..?
Gargron ohh, they dont know about http sigs
puckipedia nooo
puckipedia it's http signatures *plus* magic envelope
Gargron what
Gargron why
puckipedia shrug. hubzilla.
puckipedia oooh
puckipedia this is for signing the response
Gargron but the response is TLS + DNS
Gargron i.e. why sign that
Gargron it's trustworthy enough
Gargron i wonder if for our purposes we could just wing it and skip json normalization
Gargron just hope that Oj.load -> remove signature subtree -> Oj.dump will be deterministic
Gargron (i am bringing this up in the context of redistributing responses to one's posts, as well as deletes of things you've shared - both innovative features we want, whereas everything else is just aimed at feature parity)
Gargron puckipedia: could you comment please? https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/4607 did i do that fix in error?
timbl joined the channel
puckipedia Gargron: I think I misread the code
ThibG joined the channel
puckipedia here's where the magic happens for ActivityPub and many other related protocols
ThibG so, I hear that https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ isn't exactly current… is there a more recent version around?
puckipedia well, there's been a few changes
puckipedia mostly minor
puckipedia and I guess the standardization of things like how HTTP signatures are used, and accept/reject follow etc aren't quite done yet
puckipedia anyways, https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-9-may-to-present is the Bleeding Edge
ThibG thanks
puckipedia Gargron: I moved to using userId + "#key" for the public key format and always embedding the public key anyways
timbl joined the channel
Loqi [ajordan] RESOLVED: PROPOSED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-01-minutes minutes

timbl joined the channel