melodycould tags be used like for hashtags and mentions? "tag":[ { "type":"Emoji", "href":"http://emoji.uri/my_custom_emoji.png", "name":":custom_emoji:"}] ?
aaronpkCustom emoji is essentially sharing arbitrary images so maybe the solution is to denote that an image in a post should be styled inline with the text
jaywinkI want to at some point have emoji reactions like on Slack, but that would be an extension for sure. So like likes, but the reaction is an emoji
erincandescent<cwebber2> I guess since the xhtml dream died (:teardrop:) adding a machine-readable custom property for an emoji name is unlikely to work <-- <img data-emoji="foo" src="https://../">?
howl, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
saranixcsarven: emotionml is very interesting. It seems they were developing it at the exact same time that I developed my ontology. Good news is it seems my info can be encoded using these standard without loss (I think)
xmpp-social[ajordan] csarven: I used to hate emoji because I feel like they don't belong in Unicode but now I'm completely hooked on them so I don't know how to feel :P
Gargronoh-oh, i am looking at the implementation report and it has things like "MUST use application/ld+json; profile="blahblah"" for things. mastodon accepts that mime type but i dont think i use it in response headers or request headers, i just use application/activity+json, is that a problem?
erincandescentGargron, cwebber2: Hmm, the spec doesn't /specifically/ state what content type is to be used for server-to-server requests. It probably should