#social 2017-08-20
2017-08-20 UTC
ThibG, xmpp-social and eugr joined the channel
eugr puckipedia: you around?
eugr this is waiting for your feedback https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/4630
puckipedia Gargron: I would guess it's fine; didn't test it; I'm assuming FetchRemoteAccountService caches?
puckipedia (I need to fix my desktop as it starts hanging if I run VS2017, the mastodon dev env and my server at the same time)
Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-08-15-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104084&oldid=104067

Gargron puckipedia: i'll wait for you to test it :P
puckipedia groans, turns off all but tweetdeck tabs
Gargron whisphers *switch to linux*
xmpp-social [ajordan] ^^^ ;)
puckipedia once I can get Intel GVT-G working properly
puckipedia I need my hardware accelerated Windows for stuff still
xmpp-social [ajordan] Gargron: what distro do you use?
Gargron ubuntu 16.04
xmpp-social [ajordan] Nice
Gargron i use the gnome 3 desktop tho, not unity
xmpp-social [ajordan] rhiaro: thanks for making that edit; I guess that was my mistake :-)
Gargron it doesn't feel like there is much else still "to do" for AP https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Aactivitypub
xmpp-social [ajordan] ???
Gargron i really really really want to be done with this :'D
puckipedia I'm currently running a Windows insider preview
puckipedia and well trying to do the things I need for running the Mastodon vm crashess
puckipedia like actual BSOD
puckipedia I should test if GVT-G is better now
puckipedia like; this is getting kinda annoying. Also I'm due for redoing my setup
timbl joined the channel
puckipedia okay I can boot up containers; good enough for working on Mastodon etc; but not going to do that today as it's really late
xmpp-social [ajordan] \o/ yay for weddings!!
xmpp-social [ajordan] :-)
puckipedia cwebber2: well, I'll probably msotly use it as virtualisation platform :P
puckipedia and whatever I want to run I'll put it in a VM which runs a better OS but has less compatibility with modern hardware
puckipedia (FreeBSD, Haiku, etc. etc.)
puckipedia also
{"type": "Update", "object": {"id": "status", "sleeping": true}, "actor": "puckipedia"}
xmpp-social [ajordan] puckipedia: Plan 9 ftw!
xmpp-social [ajordan] Night :-)