#social 2017-10-10
2017-10-10 UTC
timbl and rowan joined the channel
Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104629&oldid=104575

xmpp-social, cdchapman, bwn, jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi and timbl joined the channel
@lasseebert TIL: PubSubHubbub is now WebSub and is a W3C-thing. Still in proposal, so changes might be made.
https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/ (twitter.com/_/status/917730548419842048)
ajordan and timbl joined the channel
Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104633&oldid=104629

timbl, cdchapman and eprodrom joined the channel
eprodrom I'm a little surprised that someone got this domain in 2015
eprodrom I just got places.pub and tags.pub
eprodrom I figure they'll make good namespaces for Place and Tag objects
cwebber eprodrom: ha! cool
cwebber I don't remember if ActivityPub was called ActivityPub then
eprodrom ha
cwebber it may have still been ActivityPump
eprodrom cwebber: it wasn't until 2016
cwebber right ok!
eprodrom I think they just were getting <english word>.pub
eprodrom They lucked out!
cwebber :)
cwebber dials in...
eprodrom Oh I should do that
aaronpk too bad we don't have another f2f coming up, we could have organized a https://domainswap.xyz party

Loqi Strugee made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104637&oldid=104633

eprodrom trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/10-social-irc

Zakim joined the channel
cwebber can scribe
cwebber scribenick: cwebber
eprodrom chairnick: eprodrom
eprodrom https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-09-19-minutes <-- review now
eprodrom Zakim, who's here?
eprodrom present+
cwebber +1
cwebber present+
cwebber wah
cwebber that's accurate, I am a port
eprodrom PROPOSED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-09-19-minutes as minutes for 19 Sep 2017 meeting
cwebber +1
eprodrom +1
eprodrom RESOLVED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-09-19-minutes as minutes for 19 Sep 2017 meeting
cwebber eprodrom: next question is November telcon meeting
cwebber ... we have a meeting on the 10th and 24th; Tantek has asked about future meetings which would be 11-1 I believe?
cwebber sandro: No, October 31st
cwebber eprodrom: and then 11-14 I guess?
cwebber sandro: sorry it would be 10-24 and 11-7
cwebber eprodrom: how about we do the 14th and the 28th of November
cwebber sure, fine by me
eprodrom PROPOSED: Telecons on 14 Nov 2017 and 28 Nov 2017 unless others are necessary
cwebber +1
eprodrom +1
eprodrom RESOLVED: Telecons on 14 Nov 2017 and 28 Nov 2017 unless others are necessary
cwebber eprodrom: we'll still have one more meeting before TPAC but while we're still doing admin stuff I wonder if people who are...
eprodrom TOPIC: plans for TPAC
cwebber eprodrom: oh I think we discussed that people who are at TPAC will do a BOF?
tantek joined the channel
cwebber cwebber: yes BOFs, and yes I emailed about CG but haven't heard definitively
cwebber sandro: CGs are happening, follow up
cwebber cwebber: ok
Loqi tantek: ajordan left you a message 1 week, 5 days ago: ugh, IWC NYC looks so fun! probably too late to get train tickets, etc., however I *did* announce it to the folks in the programming institute I was in over my gap year (Recurse Center, https://www.recurse.com/) so hopefully you get some alumni and in-batch folks who show up!

cwebber eprodrom: I assume among the three of you one of you will work out a BoF
cwebber cwebber2: yes
cwebber cwebber: yes
cwebber tantek: I can probably do one, the BOF rules may change this year... I'll explain more later
cwebber eprodrom: I will ask cwebber, are cg members able to join
cwebber tantek: CG would be cutting edge discussions, whereas BoF would be a bit more like what we had in Portugal: more demos of more specs taken to REC, etc... trying to gather interest for the CG
cwebber eprodrom: excellent, so there seem to be reasons to plan both
cwebber tantek: yes, and I'd like someone else to do the BoF
cdchapman joined the channel
cwebber cwebber: I can probably organzie the BoF
eprodrom TOPIC: Mozfest
cwebber eprodrom: I want to talk about another event at the end of the month
cwebber eprodrom: I'm facilitating a discussion about the AP network and where things are. dunno if anyone else is going to be there but wanted to get that out there
cwebber eprodrom: tantek fyi we're doing nov 14th and 28th, is that ok?
cwebber tantek: no objections
eprodrom TOPIC: ActivityPub
cwebber eprodrom: if there's any other admin issues, otherwise we'll move on to AP
cwebber need a new scribe
eprodrom Can we get a temp scribe?
timbl joined the channel
cwebber PROPOSED: Resolve https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/239 by removing mediaUpload and specified behavior from ActivityPub spec proper, move to extension via SocialCG process
cwebber +1
eprodrom +0
cwebber yeah I know
eprodrom actually -0
cwebber but better than getting the wrong one in!
eprodrom RESOLVED: Resolve https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/239 by removing mediaUpload and specified behavior from ActivityPub spec proper, move to extension via SocialCG process
eprodrom q+
eprodrom ack rhiaro
cwebber cwebber: a) clarify that users and actors are not one to one relationship
timbl joined the channel
cwebber cwebber: c) don't add complex User and Actor modeling which will muddy up the spec
eprodrom ack eprodrom
eprodrom data portability story = register your own domain
eprodrom 1 user -> 1 person
eprodrom 1 user -> 1 organisation
eprodrom multiple user -> 1 organisation
eprodrom 1 user -> multiple personae
eprodrom ack aaronpk
cwebber q?
eprodrom q?
cwebber PROPOSED: Resolve https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/260 by clarifying that there is no specific mapping of one user to one actor (and there can be many configurations) in the spec; leave follower migration to SocialCG, and do not add extra modeling of mapping real-world Users to Actors
eprodrom +1
cwebber +1
cwebber yep
eprodrom RESOLVED: Resolve https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/260 by clarifying that there is no specific mapping of one user to one actor (and there can be many configurations) in the spec; leave follower migration to SocialCG, and do not add extra modeling of mapping real-world Users to Actors
cwebber flops back
cwebber scribenick: cwebber
cwebber TOPIC: WebSub
eprodrom TOPIC: WebSub
cwebber thx ajordan
eprodrom ajordan++
cwebber eprodrom: aaronpk where are we at with WebSub
cwebber aaronpk: PR was published Tuesday, which is great news... "what's next" is my question
cwebber sandro: I can take a look at the survey but I think the main thing is to remind people to vote
sandro AC Reps should vote at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/websub-cr/
cwebber do I scribe that about CR votes?
cwebber guesses so
cwebber tantek: if someone could reach out to Google implementors that would be good
cwebber sandro: also Mozilla could vote... anyone else
cwebber sandro: no issues, right aaronpk ?
cwebber aaronpk: nothing new
cwebber eprodrom: are we looking for implementations or looking for them?
cwebber aaronpk: we hit the bar but more is always better
eprodrom ben_thatmustbeme: ?
cwebber eprodrom: I think tantek removed PTD from the discussion, so next is JF2 if ben is here?
eprodrom Zakim, who's here?
cwebber eprodrom: looks like ben_thatmustbeme is not here, so next item is Social Web Protocols
eprodrom ack ajordan
eprodrom q?
cwebber is this ajordan
cwebber or ben
cwebber ajordan: I can say I submitted a lot of issues to JF2 which has been going through implementing some of my patches
cwebber TOPIC: JF2
cwebber tantek: working draft out there is pretty old, if there are improvements we should turn the crank to publish another update
cwebber ajordan: you have to ask ben_thatmustbeme but afaict it's consistent enough to publish a draft, but don't want to speak for ben
cwebber tantek: this may be an instance where if folks want to take a look...
eprodrom q?
cwebber ajordan: looking at the commit history, I don't think there's anything really substantial there; it's mostly just editorial stuff. the one thing is there's a bunch of normative references that were informative before. I guess that's a fix but it was probably obvious
Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104644&oldid=104637

