#social 2017-10-26
2017-10-26 UTC
rowan joined the channel
cwebber horray it's still connected
cwebber fixed that one
ppppp, sujin, xmpp-social and alanz joined the channel
erincandescent cwebber: I'm not sure I understand the need for a CAS - surely you're signing the "child" object's ID, not the child itself?
rowan and tantek joined the channel
cwebber erincandescent: depends, are you including all the child's data in the signed payload?
cwebber you have the option of doing either
{"object": "https://example.org/foo"}
cwebber vs
{"object": {"id": "https://example.org/foo", "content": "ha ha"}}
alanz joined the channel
cwebber and those *mean* different things:
cwebber did you Create some object at this uri?
cwebber or did you Create a Note that said a specific message?
erincandescent How do linked data signatures even work for this?
cwebber erincandescent: they normalize to triples before signing
cwebber I can explain more later but I have a call
timbl and rowan joined the channel
puckipedia I should really migrate Kroeg to proper JSON-LD
puckipedia if (objElement["@type"].Type == JTokenType.String) Console.WriteLine("BAD PUCK.");
puckipedia ... what was this for
puckipedia "to": "as:Public"
puckipedia I mean yes
puckipedia I should've seen this coming
puckipedia .. okay, I think this primitive JSON-LD in-hacker-y works
puckipedia okay I should've done this a bit earlier I guess. there's a whole lot of places that hard-code the ["type"]
puckipedia lol. I just ran the whole code from start to end, tried to get a user object. result:
{"type": [], "bto": [], "bcc": []}
puckipedia aand I have a hacky JSON-LD added! This should also pave the way for triple-based storage
rowan joined the channel
puckipedia Kroeg now also has each instance use its own @context - https://gist.github.com/puckipedia/918e47d859a8b969b84b0a84c088585d
puckipedia any suggestions/notes?
cwebber done with client stuff for the day, can get back to AP
cwebber puckipedia: I have some code sketched out to show the debug information in the test suite but it's taking longer than expected... I'm going to switch to running the actual tests against your instance and try to make sure things are working right in general
puckipedia right. I just rewrote Kroeg to use JSON-LD so everything is probably broken
timbl joined the channel
cwebber oh :O
cwebber well maybe I should work on adding hte debug stuff after all then
puckipedia haha
puckipedia this should also easily allow for triple storage which is fun
cwebber puckipedia: are you going to CAS your quads too? ;)
puckipedia maaaaybe
cwebber oh
cwebber the whole reason I was like "debugging is gonna be hard to set up" is
cwebber because I am a moron
cwebber I had most of it working
cwebber and I defined new code to return a debug-apclient
cwebber i put that code above where it returned
cwebber and left it returning the normal apclient
cwebber well no wonder it wasn't calling the debug version
puckipedia me: halleluja, it works *two seconds later, after the client loaded the data* welp it broke again
rowan joined the channel
cwebber nice
cwebber okay I've got par tof the debug stuff working
cwebber needs to be prettier :P
puckipedia now I have the issue that it translates 'orderedItems' into 'items'
puckipedia because orderedItems is just items, but as an @list
rowan_, rowan, rowan__ and rowan___ joined the channel
puckipedia "to:talItems": 27
puckipedia I don't know what happened here
cwebber apo:calypse
Gargron hmph
Gargron i need to steam through and implement remote accounts and follow model so cobalt can actually distribute updates
Gargron but i'm kinda meh on that, motivation is intermittent
puckipedia so I think we've all missed a thing in the ActivityPub spec and now my code is hurting
puckipedia https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public compacts into as:Public
puckipedia ... that *is* the Public collection, right
puckipedia yep
puckipedia now I'm trying to find a way to not have JSON-LD do that specific compaction
puckipedia cwebber: ^
puckipedia like. Kroeg won't have any issues with it. but everything else will probably choke on it
eugr joined the channel
cwebber what's wrong with as:Public?
cwebber oh
cwebber I see.
