2017-08-24 UTC
timbl_ and xmpp-social joined the channel
# 14:51 ajordan cwebber2: still not sure, I have to get my class schedule first
# 14:51 ajordan probably not for the whole week regardless; I don't really want to miss an entire week of school in my very first semester ;)
# 15:36 cwebber2 ajordan: TPAC is cool but it's not a traditional conference; probably not worth missing your school for if you don't have something specific to attend
# 15:36 cwebber2 ajordan: it's mostly standards working groups meeting in rooms and discussing things
# 15:37 cwebber2 ajordan: if you go, I'd go for the plenary day only, which is pretty much a big unconference
# 15:37 csarven Hmm.. first week of first semester.. ? I'd definitely miss school and go for TPAC ;)
# 15:38 csarven I guess I'm not helping here.. stay in school ajordan
# 16:12 xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber2: yeah exactly. If SWWG or SocialCG schedules anything that'll change things
# 16:12 xmpp-social [ajordan] csarven: hahahah
# 16:12 xmpp-social [ajordan] Thanks :P