cwebber tantek: that's worth it, last official publication was from ~ 2 months ago so that's worth updating
cwebber tantek: ok AJ I leave it to you to review this document and see if it's good as a WD update
cwebber tantek: I'd like to include your updates/patches/etc
cwebber tantek: let's let folks take a look at it then we could have a proposal at the next telecon
cwebber ajordan: I could also ping Ben
eprodrom TOPIC: SWP
cwebber eprodrom: you had some briding ideas I believe AJ?
cwebber ajordan: yes
cwebber ajordan: this was from a while ago
cwebber tantek: not only that but people have put those ideas into practice in the last few weeks. Ryan aka (snark?) of bridgy fame has put forward bridging between various indieweb protocols and activitypub
cwebber tantek: he's using fed.bridgy to converse on Mastodon
cwebber ajordan: that's phenomenal
cwebber tantek: happy to see evidence of it working, pretty cool
cwebber tantek: that may be worth adding the bridging section to SWP, but it is tying our work together
cwebber ajordan: we could also reach out to mastodon to futher improve interop... I have to check but I think all they need to do is add a config option to add a link to a webmention (?) and that should in theory interop with all indieweb sites
cwebber tantek: wow ok
cwebber tantek: should we file issues / PRs?
cwebber ajordan: yes I filed an issue about it but then I never followed up
cwebber tantek: that's definitely worth a big update
cwebber eprodrom: anything else on SWP?
cwebber q+
eprodrom ack cwebber
cwebber cwebber: SocialCG meeting tomorrow, please show up!
cwebber eprodrom: with that I think we can close it up
cwebber bye everyone
eprodrom trackbot, end meeting
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/10-social-minutes.html trackbot

cwebber ajordan: ah, sucks!
cwebber ajordan: well luckily it's forseen as only being blocked for this semester right? :)
cwebber LDN you mean?
cwebber k :)
cwebber though LDN and AP use the same endpoint and vocabulary so that's more direct interop
cwebber oh yes
cwebber ok
cwebber ok I agree :)
cwebber https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-10-10 topics for the SocialCG tomorrow:
cwebber - mediaUpload
cwebber - follower migration
cwebber - anti-abuse tooling
cwebber - extensions publishing
cwebber I hope people show up because that's a great topic list! :)
eprodrom cwebber: I forgot to ask if you'd talked to Bill Loobey from IBM
eprodrom It might be useful to get an implementation report from him for AP
cwebber eprodrom: I didn't!
Loqi Cwebber2 made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104648&oldid=0

eprodrom Even if it's "we implemented a bunch of stuff that doesn't really map to AP"
cwebber did they implement AP?
cwebber oh :)
eprodrom ajordan: sure
cwebber I don't know who Bill Loobey is
eprodrom He's the IBM guy I intro'd to you by email a few weeks ago
cwebber huh... I don't know I got that
cwebber last intro I got from you was talking to Loris
eprodrom joined the channel
Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104649&oldid=104574

tantek home page updated and next agenda page is up: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-10-24

cwebber X_X
cwebber tantek: thanks for fixing
cwebber that's all my mistake, as usual ;)
Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-24]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104650&oldid=0

Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104651&oldid=104644

cdchapman and timbl joined the channel
JanKusanagi and ajordan joined the channel
xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber: just realized I got the CG times completely wrong lol
xmpp-social [ajordan] I can make them
xmpp-social [ajordan] I've just consistently forgotten :/
cwebber ajordan: heh :)
cwebber ajordan: well tomorrow is a fresh start away :)
rowan joined the channel