cwebber the spec doesn't point out that it'll compact to as:Public
puckipedia and I'm not sure if anyone realised
cwebber rhiaro: ping
puckipedia oh huh. erincandescent actually did see this coming
puckipedia <p>TODO: New URI? Can we get as:public in the schema or such?</p>
erincandescent I'm slightly sad that Public ended up with a http(s) URI
erincandescent I always felt it should have been an URN or something explicitly not dereferencable
cwebber oop
cwebber erincandescent: yeah that makes sense
cwebber uhm
cwebber well
cwebber I'd say "it's a fragment id" but I'm not happy with that answer
erincandescent You can dereference a thing and go hunting for a fragment
cwebber tbh there's a major downside to both fragments as not-defererenceable things and fragments as embedded-in-something-else using the same URI structure
cwebber yeah
cwebber if there's one thing I wish I could change about the web it would be to have some way to set a bit declaring which of those is meant :P
erincandescent Meanwhile something like urn:w3c:activitystreams:public would be very explicitly not dereferencable but also involve major standards organization wrangling at this point (becasue e.g. urn:w3c doesn't exist)
cwebber erincandescent: you're right
cwebber harumph
puckipedia tbh I'd be okay with
{"Public": "as:Public"}
as I don't think many other IDs in audience will be mangled#
cwebber yeah I think it'd be "fine" if people knew to look for it
puckipedia put it in the spec, and also make it the canonical URI to use? also then we need to somehow fix Mastodon because yeah that won't interoperate anymore
cwebber :\
cwebber well
cwebber I mean technically the spec isn't wrong
xmpp-social [ajordan] It's just underspecified
cwebber it isn't informing people of this issue though
cwebber and that is a problem
xmpp-social [ajordan] I wonder what tantek's thoughts will be
puckipedia .. should I make an issue on the github?
xmpp-social [ajordan] Normally I'd assume he'd be against it because it'd break existing impls
xmpp-social [ajordan] But that's only because the spec isn't clear enough and they're technically violating spec (kinda?)
puckipedia if you assume the data that's sent has to be compacted JSON-LD, then yes
puckipedia I guess Mastodon can slowly ease in a fix
cwebber I think that's probably the best route, get other implementations to add support
cwebber we aren't changing *spec* behavior, but we do need to bring other implmentations up to current behavior
puckipedia https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/264
rowan_, rowan and JanKusanagi joined the channel
cwebber puckipedia: debug functionality added!
cwebber but it's ugly as effff
cwebber I need to clean it up
puckipedia nice
cwebber oh and I just broke it of course, lol
cwebber fixed
cwebber there
cwebber now it's prettier
cwebber puckipedia: https://test.activitypub.rocks/ give it a swing
cwebber I should probably make it so you can click-to-expand them
cwebber instead of displaying the whole thing
cwebber but time is limited etc
puckipedia I'm quickly adding a quirk into the JSON-LD compacter
puckipedia quirk is needed for Mastodon compat :<
cwebber ;<
puckipedia until the PR I mentioned is merged
puckipedia aaand making a post errors
puckipedia forgot to update this to new ASTerm syntax
cwebber puckipedia: well all the tests run though the one that's "inconclusive" looks like it's because my thing gets confused when it got the 403 again
cwebber puckipedia: the debug info does sem helpful
cwebber (running against your server)
cwebber anyway, also pleasantly, it no longer times out
cwebber (the websocket connection)
cwebber so anyway
puckipedia okay I think I got the quirk in the right place
puckipedia cwebber: hm, I'll try in a bit
cwebber hopefully that's helpful for you to test both your thing and to tell me which issues are my fault :)
cwebber when you turn on debugging mode it gets verrry verbose. Again, I need to add click-to-expand
cwebber but you should have useful data at least!
cwebber does a bit of css styling to make it more readable
puckipedia wow I think everything broke with my JSON-LD changes
puckipedia cwebber: HEY WHERE'S YOUR @CONTEXT :<
puckipedia well I need to probably be able to parse non-@context objects
puckipedia but that's what everything exploded on on the new thing
puckipedia cwebber: aha, the "An indecisive note" fails because there's no actor on the Create
puckipedia same with the Follow, etc
puckipedia cwebber: wow that http debugging is so useful
puckipedia seriously. really helps!
puckipedia going to bed. hopefully that helps, cwebber :P
cwebber puckipedia: wowee is it not there
cwebber yeah I guess it wasn't because implied context which is not good enough full ack :D
cwebber puckipedia: I'll deal with it tomorrow.
cwebber glad the http debugging is helpful
cwebber puckipedia: and yeah I guess I should do "the most correct thing" on this :)
cwebber rather than the minimally acceptable thing ;)
cwebber puckipedia: thanks for all your help testing :)