#puckipediaI now have two headers and I don't know where they come from
#puckipediafirefox doesn't seem to use my accept header when checking OPTIONS
#puckipediawoo, my JS renderer is now feature-complete compared to my C# one
#puckipedia(next step is to, instead of rendering into a string, render it into a div managed by a "Renderer", which dynamically updates based on data store updates)
#cwebberbut it seems to me that there isn't any "requirement" in here that there be a digest, and a check that the digest actually matches the body, is there?
#cwebberit seems like you'd want to do that to consistently check that the body is verified through the signature?
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#puckipediacwebber: currently I I do verify that the *header* is correctly signed, but I don't check the value
#puckipediagoing to add that as a middleware before anything else\
#cwebberpuckipedia: I'm not sure what you mean by "check the value"
#puckipedialike, if you sign the digest header, I will check the signature to be valid
#cwebberpuckipedia: you mean that the digest is present and matches?